What will happen after 8 years of Trump?

after he is elected,what will happen next?

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Pax Romana: America edition

they will go back

not when he is elected.
i'm talking about AFTER he is elected and his run on presidency ends.

you mean after his term, then?

exactly britbong


I'd would probably be better if Hillary got elected. Democrats need to handle the result of their shitty Keynesian policies themselves, not blame it on the ones that allow economy to reallocate to something useful except of government handouts.

you can get the fuck out of here right now you piece of shit.

It'll be quite beautiful

Riots and lots of them. Once the I hate America food stampers realize noone wants them outside the US they will Riot. Gridlock will be common and disorder will be rampant. Trumps 1st year as president will be gaining control over the chaos. After that I have no idea

What evidence do you have that Trump will be elected?

>talking PC in a PI board

I will make pure Aryan children with my boyfriend during Trump's reign. MAGA

Don Jr.

It will be illegal to eat chicken without a knife and fork

You know, you're right. I'm #shillingforhill now, thank you for Correcting the Record™ with your insightful post.

>$0.05 has been deposited into your account

>My dog will be breaking the law once I move there

Tits or gtfo

A coalition made up of the US, Russia, Japan, and select individuals from Europe, Austrailia, New Zealand, and other white or otherwise civilized cultures will set off for Mars, leaving earth to to be consumed by Muslims.


>he gives chicken to his dog
It's fucking true that non-whites hate dogs then!

After 8 years of Trump I bet we will see a hard left pendulum swing.

What is the Leftiest equivlient of Trump?

America will finally be great again.

>He will not be elected
>neither Killary

seems to be that usa will be moving up in the next roundabout of the samsara wheell,
They are awaking to the illusion of duality.
Pic related saw it kikebook and also in 9gay

How many months until the real elections?

I'm asking a valid question.

You aren't suggesting that asking an honest question means that someone is a shill now, are you?

Thank you for answering.

Now, what "logic" would that be?

There will be no left after 8 years of Trump. He will be followed by Don Jr, then Eric, then Ivanka, then Barron.

Clinton can't break 100 people at her rallies, Trump breaks 10,000 easy and has gotten up to 35,000 in certain places. Trump is backed by a movement, by an idea, that the power should no longer be owned by the establishment, by the special interest lobbyist, by the foreign donors, instead restored to the people.

People can tell the medias bias and in all likelihood it pushes more people to Trump.

>Clinton can't break 100 people at her rallies,
You mean 1, cherry picked rally that the trump supporters harp on?

> Trump breaks 10,000 easy
Are you referring to the Colorado Springs event where the fire marshal denied Trump supporters entry?

>and has gotten up to 35,000 in certain places.
Yes, I'm sure at certain large venues Trump does get many people.
Just because the faithful come out to a rally does not mean Trump will win the election.

> Trump is backed by a movement, by an idea, that the power should no longer be owned by the establishment, by the special interest lobbyist, by the foreign donors, instead restored to the people.
>People can tell the medias bias and in all likelihood it pushes more people to Trump.
An opinion based on a feeling. That's what you're basing your claim that Trump will win the election?



Wall built. Mexican illegals BTFO'd. Less crime and cocaine in the border states. Democrats butthurt about losing their flow of easy vote cows.

American economy becomes more insular, less having to deal with lead/toxins in baby products from China.

Wages go up.

More money saved on foreign expenses as Yurop is forced to pay for its own defense.

ISIS bases will be bombed into dust. They'll probably still exist in some form, but not as potent as before.

The US is less dependent on Arab oil, since we will be free to use our own oil, and part of Canada's if Trudeau isn't being tsundere. We'll start investing in thorium reactors to be even more efficient and independent.

The 2nd Amendement and speech laws will be secure, since that old leftist hag kike Ginsberg will die-off or retire, as well as other leftists on the Supreme Court, and Trump will stock the Supreme Court with nationalists and Constitutionalism. SJWs and there safe spaces will be BTFO'd as US speech law shifts away from political correctness BS.

CNN and MSNBC will get BTFO'd like Hulk Hogan did to Gawker, once libel laws are expanded, and Trump's DOJ cracks-down on the leftist media/DNC collusion of false propaganda.

