This. must. end

this. must. end.

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desu I have no idea whether that is true but 300k do seem like a bad joke to me

>"only" 300k

That's probably the only reason she got the role.

>only 300k

Now she is famous she will get millions next time round. That's how it works.

y dunt all male actors get paid saym as Jenfur Lawronce?

I guess she has a female agent

>Henry Cavill was not paid 14m for the MOS he was paid under 1m
>Vulture points out, $300,000 is what Chris Evans made for Captain America: The First Avenger. Now he makes much more thanks to the success of his Marvel movies as well as using his stardom to tackle other projects.
>RDJ only made 500k for Iron Man 1

stfu about this shit

Cavill was a complete nobody before Man of Steel and it was the biggest capeshit shitshow ever. How he was brought back is beyond me.

Literal, unironic fake news.

>The same source said of Gadot’s salary, “Entry-level actors in franchise films are paid an initial rate. As a franchise takes off, they stand to make more money.” So if she signed a deal similar to Cavill’s, the Wonder Woman bonus checks will soon be rolling in—and the sequels could be even more lucrative. Says a source familiar with both Cavill and Gadot’s contract negotiations, “If you do an apples to apples comparison, she was paid at least as much as he was.”

Fucking jew deserves no more.

No one knew her before, that was the reason she was hired at all, because she is a discount version of the actress they actually wanted.
Happens all the time with british actors and other euro human trash

shut up sexist manchildren

>JLAW Hunger Games - 500k
>Andrew Garfield Spiderman - 500k
>Daisy Ridley Force Awakens - 400k

Boo hoo she gets to be in every single DC movie.

Chris Evans 300k Too, so she got better than him becuse she's not even Amreican so she's cheaper.
Why Would you pay a foreigner from poorer country a lot?

t. Israeli jew

>discount version of the actress they actually wanted
Ronda Rousey?

I'm so sick of white men.

I'll happily take that 300K off her hands if she doesn't want it.

Gender aside Cavill is far worse in his role.

This is not her first role though, she has a net worth of around 10m, are people really complaining that a rich actress didn't got paid enough for one role?

no, but they would have preferred a charismatic american a lister draw. but american actress bitches are too smart for their own good, like wanting too much money

ugh, white men are all pigs

the actual news is that she got paid at all, considering she didn't do any work

Gotta find wage gap "evidence" somewhere, even if it's millionaires who couldn't care less about the ordinary person.

Wow damn they paid her like 1/60 of what Ben Affleck got and they wanna act like their helping women. Fucking loudmouth hypocrits should practice what they preach

>RDJ only made 500k for Iron Man 1

How the fuck did he manage that, anyway? I mean at that point they didn't know that they were going to start off a huge thing. DC must have felt safe that Wonder Woman would be fucking huge because they know that capeshit is in and it's goddamn Wonder Woman. Iron Man wasn't even a very popular Marvel hero back then. Not to mention RDJ's history of drug abuse and being blackballed, Gadot doesn't have that, does she?

I'm assuming Gadot was just smart and took a percentage out of the movie's profits rather than a standard paycheck but that still doesn't explain how the fuck RDJ got such a huge pay from the very start.

>contribute to charity goyim, you don't deserve your minimum wage, think of those less fortunate than yourself for once

didn't this got debunked 5 minutes after the initial article was posted?

>the biggest capeshit shitshow ever

Superman is a pretty established character, with a guaranteed audience.

Wonder Woman, while known, isn't nearly as popular, nor was it going to be a guaranteed hit, so there was an element of risk.

Now, I'm all for equality, but just a modicum of critical reasoning could have brought anyone to the reason why she wasn't paid the same amount.

But also: 300K is still a hell of a lot of money. And this is a stepping stone in a franchise that'll garner a lot of sequels no doubt, all of which will garner her many millions to come. So fuck this shit.

he still had a decent film career before they shot that so i assume he could ask for a little bit more money even with all those problems he had

>How the fuck did he manage that, anyway?
I think the story I heard was he was a liability given his history and that's all the insurance would allow. Something like that.

>linking collider

RDJ was only paid 500k for Iron Man and 40 million for the sequels. That's how hollywood works

i bet 300k was just the normal pay, she probably take a cut of the gross office or someshit and this one is quite a hit

Daisy a CUTE!

oh shit wrong thread

paying women at all MUST. END.

I agree, these people are payed to play-pretend. Make them get real jobs

She's a literal who. She and the studio took a gamble on everything.

Now? It's successful. Her agent can demand millions next time. This is how you get your foot in the door. Especially considering it's literally DC's only fucking successful movie so far both financially and critically so far.

>gets BTFO
>sh-shut up, Trump supporter!!!11 :(

Fucking liberals, Jesus Christ

>Word is that Downey made as much as $5 million a day for three days of work on Spider-Man: Homecoming.
>5 million for three days of "work"

Fucking hell. Imagine "working" for three days and being able to buy a fucking island or a fleet of helicopters or some shit. Most likely it's a job that you'd have done for free a couple of years ago as well. Money must just cease to have any meaning in your head.


