Why are millennials substituting real life with TV shows?

Why are millennials substituting real life with TV shows?

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instead of what? getting brendan'd? getting riley'd?

It's called life, Nancy. Now suck it up and get out of the house.

Seeing those girls makes me wish I was born gay

Nietzsche was right

Guy in the back is not looking :D
And they have two jesuses :DD

Fuck you

that is so fucking ridiculous

Because real life is scary for them

What did he say? Was it about the 2 dudes cuddling the same girl?

Even God was crying ;-;

Who has the version with the tiger?

me on the left

I care less about the fact that their reaction is so over the top - some people are just fags - than I care about the fact that it's to such a garbage show.

Yeah working 14 hours a day and having kids at a young age is better.

I want this type of reaction from people when I die

Nah he said something about niggers

Gen X going on midlife crisis detected!

Don't you mean millennial women?


they're acting for the camera

I like how there's a guy in the back doing his own thing, even has his own Jesus poster


>somebody actually got paid to make this up

why do millennials complain about other millennials? unless you're under 17 or over like 35, you're a millennial

>normies didn't realize Glenn died in 2012

>two blacks guys
>three white girls
>one white boy

So, who fucks the third girl because it's not the white boy that's for sure.

Neither of those guys are black.

What were they reacting to in the original version?

It's just 19-20 year olds on Sup Forums complaining about "kids" that are only slightly younger them.

>the death of religion will lead to a people bereft of meaning or purpose in their life
>they will also have no moral framework

Get out of here with your logic

>that guy in the back not giving a fuck

Do people seriously care what happens to fictional characters?

so spics. whatever.

Where is the youtube video?


they're all brazilians

We fucking hate each other.

i don't get reaction videos.

i don't care if you got teary eyed during the new Star Wars teaser.

fuck you.

>no generation of people has ever engaged in escapism before this one

I thought millenials didn't watch Sup Forums?

They don't care about you. They care about the money.

That's a mirror of the guy in the middle.

I don't care for your reddit spacing.

>dude in the back not even looking at the screen


This webm is funny as fuck. I find pleasure in the suffering of these stupid cunts.


They're filming themselves reacting to a TV show, you don't think they're going to be in full on histrionic mode? How naive are you?


look at this badass

>look at this badass

>Tfw the local movie theater installed webcams with live 24/7 streaming feed to capture audiences reactions to the latest Capeshit or Star Wars

sick burn

That looks like a good doggo

1. people been posting like that on Sup Forums since forever
2. the fact that you know how people type on reddit proves that you are the redditor