Goldman Sachs exposed for the DNC-supporting globalist kikes they are. Federal Reserve chairman board forced to resign, and replaced with a new board, and system of appointment based on elections and term limits. No more kike bankers controlling the US economy.

He's one of the two that have any chance of it.

Him getting in is far from outside the realms of possibility.

Blending is the more humane death. This comic is dumb.

>8 Years of Trump
>mfw burgers in eternal denial they are becoming Brzil 2.0 in 4 years or so

Someone between Obama and Chairman Mao.


>8 years of trump
4 years followed by a moderate candidate from the republicans and one who isn't a psychopath from the democrats

there is no way in hell trump does 8 years


No, that's just the most recent

>Are you referring to the Colorado Springs event where the fire marshal denied Trump supporters entry?

I'm talking about every rally of his for at least the last 6 months, probably longer.

>Yes, I'm sure at certain large venues Trump does get many people.
Just because the faithful come out to a rally does not mean Trump will win the election.

It's a damn good indicator, way more so of cooked polls with only a couple hundred people.

>An opinion based on a feeling. That's what you're basing your claim that Trump will win the election?

No that is an opinion based on fact. Hitlary is 100% bought and paid for, Trump is owned by no one.

>He's one of the two that have any chance of it.
So it's at best 50/50?

>Him getting in is far from outside the realms of possibility.
Based on what evidence?

Because so far...I've seen nothing to suggest that Trump will win.

And before you or someone else claim it, no I'm not a Hillary supporter. I'm just not a Trump (or for that matter election) supporter either.

So true. They are about to elect the same corrupt puppeted woman we elected two years ago. Except we managed to prosecute ours.

You will see a surge in new businesses starting up. Unemployment will go down.

Anyone with Home Depot stock will become millionaire because WALL.

>No, that's just the most recent
So Clinton has had many other rallies where she filled up to capacity?

>I'm talking about every rally of his for at least the last 6 months, probably longer.
So every single rally has had 10k to 30k people? No, they haven't.

The Colorado Springs rally was 1.5K

Trump gave out 10k tickets...then blamed the fire marshal for not letting them all in a venue that only held 1.5k.

>It's a damn good indicator, way more so of cooked polls with only a couple hundred people.
So you're dismissing the polling out of hand but accepting rallies as a means of success based on a flawed perception of them?

>No that is an opinion based on fact.

>Hitlary is 100% bought and paid for,
Yes, she has the DoJ, the FBI, the White House and the MSM in her back pocket. Tell me how that will somehow keep her from winning.

>Trump is owned by no one.
Except Sheldon Adelson.

Because people want Trump and hate hitlary. If you left your shill infested echo chamber more often you would realize this. Give me one reason why anyone would vote for, when she wants to raise taxes on thr middle class, increase syrian refugeed by over 500% , go forward with TPP, and continue the psychotic policied of aggresive interventionist policy of endless war?

Go watch Clinton Cash and get back to us, kid.

>So it's at best 50/50?

If you were voting between two wooden planks it would be, but these are people with personalities and policies. though I can't give you an exact number, given that I'm not clairvoyant.

>Based on what evidence?
He's a popular candidate among those that support him, and those supporters are a significant percentage of the US population. Immigration is a big issue, and many see him as the only one serious about doing anything meaningful about it.

There is precedent for this. Immigration won it for our European referendum despite every "expert" predicting it going the other way and the media all shilling against it for everything they're worth, calling all supporters of leaving racist small minded bigots, and worse - Much the same with Trump.

Obviously the UK is not the USA, but I don't think it's an unfair comparison.

In 8 years you'll have had your kids and be at home raising them.

Your tits will be saggy and your boyfriend will be fucking someone else, while beating your ass for even glancing at other men.

You helped make America great again.

>So Clinton has had many other rallies where she filled up to capacity?

Name one where she didn't have to pay people to attend

>So every single rally has had 10k to 30k people? No, they haven't.

Yes they have.

>Trump gave out 10k tickets...then blamed the fire marshal for not letting them all in a venue that only held 1.5k.

This, from the same state that went full damage control and refused to allow people to vote because it was going to be a blow out for Trump.

>So you're dismissing the polling out of hand but accepting rallies as a means of success based on a flawed perception of them?

