"Come drink and then we can have hot sex"
Man found guilty of rape after responding to this text accordingly.
Women can change their mind now after sex and can ruin your life?
Sup Forums what's happening to our world?
"Come drink and then we can have hot sex"
Man found guilty of rape after responding to this text accordingly.
Women can change their mind now after sex and can ruin your life?
Sup Forums what's happening to our world?
Other urls found in this thread:
Leafs, explain yourselves.
Another day
Another cuckhold
I'm not even mad anymore,
Just waiting for the end.
You ever wanna know what it would feel like to be Agent Smith in the Matrix, come to Toronto.
Well if you have small dick and cum in 30 seconds, you should be sent to jail..
I don't have these problems, my bitches are pleased..
women constantly lie and manipulate and don't even hesitate to lie, possibly sending an innocent person to prison, just to ease their delusional minds
I don't even need to click the links anymore, every day here is the same.
>"Justice" Marvin ((( Zuker )))
Rapist Mustafa Ururyar, from the article.
its a brown guy dont worry. Other than that Art school student in the gay hive core. Ofc theyre going to believe her
Just kidding I clicked the link afterall and
>Mustafa Ururyar was convicted of forcing Mandi Gray
What, he's not a FUCKING WHITE MALE and got convicted this can't be real?
>Mustafa Ururyar
Meh, he was likely to rape a white woman anyways, she's likely a pollack deep under cover
The article conspicuously omits any mention of what evidence the judge used to decide this was rape. Does anyone know? I'm guessing no one in the media actually read the 178 page ruling?
No, the article makes it pretty clear that the judge relied on testimony
The article also states the woman was too drunk to remember what happened - so, what testimony?
Toronto has New York level jews. Toronto, Montreal and NY are like a kike triangle where every jew from one place has jew family in the other.
Does it really matter.
Slut sends "come join me, then we can fuck"
Then proceed to follow you home (without force) and suck your dick without any resistance or use of force. (They would have gladly reported the fact that the guy hit her or threathened her with a weapon)
Then the next morning she's kinda upset that she gave her pussy for free.
So she presses charge because you raped her (aka you didn't pay enough for the pussy)
Narrative made by sober guy : total fabrication
Narrative made by intoxicated woman : totally reliable
Have you actually read what he alledgedly did?
He put his dick in his girlfriends mouth
Toronto has the worst aspects of every major north american city and none of their virtues.
>The judge ruled Ururyar "tried to write the script" because he knew Gray could not remember because she had been drinking. But, he said, "It doesn't matter if the victim was drinking. No one asks to be raped."
If she couldn't remember anything how could she remember she was raped?
>"Rape it was. No confusion. No uncertainty from this court. Mandi Gray remembered. Asking her to remember the details is ridiculous," he said. "Behavioural stereotypes — like delayed reporting, emotional state, lack of resistance — should not impact credibility."
The judge claimed she remembered, and then says that asking her to remember certain things is ridiculous? WHICH IS IT? DID SHE REMEMBER OR DID SHE NOT?
>Zuker quoted American poet Maya Angelou in his decision, his words invoking gasps from people in the courtroom: "I know why the caged bird sings."
Wow, that's not hyperbolic at all. This judge sounds very impartial.
Fuck this.
>Near the end of his ruling, Zuker seemed to address Gray personally, through feminist poetry and literature.
>Who is this judge, I wondered? My colleague Oliver Sachgau dug up that he’d been a family court judge in the 1990s and was known for taking a child-centred perspective. He co-wrote two books about women and the law with the late, wonderful feminist and social justice activist June Callwood. One was a handbook for women navigating the law, titled The Law Is Not for Women.
>He said Ururyar, Gray and another woman were supposed to go home together, and that Gray alleged the accused got angry when the plan changed and the other woman left.
Seems like a reasonable reaction, and has no bearing on the case.
>As they made their way back to Ururyar's apartment, Gray testified Ururyar hurled insults at her, calling her "needy" and "a slut." The judge found that Gray was not "lovey-dovey" on the way home.
Kind of douchish, but still no bearing on the case.
>Ururyar told the court the two arrived at his home, got undressed and got into bed. He said he wanted to end the relationship.
>Gray said that's when he put his penis in her mouth and raped her.
