Post yfw brexit changed NOTHING

its been like a month and nothing changed guess you guys are still IN

Of course, it will take roughly two years to complete.

wtf i hate brexit now

Why are dumb fuck Yanks allowed to open their mouth about shit they know nothing about. Why can't we put Americans in 24 hour concentration camps and force them to get an education above retardation.

It's over for Anglo prosperity, they all know it now. I can't wait to buy land there and make subservient Anglo scum my servants.

Stop. NOW.

Watch your mouth when talking to Americans. We are literally the most important country in the world, and the fact that you have the AUDACITY to even CONSIDER insulting my fellow brother makes me sick to my stomach.

this post deserved trips

guys what did he mean by this?

That sounds like hard work. I think you should just take a siesta and chill or something.

we wouldnt let em educate us like that, our guns done scared em off

>Says a country that has been in economic depression for way over 15 years
If I want a lesson on economics it most certainly will NOT be from a Spaniard.

Thank you for you input though, how about you try fixing your own economy first?

Sound like a plan? Or do you need another siesta to think it over?

> American asshole doesn't understand the situation
> makes joke anyway
> 'Lol Britbongs you really fucked up'

Fuck off. We owned you. You traitorous colonial savage .

You okay there?

Most of them are spics and niggers
Just let them be

We're going to be your only fucking friends soon. Two years to get out of the EU is a joke.

> makes fun of Anglo prosperity
> is from spain
> spanish debt is 93.9% of GDP

Fuck off, You don't even know what prosperity is.


I suppose it must be hard for the poor dears, locked in their cucksheds whilst Latish fucks Jamal and breeds a black child.

Their only venting outlet is on Sup Forums and nations that discourage this sort of disgusting behaviour, nations that do not allow niggers into number 10.

Quite sad really, America has my sympathies.

I love America, watching all the funny shit go down, trump,blm, radical left and so on will fuel my troll boner for years to come.

Your country is a joke

>Two years to get out of the EU is a joke.

Get the fuck out of my country you fucking retard.

We used to be a great country. People were actually educated. We made leaps and bounds of scientific progress.

Now we have retards like you infecting our country. Fuck off.

Another broken American home, it makes my heart ache it really does.

Poor darlings.

It's not the first time you've been back-stabbed by socialist savages. Maybe this time you'll call up the Russo-American alliance sooner.

Don't care we've never been liked
You better keep your mouth shut too because when it comes to trump nobody bloody likes him

Look at this young couple, only in their early 20's and the botox has cemented a smile of better years in them.

I weep.

every-few-monthly-reminder that only 36% of 18-24 year olds voted in the EU ref

reminder that they're upset "their future was stolen from them"

Without our chavs, your country would go broke.

America is not our friend, you are the massive dumb fuck henchmen we keep on a leash. When we need things done we clap our hands and watch as you fuck it up.

HA, america thinks they have any right to meddlin in anything to do with the east or in europe. tell us anyone. we just want to watch you go full retard and vote for a clearly corupt president for all the wrong reasons.

Lmao, your country is controlled by Jews and their brainwashing media, telling everyone that being sure about 9001 genders is okay and totally not a mental illness.

Fucking hell I hate it that I'm in that age bracket

Emphasis on the owned. Until you didn't. Suck my freedom boner, bong.

The fucking dog knows.

Even the fucking dog.

nineth post best post

>past tense

where have you been for the last 240 years? britain hasn't been relevant in forever

ITT: amicunt doesn't understand anything





we voted, but we still have to take in refugees, because we still kind of joined in with bombing the fuck out of there country.

Why do Britbongs love this word so much? Do they have a period fetish?

Watch your mouth there boy or we'll install Hillary as your new Queen.

Saint Nigel seems to approve of the Don.

2 years pablo, 2 years and then we can start making deals with Hillary.

Are you retarded? Britain was the most powerful country before ww2

The french won that war don't you ever forget it we would have made you our slaves if we desired.

We do have the right to meddle in anything european related. That is what the bottom bitch of the west is meant to us.

That's because Socialists hate Britain

'Muh Freedom' You had to get the French to help you out you pussy

> Britain hasn't been relevant in forever

We fucking made you. Don't ever forget that. You haven't been around forever either. There are pubs in England older than America.

>you are the massive dumb fuck henchmen we keep on a leash.

You fucking island-dwellers can't do shit to us. Go back to sipping your tea, cunt.

>American speaks on things he doesn't understand and makes himself look a retard in the process

Nothing new it seems

Good morning.

No I literally have a fetish for cumming on tits and making american dogs like you lick it off

Please don't delude yourself

bait installed let them fall LELELELELELELE

Tfw people reply without sageing.