It's not flawed, it's the most unflawed perception you could ask for. Trump gets hundreds of thousands of people to attend his rallies all across the nation, but we should be concerned by a hand picked couple hundred that are used to reach a favorable outcome for hillary? Yeah fuck off

>Yes, she has the DoJ, the FBI, the White House and the MSM in her back pocket. Tell me how that will somehow keep her from winning.

The American people

>Because people want Trump and hate hitlary.
Not according to the polls.

Trump is trailing in the polls.
Trump is still less favorable than Hillary.

>If you left your shill infested echo chamber more often you would realize this.
I'm not a leftist. I'm not a Hillary supporter. I'm not CTR either. I'm just not a Trump supporter.

> Give me one reason why anyone would vote for, when she wants to raise taxes on thr middle class, increase syrian refugeed by over 500% , go forward with TPP, and continue the psychotic policied of aggresive interventionist policy of endless war?
Because people who'd vote for Hillary don't base their support on facts, logic or truth.
Leftists have never allowed facts to get in the way of their support.

Just as your claims that "trump will win this election" are not based in anything other than personal opinion.

>Go watch Clinton Cash and get back to us, kid.
I'm not a Conservative Republican.

She said Aryan not black

>He's a popular candidate among those that support him, and those supporters are a significant percentage of the US population.
So is Hillary.
And by the looks of it, she has more support according to the polling.

>he thinkgs trump will win

I described 50's suburban utopia.
No non aryans needed.

Congress votes him full power and ends democracy


>trump winning
I think you mean 4 terms of Obama

this post was not in vain, every shill you take down lets a dozen others see the truth

>Not according to the polls.

"MUH POLLS" the shill cries. Polls are extremely easy to manipulate to create a favorable outcome. Why is every poll with hillary winning more democrats are polled?

>I'm not a leftist. I'm not a Hillary supporter. I'm not CTR either. I'm just not a Trump supporter.

Lying fuck

>Because people who'd vote for Hillary don't base their support on facts, logic or truth.
Leftists have never allowed facts to get in the way of their support.

They also don't vote in high numbers

>Just as your claims that "trump will win this election" are not based in anything other than personal opinion.

Facts and logic*

>I'm not a Conservative Republican.

Yeah, I got that retard. Why should only Conservative Republicans be made aware of Clintons crookedness and political corruption?

>Name one where she didn't have to pay people to attend

>Yes they have.
No, they haven't. If you have the proof that every single Trump rally has been 10k-30k people, post it.

>This, from the same state that went full damage control and refused to allow people to vote because it was going to be a blow out for Trump.
Sorry, but you're wrong.


There were 1k-1.5k people in the building, there was a separate venue for another 1k to watch on tv if they wished. Trump gave 10k tickets out for a venue that cold not hold 10k.

So you of course believe everything Trump says and claim that he had 10k people there. When he didn't.

>It's not flawed, it's the most unflawed perception you could ask for. Trump gets hundreds of thousands of people to attend his rallies all across the nation, but we should be concerned by a hand picked couple hundred that are used to reach a favorable outcome for hillary? Yeah fuck off
You are actually basing your claim that "trump will win the election"

>The American people
So how are you going to overcome Hillary rigging the election?

Then why can't her rallies break 100 people if she's so popular? Doesn't add up hill shill

Thank you

You're saying it like it'll be any different if Clinton is elected.

>So is Hillary.

I wouldn't go that far. Many of her "supporters" and just scared of what they've been told about Trump. That he's about to bring about the 4th Reich and fire up the gas chambers for anyone who can't prove with documentation that they're 100% white.

There's also what's known here as the "shy Tory effect". Basically declaring yourself a conservative is in large parts of the country here on par with admitting that you murder children for fun in your spare time. As such many will not publicly admit to it, but will, crucially, *vote* for them in the privacy of the voting booth. Trump would fall into this category, not to much Hillary.

>"MUH POLLS" the shill cries. Polls are extremely easy to manipulate to create a favorable outcome. Why is every poll with hillary winning more democrats are polled?
So you dismiss all evidence out of hand proving Trump is trailing but then turn right around and claim that "rallies" instead will prove he wins.

>Lying fuck
You can claim I'm lying all you want. I've told you the truth. If you can't accept it, that's on you.