Wait, what? This is the part that actually matters, and there's jack shit about it.
>The judge ruled Ururyar "tried to write the script" because he knew Gray could not remember because she had been drinking.
Hold the phone. How the fuck would he "know" that? Alcohol isn't some magical memory loss drug (guaranteed or your vomit back!), and she was sober enough to walk to his place. Unless she had more there, that's a pretty low likelihood. Also, her memory is apparently fine enough for the judge to take her testimony without question and condemn a man.
He's clearly racist against Muslims and believes they're all rapists.
Someone should alert the SJWs.
This is actually pretty scary because the judge pretty much disregarded anything the defendant had to say in favor of the accuser.
Is convincing someone to fuck now considered rape?
>mustafa whatever
well that is a fortunate turn of events
full verdict there^
Her fucking testimony is so all over the place, full of "I think" "like" and a bunch of second guessing.
This judge has great plans for his career!
This was definetly a call for Trudeaus attention!
Easy solution, white men just don't have sex ever
>Sup Forums what's happening to our world?
nothing special. the court system was always favorable towards woman
what a fucking whore she staged the whole shit to pull the victim card.
Thats the most jewish post I've seen in weeks. Have a (You).
>most jewish post
How? Poster isn't trying to get your shekels. Seems more like an /r9k/ post.
note to self: never go to Canada. They're fast approaching Sweden-tier.
basically a gender-swapped Saudi Arabia at this point.
>WARNING: This story contains graphic language
What did they mean by this?
NY jew here I can confirm this and recently visited my cousin in Montreal this past spring
so what's the punishment?
He will be sentenced in October.
Sentencing in October
>for a year and a half
Um, it's clean?
>No one asks to be raped.
What an incredible insight. I seriously am unable to contradict this.
>like a kike triangle
What disappears there?
your money
I looked into the case to see how much Sup Forums was bullshitting.
The guy lied on a few points, but literally, no more than the Woman did. This was complete she said he said, but the rape kit was appearantly enough to prove the case "Beyond a reasonable doubt".
Really terrifies me anons. I'm an autismo and I wonder if some girl is gonna regret having sex with me and throw me in the slammer for shits and giggles and ruin my life. There would be nothing stopping her, from what I've heard from every feminist demanding evidence and witnesses is enabling rape.
Thank goodness I'm still a virgin
Like I'm an autismo with a big dick, you know what happens to girls vaginas when they try to overenthusastically fuck a big dick? I'd be screwed, I can just imagine it now
"This rape kit shows bruising consistant with forced, nonconsensual sex."
"Why would you believe this autismo? Look at how he has trouble looking people in the eyes! You don't need evidence to know the victim is telling the truth!"
It would be such a hilarious open and shut fucking case. I'm scared anons, this makes me paranoid enough I want to stay away from 3dpd.
Obviously these misandrists are trying to create headlines that create a distrust culture.
I'm gonna have to go ahead and guess some retard violently raped a girl because he thought a txt would mean he couldn't get in trouble.
Get in here no
Seriously I'm not even joking about this.
This case was built on the rape kit showing damage and the judge deeming the defendant less credible despite the accusers testimony being untrustworthy and evidence of consent being produced.
I just can't rationalize that if I had sex with a girl for the first time, why she wouldn't maybe regret fucking a disabled guy and just throw me in jail. The ruling in this case makes me believe it's possible. I looked at more normie analysis of this and even feminists were willing to concede this decision creates a precedent that allows woman to easily throw men in jail falsely, but it's not a problem since "False accusations are so rare compared to rape" and "we should just severely punish false accusers for undermining rape victims and hurting their victims".
It's insanity. Innocent until proven guilty only applies when it's convenient for the court. Fuck this country so much. I'm a goddamned sexual assault victem that sent somebody to prison for four years but I know if I ever discuss my opposition to this shit I'll be treated as a rape apologist.
Who needs 3DPD anyway?
Clearly he should have signed a sexual consent form before, during and after sex in a secure environment with an armed female member of the police force present who didn't feel intimidated by the man's presence.
>Gray said that's when he put his penis in her mouth and raped her.
How do you rape someone's mouth? Like, just bite the motherfucker.
In a hypothetical where a rape was actually happening and not this case? Especially if you're a smaller woman, biting a rapists penis is a good way to get beaten to death and end up in a dumpster.
