It's all over, folks

It's all over, folks.



The Sinai Peninsula conflict is already pretty tiny and the loss of a leader isnt necessarily a deathblow.


Oh wow barbaric rapists killed barbaric rapists

Probably the local leader

Who gives a shit? Us and Russia have killed many local leaders

Even jihad John, yet ISIS exist and still does terrorists attacks


>implying killer the leader does fuck all to them

Look at what happened after killing al bagdadi


Can't be true, Hillary is still alive

Not the leader of Isis worldwide

Like killing a leader will do anything

They're ragheads, they follow radicalism and their religion, whoever is in charge is most likely just a figurehead.

They've been killing the leader every week

this, isn't this like the third time Isis' leader has been killed?

wtf I love obama now

That never happened retard

Bagdadi isn't dead

It's been way more than 3 times.

they killed muhammed? crazy bastards!

Yeah, they are like roaches so it isn't really that big news.

They'll just elect a new leader and it'll continue as always.

Not Implying another sand nigger will be running the show by this evening

They killed Israel? Or Hillary? Or was it Obama.. I can't keep track of who's leading who anymore

>implying that matters
Haven't we "killed" al baghdadi several times?

hello friends

Would you like the protection of the emporer?

I wonder what the Egyptians think of Obama.
He just happened to speak to them in scripturally significant code words as his first major international address, encouraging the Ikhwan, which then lied its way into power and slaughtered Egyptians, necessitating a coup.
After the coup he removed doubt by attacking the military government and defending the Ikhwan regime.
He supported ISIS, necessitating this.
I bet the Egyptians are tired of Obama.

There are multiple ISIS'
>isis in Libya
>isis in Iraq
>isis in Syria
>isis in Sinai/Egypt

This is a win, but this isn't the leader of the main ISIS (isis in Syria & Iraq)

That's great because it means they were without a leader for 5 minutes.

They're probably just hiding him.

As if there aren't 200 fucking mongrels ready to take his place.

Are they saying they killed Abu Bakr? Or the leader of their Sanai org?


>Leader of IS
They doen't need a leader to kill people and explode themselves. They lick their virtual Allah's ass.

Always use protection, unless you're with a white girl, in which case, seriously just cuminher

I took the most beautiful platinum/ almost white blonde hair, eyes blue as the fjords of norway girls' virginity when I was 18 or so, and I have regretted not fucking having the balls to stay with her ever since

She was going to move across the country to go to school. But I should have either A. went with her, B. Dated her from a distance or C. Came in her as much as possible, to impregnate her, so I would have muh perfect baby farm.

she had said she was irish "and canadian" which really means "Irish and whichever scandinavians were in her area of canada"

Not to mention I checked her hands, and she had a ton of testosterone (she was a hcokey player) and was even left handed, another indication that her mother had a lot of testosterone when she was in the womb.

Terrorism in the Sinai threatens trade through the Suez. You should care about this because it affects the global economy.


They've tried to run this shit in the past

cut off one head and two more take its place

>killed the leader
They aren't even close

More like look what happened after killing Osama

Al Qaeda is already back, IS is just worse than them.

I'm sure Taliban leaders have been killed and they've done more since the war.

but I mean, it was before I was red pilled. I didn't understand the importance of having white babies, and I was being a little bitch "I have to watch out for having kids"

Oh how my life would be different now. I would probably be a construction worker/ miner/ carpenter/ mason/ some kind of contractor, in some beautiful (not california) state, with a 5 year old, maybe another kid, and another on the way

Instead I am just struggling through college for an electrical engineering degree

I would advise you youngsters to, if you can, knock up a girl early

Worse comes to worse, you go to college while you are working, but trust me, as white people we have actual paternal instincts (gotta protect them chilluns' from the winters during the ice age) and having kids will only increase your drive and motivation

my oldest cousin was a straight up meth addict, then he knocked up a girl when he was 17, he turned his entire life around. He is now running a software company, his son is at one of the most prestigious universities in the country, and he even has money to go on expensive vacations every year, as well as travel the world himself for the company

For white people, having kids will just strengthen your will. It will make you a better person.

>You should care about this because it affects the global economy.

Sup Forums suddenly doesn't want a happening?

>misleading people to think abu bakr was killed in order to get views
Disgusting. Tell us when he's actually dead.