>They also don't vote in high numbers
They voted in high enough numbers to give them the election in the last two elections. And that was opposing candidates that were nowhere near as divisive as Trump is.

>Facts and logic*
But you don't have any facts.

All you have are

"big" rallies = landslide victory

>Yeah, I got that retard. Why should only Conservative Republicans be made aware of Clintons crookedness and political corruption?
I never suggested that.

I fully admit Hillary is a crooked criminal who should be in jail (and yet you'll still call me a leftist).

>Then why can't her rallies break 100 people if she's so popular
And you're claiming that every single Hillary rally is "only 100 people" when it's obviously a bullshit claim.

I'm not a Hillary supporter and even I admit that her rallies are more than 100 people each.

I'm also not so disingenuous to use one photo from one rally to claim "it's every Hillary rally"

>Name one where she didn't have to pay people to attend
>literally can't do it

She had to pay actors to fill seats at the DNC and drown out bernie supporters. That's how big of a joke she is.

>No, they haven't. If you have the proof that every single Trump rally has been 10k-30k people, post it.

Yes they have, I've been watching the rallies, you haven't. Do your own homework.

>There were 1k-1.5k people in the building
>hillary can't break 100 people

So even Trumps weakest rally has way more people than average hillary rally. Hmmm that teally made me think

>You are actually basing your claim that "trump will win the election"

And you're basing your claim that he won't off polls with only a couple hundred people that fails to represent Trumps popularity

>So how are you going to overcome Hillary rigging the election?

By not taking it lying down like a dog. The Trump campaign will address this so I don't have to do anything

>I wouldn't go that far.
I would.

>Many of her "supporters" and just scared of what they've been told about Trump. That he's about to bring about the 4th Reich and fire up the gas chambers for anyone who can't prove with documentation that they're 100% white.
Because liberals beliefs are based on their feelings.
And that kinda shit works on them. Hillary is going to get a vast majority of the black, latino, homosexual and woman vote based on feelings.

>So you dismiss all evidence out of hand proving Trump is trailing but then turn right around and claim that "rallies" instead will prove he wins.

What evidence? The rigged polls? Yeah I think 10,000-30,000 people attending his rallies on a weakly basis is a better measure.

>You can claim I'm lying all you want. I've told you the truth. If you can't accept it, that's on you.

I don't have to accept anything you retarded leftist shill

>They voted in high enough numbers to give them the election in the last two elections. And that was opposing candidates that were nowhere near as divisive as Trump is

That was against Obama and McCain & Romney were puppets to give the notion of opposition. This election is not compareable.

>"big" rallies = landslide victory

Implying this isn't a fact

>I fully admit Hillary is a crooked criminal who should be in jail (and yet you'll still call me a leftist).

So why don't you watch Clinton Cash? Or is educating yourself on candidates only for Conservatives?

>And you're claiming that every single Hillary rally is "only 100 people" when it's obviously a bullshit claim.

And yet you can't come up with a single rally where she broke 100 without paying people to put their ass in a seat

>She had to pay actors to fill seats at the DNC and drown out bernie supporters. That's how big of a joke she is.
and thus you're claiming that there is zero hillary support based on circumstantial evidence.

>Yes they have, I've been watching the rallies,
So you counted the number of people in each?

>you haven't.
I don't watch any political rallies.

>Do your own homework.
I already posted an article that proved you wrong. You refused to even open the article.

>So even Trumps weakest rally has way more people than average hillary rally. Hmmm that teally made me think
The doublethink is strong with you.

You claimed earlier in this thread that every single trump rally of the last 6 months was 10-30k people.
Now you're admitting that he gets about 1.5k people...

>And you're basing your claim that he won't off polls with only a couple hundred people that fails to represent Trumps popularity
But if/when those polls show trump ahead, you fully support them.

>And you're basing your claim that he won't off polls with only a couple hundred people that fails to represent Trumps popularity
If Trump was as popular as you claim then those polls would reflect it.

>The Trump campaign will address this so I don't have to do anything
Exactly. You actually think that voting solves problems. You don't want to lift a finger to save your people.
You're a coward.
Worse than that...You're a Conservative Republican Trumpcuck

>vast majority of the black, latino, homosexual and woman


When he gets a second term, I would be surprised if he authorises a mission to mars.

