Do people actually believe this kek stuff or is it satire?
Do people actually believe this kek stuff or is it satire?
kek believes in you
It's all true, I saw it on the Internet.
Praise Dat Kek!
it depends
Nice trips. Sick digits will be granted to all true believers of Kek.
Kek has spoken
I believe there is some kind of force out there driving these happenings, and I think it assumes whatever form people assign to it. Calling it Kek makes as much sense as God or Allah or Odin.
he has blessed this thread
you are not a true believer
I think of Kek as more of a Jesus than a god, as Kek is the one showing God's will.
aids sam hyde says check em
Praise him.
Oh yeah? Well if I don't get dubles then kek doesn't exist. TAKE THAT KEK FAGS.
Triple proof
wow one would have to be blind to deny his existence after this
Kek only awards true believers
>Praise Dat Kek!
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
give the past the slip
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
step on a brick
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
break ya momma's back
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
when a problem comes along, you must whip it!
If it's satire it stopped being funny a long, long time ago. Which means anyone who posts it is either too autistic to realize when a joke has runs its course, or they actually worship an internet cartoon frog unironically.
Either way they're autistic.
Followers of Kek or Kuk would be called Kekolds or Kukolds
What do you think user?
>Do people actually believe this kek?
Hahaha... no. The time of the false god KEK is over. No one replying to this will get recurring digits, and therefore Moloch's greatest disciple Hillary Clinton will become president.
Praise the almighty green one
Kek is a memetic deity.
His province is a memetic one, he is manifest within meme magic and he is himself a meme.
Given religion is itself both a meme and memetic in its nature, QED
If there is a god, god is Kek. If there isn't a god, god is still Kek.
In the long history of logical arguments for the (non)existence of god, Kekism is a remarkable breakthrough.
smite be upon you
Moloch can suck my balls.
>tfw when trips
wow, thank you. kek threads get littered with gets, it's bretty cül tbhfred.
>double dubs
Praise kek
If singles, kek is gay
If doubles, im a closet fag
Chances are, you're still a closet fag
>Dub digit dubs
And there comes the truth
Not satire at all.
Kek saves his power before unleashing it once again. Fear not this temporary shitstorm.
When I go to the gym I end up killing many frogs since I have to bicycle on a road near a lake. Will I be punished?
I unironically believe in Kek
Happenings and repeating digits confirm his will
Thank you for the digits, Kek
Praise lord kek
kek is a jew
I unironically believe.
If it's on accident, it's probably just kek trolling the stupidest frogs through you. I wouldn't worry about it
I'm pretty sure it started off as a meme, but is now being taken seriously by autists.
Recent happenings coincide with more Sup Forumsacks unironically believing in him, growing more and more powerful
> no kek shit for days
> this thread
I could be a believer after this
shill as fuck if you have to ask
Kek takes the autists serious.
Kek, in our time of suffering, gives us hope. May this thread restore the faith of those who have strayed away from the righteous path of his great and eternal happenings.
That's it, I believe!
praise kek are dubs threads hidden under a thin veil
Kek is not real
Kek is the only real thing in this universe. He is the Operator of the Simulation.
nigga fuck you and your false gods
you will burn in hell
Its more real than any other religion. More than ten percent of enumerated posts are blessed.
Do people actually believe Trump or is it satire?
If kek exists, why isn't my post doubles just to prove me wrong?
for an autismal number-noticing meme, kek seems to cause a disproportionate amount of buttpain to autismals
Praise Kek
its more of a real religion than scientology or islam
/x/ speculate that Kek isn't a being, and it's "chaos magick", a global consciousness (Sup Forums) pointing mountains of attention to a particular comment (dubs) apparently has the influence to shape reality.
I guess so.
Because you lack faith my boy
Praise kek
Because Kek is a memetic creature and mass hallucination supported by confirmation bias. In other words its just as valid as every other religion in the world.
>burn in hell
Nah. Torture, especially with fire, is more Yahweh or Moloch's style. Kek is modern chaos/ancient egyptian. You're thinking Canaanite deities.
BEHEAD those who insult Kek
Oh shit, what do I do? Sacrifice a Jew?
(don't be de dubs, don't be de dubs, don't be de dubs)
>Thou shalt have no other gods before me >Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
>Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
Have fun in autistic hell
try sacrificing a meme to Sup Forums
I am saving shekels to buy this Kek statue.
kek, show me if you really exist
there is no kek
Prove kek isn't any more valid then your god
Kek is older then your book
im a true believer
Based kek
Fucking heretic
>believing anything you read on Sup Forums
No every Kek thread has more dubs/trips than average. Every single one. Seriously, stay on here for a while and visit every single Kek thread. Within 10 posts at least 1 or 2 people will get repeating digits.
Does anyone have any subtle Kek wallpapers?
Kek wills it user.
Kek is great because we can use your idiot meme to slide whatever thread we want, all we have to do is post one picture and people who don't even work with us will derail any thread.
We can start a thread and within minutes it's constantly pushed right to the top of the forum, and all it is is posters trying to get snake eyes on their post count, this is an honest gift from God. The best part is, it NEVER fails, and it's as easy as dropping a quarter in the "kill this thread" machine.
Shit, since when were the shills this smart
Posters don't even care, I've never seen anything like it. No matter what happens or what info leaks, they will self destruct THEMSELVES.
I'm flat out admitting that we take your memes and use them to slide anything we want, but check the front page, it's all threads trying to get the right post count. Like poor people shooting dice, ha.
It's postironic
Digits don't lie my brother.
do you need more proofs?
It's not that worship or anything but damn if all these numerals don't make me think.
Praise KEK