The real end begins when you learn that the ride never ends.
I'm scared bros, how the fuck am I supposed to have white children and help the white race survive if you can be labeled a rapist at any random bitch's testimony and no one will believe you because of you are a privileged white male?
Combine that with alimony fucking you over for the rest of your life if you have a bad marriage and get divorced, how can some help the white race survive in this day and age?
I just had a really nasty ex pull some shit like this on me and it's destroyed my life. She's pure evil, we have kids involved, there's is literally nothing I can do about it.
You could involve /b against her, my dog licker pal.
>Guy shows restraint until the woman takes him home and literally gets into bed with him.
>Both parties say that the woman was making unwanted advances on the man.
What in fucks name? Even the most liberal interpretation of the testimonies should point towards this man being the model of restraint considering his race and religion.
The only real problem was that he continued following a woman who clearly has mental issues but acting like a Jap isn't a crime.
Who is this girl? I feel like I keep seeing her.
She literally texted him "come to x bar and then we can have _hot_ sex after".
She claims she was raped because she had been drinking.
The judge says it's a question of credibility, and says that just because a woman has been drinking and says she was raped, she deserves full credibility.
But what the sober man said was a complete fabrication.
Then he reads some Maya Angelou, apologizes for being a cis white man, checks his privilege, knocks the gavel, and a 100% innocent doctorate student is guilty of rape.
how do mistrials work in mapleland? this is clearly a biased judge
>Evidence of a victim’s sexual behaviour and sexual predisposition ordinarily is inadmissible The “hot sex” text falls short of making anything apparent The “hot sex” text can be read in manyways If anything Mr Ururyar’s made his alleged guilt more likely as perhaps providing a stimulus for his later alleged assault
That's some top tier spin
Done with bitches. Women's rights were a mistake.
Post your best women being evil.
>there's is literally nothing I can do about it
yes there is you pussy whiped faggot cuck
>If anything Mr Ururyar’s made his alleged guilt more likely as perhaps providing a stimulus for his later alleged assault
what the fuck does this even mean
Reminds me of that one chapelles show episode.
was that pussy worth it Mustafa
Is there anywhere that is safe from these lunatics?
They are even taking over Korea. Even your gay little Chinese cartoons won't be safe.
>He was told that he could have sex which made him more likely that he would try to have sex even after consent was revoked at a later and unspecified time.
I wish I was joking. Apparently being baited just adds to guilt in Canada.
>Having anything to do with women
I feel sorry for you guys I really do.
This why men rape an throttle an kill
>Neo Nazi
>Lexus hybrid
You can still be accused of rape. Since you're accused, you're guilty.
I'm too scared to have sex. Even if I get a gf, they can just claim rape too if they change their mind.
What do I do?
>says a slav gypo manlet
It's the literally personified USS Iowa from Kantai Collection.
judge is hook line an sinker mindwarped to the neo fem groupthink "wannabe-pariahs feelings supersede everything, especially evidence and fact and reality"
they could not do more to beg for a revolution
Can he appeal? Have the verdict thrown out? The judge is clearly some brainwashed third-wave feminist wackjob.
You don't have those problems because your bitches can only bleat
I'm looking more into the case to see what he could have done wrong.
The strongest evidence against him seems to be that the accused Canadian sent her a text 5 days after this happened apologizing for his behavior extremely generally.
Her rape kit actually showed no evidence of forced sex.
The text where the victim requested "Hot sex" was thrown out as evidence of consent. It however was allowed as evidence to establish why the accuser might have wanted to rape the accused.
The judge heavily criticized the witness for saying the woman touched the inside of his thigh. He found no problem with the womans claims that the man held the back of her head and shoved her penis down her throat.
The judge claimed to not know what "hot sex" meant and said "I just know it's a lie" in this case. He called the defendant "the seductive party animal".
The judge went into tirades about his beliefs about rape after the case.
I think what the case really came down to was a bias judge.
he relied on neo feminism and ego bias and misandry and female emotions
top kek lad
in this case race and religion were entirely incidental and beside the issue
the dichotomy here was man>
i think its a boat
You and most men, my friend
I have a hard time feeling bad for people that have sex outside of marriage.
In other words Leaf libcucked lifes