She does have that goes for her, it's true, but that just brings it back to "either/or".

Hillary has muh feels and the establishment behind her, Trump has an angry groundswell of the disaffected and likely inaccurately understated polling going for him.

Who will win? We will see.

>The rigged polls?
And of course they're "rigged" because you say so!

>Yeah I think 10,000-30,000 people attending his rallies on a weakly basis is a better measure.
Even though those numbers are full of shit as you've already admitted.

>I don't have to accept anything you retarded leftist shill
You trumpcucks just can't accept the fact that people other than leftist don't support Trump.

>That was against Obama and McCain & Romney were puppets to give the notion of opposition. This election is not compareable.
And somehow even though Trump is a member of the Republican party and is in lockstep with their beliefs on the Jews and Israel, he's not a puppet?

>So why don't you watch Clinton Cash? Or is educating yourself on candidates only for Conservatives?
I'm already fully against the Democrat party.

>And yet you can't come up with a single rally where she broke 100 without paying people to put their ass in a seat
Literally five second of google


Now prove that she paid people to fill the seats in that specific venue

Trump is stumped. There will be no presidency.

Well how do you know? You dismiss all the polling out of hand so how can you prove a majority of blacks, latinos, homosexuals, and women support Trump?

>and thus you're claiming that there is zero hillary support based on circumstantial evidence.

Having to pay peoole to support her isn't circumstantial evidence, it's desperation.

>So you counted the number of people in each?

Trump says the number of people in attendance.

>I don't watch any political rallies.

So why are you giving your opinion like it matters?

>I already posted an article that proved you wrong. You refused to even open the article.

Why would I read some leftist drivel when I already know it's wrong?

>Now you're admitting that he gets about 1.5k people...
>1 rally got 1.5k people in attendance, more than any hillary rally, that means all Trump rallies only have 1.5k in attendance

Do you suffer from mental retardation by any chance?

>But if/when those polls show trump ahead, you fully support them.

No I don't, polls are not a reliable indicator of a politicians success.

>If Trump was as popular as you claim then those polls would reflect it.

The polls always poll more democrats, that is a fact. I already linked one that adjusts for the bias
>Exactly. You actually think that voting solves problems. You don't want to lift a finger to save your people.
You're a coward.

And how do you suggest I, or anyone for that matter, combats vote rigging?

>Worse than that...You're a Conservative Republican Trumpcuck

And you're a retarded CTR shill that should shoot themself in the face. I'm a registered independent

I love this meme.

Will wagecucks ever learn?

I'd throw in there that an election is all about rallying people up to vote. If Hill can't get em to a rally, she probably can't get many to go out and vote. Can't wait for the night before the election when she begs and says he's a fear-monger and we should be afraid of the way he will destroy the country. Brexit all over again.

Fuck CNN and Reddit

>Vote for Trump is a vote for ISIS and Saudi Arabia
>that terrorist group that hillary founded and the country with a laundry list of human rights violations that gave hillary $25 million

The shill is going all out

>And of course they're "rigged" because you say so!

No they're rigged because they always poll more democrats.

>Even though those numbers are full of shit as you've already admitted.

I haven't admitted anything. Those are the numbers he gets on a weekly basis and has been for the last 6 months.

>You trumpcucks just can't accept the fact that people other than leftist don't support Trump.

Only retarded cuckold shills that want to be flooded with rapefugees would support anyone but Trump

>And somehow even though Trump is a member of the Republican party and is in lockstep with their beliefs on the Jews and Israel, he's not a puppet?

The media trying so hard to destroy him and failing is proof he's not a puppet. They're scared and they should be.

>I'm already fully against the Democrat party.

Cool, you should watch it anyways.

>reliable unbiased source


Hillary can't break 100 people at her rallies because she is weak, unlikeable, and rotten. Any rally she does she is paying people to attend LMAO

This kills the shill

>You mean 1

>Trump says the number of people in attendance.
And you actually believe the words of a politician?

Let me guess, you're trusting his campaign promises as well, right?

How often has that worked out for you in the past?

>So why are you giving your opinion like it matters?
What makes you think your opinion matters?

