718th most popular site on the web

>718th most popular site on the web
>Guys, Hilary is paying millions for people to troll us

You guys do realize it's just the exact same people posting "can't stump the Trump" a month ago who just decided the Trump Trolling got stale.

Sure, he still has his rural base, but the "alt right" was just a long troll a lot of you took too seriously, like Kek

Other urls found in this thread:

docquery.fec.gov/cgi-bin/fecimg/?_201607159020655318 0

You are completely retarded.

I see you don't have the original pic

What is (((TRS)))?

>"can't stump the Trump"

Started a year ago... not much has changed.

>thinks 718 is low out of literally millions


Do you think even 718 people work there? At best someone gives a cursory glance at Sup Forums once a week


718th sounds high.
You don't need to pay millions, like 20-30 people could probably do it, and that wouldn't cost millions.

Proof of correct the record bombarding this board

>liking Trump is just a meme, can't believe Sup Forumstards fell for it, hurr durr
>14 million votes
>g-guys this is just a joke seriously, can't believe you guys are still falling for the Trump meme

Wow, a fake post with no proof. Now I'm convinced.

Thank you for correcting the record.

>haha, how important do you think this place is, nobody even knows about you, hehe
>CNN Breaking News: Sup Forums nazi frogs are stealing this election from the establishment

Oh I believe Trump has real supporters, but here it's just trying to pump up the most annoying candidate, and Hil is winning in that category so she is winning in Sup Forums

I mean rankings. OP seems to be implying that merely the "718th most popular site on the web" is somehow LOW on the list. Like there's a thousand websites total.
This place is not only comparatively high up on the chart, but the format is important too.
IE: Craig's List is more popular, but I'm not sure how you'd "engineer" your narrative there, unless you're putting out want ads for votes.

>but here it's just trying to pump up the most annoying candidate
Lurk moar, shill. This place has been right wing for a long time. I know that you've been brainwashed by Jon Stewart into thinking that right-wing = annoying, but you're just projecting your own personality onto Sup Forums

You're right, there was a complete shift in opinion in what is funny, concurrent but totally unrelated to a six fold increase in a known pro Clinton online super pac and allegations of collusion.

Nowadays dumping commentary on Hillary Clinton with statistics and citations is all the rage. Roleplaying as a liberal globalist Tumblr pussy by spamming thread after thread with anti Trump propaganda, but without any humor or even feigning attempt at dank memes. Yes this is definitely typical Sup Forums behavior

Mmm, it used to be libertarian, really the opposite of the current pseudo-natsoc culture. U lurk moar.

>Guys, Hilary is paying millions for people to troll us

This website contribute alot damage for Democratic party and include hilary , you can pay shekel for media to shilling but you can't do it on Sup Forums.


>fake post with no proof
Are you blind?

Are you saying I'm a woman? I'm not...

>engineering a counter-shitpost-shitpost image to create doubt that CTR doesn't exist here
Right, because most Sup Forumsacks have the time or energy to do that. Fuck off shill.

Yeah, you are right. I bet they shill on the more popular sites.
Like google.
Or twitch.
Or youporn.

You guys know that we can smell normies from a mile away?

>Sup Forumsacks have the time or energy to do that.

How new are you? You know this is 4 chan right.

Iam not saying it's fake or anything but you have to be either new or retarded to not know what people will do just for lulz or (You)s

God I wish I was twelve again.

A swede with a proxy or an attention seeking roastie? place your bets now.

the fact that ANYONE is spending ANY time and ANY money HERE, of all places, you can extrapolate just HOW FUCKING MUCH is being spent on the #1 through #10 sites.



You cannot shill some sites.

It's not like you can flood motherless with pro-hillary porn or spam pro-hillary donations in a twitch stream.

wanna see how many people work for CTR?

docquery.fec.gov/cgi-bin/fecimg/?_201607159020655318 0

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign, amirite?


Spread these links, whenever you see a shill thread.

I don't doubt they are out there, but I severely doubt they pay any attention to this rat hole. I bet their attention split is 90% FB, 10% Twitter/Insta

They already know the Sup Forums demographic would never bother to go out and vote

Neither, but you won't process being wrong and will just say I'm lying so...

Wow, the reverse troll-shilling is getting better.