I enjoyed the first Resident Evil movie when it came out and was recently shocked at how many sequels there are...

I enjoyed the first Resident Evil movie when it came out and was recently shocked at how many sequels there are. How do they hold up? Is it worth marathoning the series? Not interested in the games so I don't really care how faithful it is.

Whatever you do, stay away from the one set in Las Vegas. It's horrible.

first is the best. the sequels are mildly entertaining though not very good.

which marvel movie is that?

wtf was that first guy with the gun even trying to do?

I tried counting - 55 cuts? In 37 seconds? Seems rational to me.

Whats Extinction and The Final Chapter and you'll be all caught up.

2 and 3 are awful. 4, 5, 6 are genuinely great. Don't let the RLM drones parrot their bullshit.

You should definitely watch them, although you will be definitely disappointed.

Extinction is great though, how could you not like it?