>Why would I read some leftist drivel when I already know it's wrong?
It's "wrong" because you say so, right?

>Do you suffer from mental retardation by any chance?
If you can't accept getting BTFO through your own words, that's on you.

>The polls always poll more democrats, that is a fact. I already linked one that adjusts for the bias
And even if your "adjusted" poll were correct, trump doesn't even have a 1% lead over hillary.
There isn't even a margin of error listed. Under 1% is always within the MoE

>And how do you suggest I, or anyone for that matter, combats vote rigging?
By supporting change outside the rigged corrupt system perhaps?

>And you're a retarded CTR shill
you trumpcucks really need to get it through your thick skulls that not everyone that disagrees with you is a leftist.

>that should shoot themself in the face.
Amazing how you think people with a different opinion than you should die

>I'm a registered independent
And yet you're unconditionally supporting a Republican who'd gladly sacrifice your life to his Jewish masters. lmao

Polls are not reliable

Yeah buddy MAGA

>meaning anything

you know brexit happened right?

>Polls are not reliable
Except when you trumpcucks use polls that somehow "prove" Trump is winning by less than a percent.

lmao...god you're pathetic.

>Yeah buddy MAGA
You actually love the Jewnited States of Amurrica?

Do you support Israel as much as Trump does?

This awesomeness is what will happen.
Also, any other Dicktards here?

>And you actually believe the words of a politician?

He's not a politician retard LMAO

>What makes you think your opinion matters?

Because I have taken the time to educate myself on the subject

>It's "wrong" because you say so, right?

No it's wrong because it's leftist drivel

>If you can't accept getting BTFO through your own words, that's on you.

>Trump rallies break 10,000 for 6 months
>b-b-but l-look at this one w-where he only g-got 1.5k in attendance. b-btfo ;_;

>And even if your "adjusted" poll were correct, trump doesn't even have a 1% lead over hillary.
>hillary rally can't break 100 people the same day 10,000 people attend a Trump rally and another 3,000 are turned away
>I'm supposed to believe he's only 1% ahead

>By supporting change outside the rigged corrupt system perhaps?

That's why I'm supporting Trump retardo

>you trumpcucks really need to get it through your thick skulls that not everyone that disagrees with you is a leftist.

>Doesn't deny he's a retarded CTR shill

Get a real job asshole, last reply you're getting from me.

>Amazing how you think people with a different opinion than you should die

When they have opinions as shit as yours, yes. You're better off dead, no one would miss you anyways.

>And yet you're unconditionally supporting a Republican who'd gladly sacrifice your life to his Jewish masters. lmao

No I u conditionally support a candidate who isn't bought by anyone, who wants America first, and who is running on policies like; economic security, border security, job security, job growth, lower taxes, less regulations on small businesses, strengthening our military, fixing the VA, ending NAFTA, no TPP, ending common core, ending obamacare, picking Suoreme Court Justices that will defend our consitutional rights not attack them. Only evil people are frightened by Trump and the good things he will bring America.

really makes you think

This will happen

>liberals living in fiction
almost too fitting

T. Tyrone


Join The Fight For America youtu.be/WvBDCBOjDwk

lets see
>a glorious wall
>11 million less illegals
>massive drop in crime because no illegals
>cc license good in any state like a drivers license
>more jobs because china tariffs

seems pretty nice to me

ctr confirmed as satan

I smell samefag arguing with himself.

The Jews in power will never let this happen.

Im just hopeing that tariffs on imported goods will go up. I just bought my second 3D printer and it came from China (because the company of my first one went to California and went bankrupt). The American equliviants to this printer were $500 more expensive AFTER the current taxes. Cost $280 to import. This will probably double or triple, forcing the market to become less one sided. It will also help generate revenue to the government. Taxes will probably stay the same, but with a stronger US market, there will be more US investors and more jobs. And with more jobs comes more taxable income. That income will help pay the deficit. If we are lucky, we might get the wall. That depends more on if Ryan is kicked out and we have a pro trump speaker that will help push it through. I can only hope.

Ivanka 2024

A new challenger will rise.

Excellent point.

Only difference being under Clinton she'll be at work to pay for the illegal immigrant nanny she hired.

Tits still saggy. Boyfriend probably fucks nanny instead of neighbor.