You know Hilary is gonna be your president right? You are about to elect a feminist as your leader how the mighty have fallen.

congrats on achieving independence 240 years after we did

>The only country that will be your friend after Brexit
>Ridicule us

Fuck off Sweden. Go back to being raped by a Muslim and enjoying it. Enjoy being a third world country by 2025





>Americans ridicule Brits more

what are you gonna do? drive an automatic assult boat into are island?

Sure Muhammed, got prepped my sister for you already :^)

I don't understand this meme are you trying to say we wuz in the EU 240 years ago?
It wouldn't surprise me

Stop electing fucking lefties and liberals. They killed your country

>bomb their country
>invite them in

I don't see the point of infighting when we have kikes and shitskins to worry about.

I guess that is the European way though.

We seems to hate ourselves and other Europeans more than any outside people.

hahahahahaha siesta!!!!



If Shillary gets in, i doubt we'll be friends.

This island has more economical ties in this world and allies than your hated retardland. We let you all live on the hopes that you would deal with the nigger problem!. But look what's happening we are going to nuke you.

Someone get the turk to post the dead american soldiers!

When she loses the Don will put her in charge of your post-EU reconstruction.

awww, but I enjoy your dick in my ass Ali!

jajajajajajajajajauajauajajajajajajajauauauauajajauau TRAITE LOS ME MES GUEY CHALE ¡¡¡!!!

tbf the UK and US have more in common than the UK does with the rest of Europe.

Fuck off Amerifat go back to crying about Shillary deluded cunt

NATO has the right, BTFO

You yanks are so fucking in debt to even talk to us "islanders" at least we're not cucks like you guys who are almost having a criminal as president. I'm going to enjoy seeing our prime minister blackmail Hillary Clinton. She will ruin you guys.

Should have never left us America. You are nothing without us.

Land of the free. What utter bullshit. More like the land of the cucks where you can't even live your own lives without being in debt. Have fun having Hillary you idiots.

I hoped you guys will have Trump. Then at least you guys will have our respect but Hillary.

A criminal. A damn criminal is trying to be president.

You guys are insane.

We were man enough vote Brexit.

Let's see if you yanks are man enough to vote Trump.

Or become cucks and vote Hillary.

By the time you fucking bongs get your shit together your country will have changed its name to New Pakistan

Lol this is the problem the UK is facing. Most of its citizens believe that the UK is one of the big superpowers on the planet. Its sadly not. If you call for the US to help you they wont come. If you call the europeans for help. They wont come no more. Basically everyone in the whole world hates you and you keep fucking up more and more. Im gonna open my pack of chips and enjoy the show of watching your country burn down.

Just stop mate you're making yourself look bad.

You aren't even funny anymore. Fuck off.

Jesus, where the fuck do you live? Commiefornia?

Mexico is a shithole. Get ready to pay for the wall shitheads.

>There are pubs in England older than America.
top keks

I can't imagine why.

(pic related my DNA results)

>debt is a bad thing

when will this meme stop for fucks sake, debt it vital for a functioning economy bong

Nah I think he will give her to Putin as a fuck toy to celebrate Russia and America being bffs

> UK
> going to burn down
> Muslim rape crisis in germany

Pretty sure you're fucked. Not us.

Why the hell are Germany here. You guys should be worrying about your women being raped by migrants and not reporting about it because their too much into lunacy left they are.

Germans are invaded by migrants you guys are finished. Go away and sort yourselves out, you losers!

You're country is already burning and I am already enjoying a nice drink watching it.

WAS....... BEFORE...........i mean i guess at least like 240 years ago majbe.... but nothing you can be proud of all your generation has archieved and the one before you and the one before you is basically nothing. About 250 years ago your power in the world has rapidly decreased and its still doing it. You are on a downspinning path and the funny thing is you think its still 250 years ago. Enjoy

Sad to see so much hatred towards the greatest country even conceived.

Really makes you think about the current state of affairs across the globe.

Is it really that bad? To NOT be an American? I mean...I couldn't even think about not being must be truly HORRIBLE to be a citizen of another country. How can you live such a backwards life?

we made the EU, and then people started twisting it, so we left the EU.

Shhh. We don't talk about Ukraine. We took their nukes and ran,

Brexit will bring changes. Just not the ones that the leavers want.

>Spanish people
>Buying land anywhere

Maybe when you get a job.

So basically never.

Why are Germans allowed to speak to us Brits like that, we decimated you twice and made you sign a agreement to say for all of time you are beneath us.

> germany
> bringing up WW2


1 world cup and 2 world wars do da do da. 1 world cup and 2 world wars do do do da day.

Germany is an eternal embarrassment to Europe

If you were a stronger people they might respect you. Having to run off to get your neighbors to beat them up isn't very dignified.

same thing we did to india... and most the world at that. the best part is india still wants to be under british rule, because it would mean poos in loos.

You wouldn't have made it without support from the United States.

England came within a slip of fate from falling under German occupation.

France and Belgium are cancer too.