There can't be a next one, they killed off the main character played by Pine


you added a Zero. Blacklisted RDJ only made 50k from Iron Mang 1

what did they give Pratt for the first GotG?

are you retarded

Uh Oh

I wish he would finally reveal himself to us. We know he posts here.

no clue i dont think numbers were ever released on how much the cast of GOTG was paid

pretty safe bet she negotiated a percentage of the back end if the movie hits a certain number at the box office.

also, i wonder how much the other women got paid? surely names like connie nielsen or robin wright would garner more.

When the cast got their paychecks the first thing Jeff Bridges bought was a car. RDJ bought a hot shot.

i hope our based bale got paid a lot desu, he seems to very dedicated to his role unlike that manlet rdj

i think these are some bullshit comparisons tbf. pratt, cavill, evans, etc all had much bigger careers than gal before they did capeshit. bigger name recognition means higher value.

she's not even the one complaining

Please do not spread lies

Anyone praising Gadot's acting is on WBs payroll. She's been horrible in literally every movie she's ever been in. I honestly don't know why she was cast to play wonder woman to begin with. It's like they wanted the movie to bomb.

this is the saddest part isn't it?
we have some cunts with too much free time taking offended for other people's problem when the people themselves don't really see them as problems

Cavill was paid $14 million!? He's by far the weakest major character of these movies.

Only Evans.
The others you mentioned was pretty much their first lead role in a blockbuster movie.
I guess Evans must not have been as bankable after Fantastic Four.
Regardless, Gadot is lucky to be getting even 300k considering her only previous acting prior to WW was a glorified extra in F&F.

Fucking moron studio execs can't even get their movies to bomb properly

Don't know why they feel the need to whiteknight for something that Gal didn't even mention, or bitched about. That says more about these people than her.

didn't Zack Snyder call her to give her the part?

>a glorified extra in F&F.

Hell, that asian who was always eating something was a glorified extra that was just shoved in there because he became a fan-favourite in the third movie. She was the hanger-on to the extra.

Factually not true. Even If you work for scale you're getting a minimum of 500k.

Gadot certainly didn't wow me, but she did a decent enough job carrying the movie.

Cavill however, is as flat and charismatic as a carboard cutout. You could swap him out for cutouts of Cavill making sad or gloomy faces and I wouldn't notice a difference.

agreed about gal, but i'd give more credit to cavill and pratt. they had bigger movie roles than her and each had a large role in fairly popular and long-running tv shows. she was mainly eye candy with a few speaking roles.

the one that carried the movie was Pine, most of the time Gal just reacted to what he was doing/saying


>literal fake news

The Cavil number includes various bonuses the Gadot one doesn't

>Cavill got 14 mil for MoS

How? It's not like he's an A list actor. Where's the proof?

>large roles or starring in a popular tv show

We're calling the Tudors popular now? He was cast in that solely as eye candy.

>didn't Zack Snyder call her to give her the part?

>eye candy
kek I already know someone is going to post the webm.

>literally posting ultra mega super random twitter shill about some shit nobody cares

>most of the time Gal just reacted to what he was doing/saying

That's because she was new in that world and Chris Pine's character wasn't. He actually came from it so he already knew what was going on. It's evident in the difference between WW and BvS. Diana is more confident and capable alone in the latter whereas she barely knows what to do in the former. It's her origin story.

how can someone live off of only 300,000 dollars? wine alone is 30,000 a month. that leaves nothing to pay for personal staff, security, funeral canons for the year. this is an outrage. i hate when i see stars not getting their fair share.

It's fucking outrageous. People like him are a significant reason Hollywood is tanking under it's own massive budgets. Nobody. Especially not Robert "Down Here" Junior should be paid money like that just to appear on set a bit and "act" which is just him being himself at this point. What a waste of money.

Why are actors paid so much anyway? I've never really thought about it before.


Gal's not an amazing actor. In fact I'd call her decent at best. But she showed more range and emotion in her one movie than Cavill did in two. She was actually given stuff to work with. Cavill is told to stand in front of a camera and smolder or mope. Occasionally he'll say something.


That is actually pretty fucking low.

But is that Cavill's fault or the director?

Draw. Audiences come to see people they like generally.

As a result it's gotten them the ability to ask for absurd amounts of money just to be on the set and say 3 sentences.

Then Hollywood executives sit around and wonder "gee, why is all the real directive and creative talent moving onto digital and television?"

Celebrity worship plays a big part of it. Look at all the retards in the Mummy threads pretending the film isn't shit just because it stars Tom Cruise.

>Especially not Robert "Down Here" Junior should be paid money like that
He's literally irreplaceable. Normies fucking adore him, they could never recast him so he can name his price

Both if you ask me. Shannon was in that movie too and he acted the fuck out of it.

t. Johnny Depp

She should've been paid less.

Bitch can't act.

I never got why Tom Cruise is so big. He's 1.) crazy and 2.) a manlet. He has a good face but that's it. He's not a talented actor. He's a talented movie star, but he never elevates the movies he's in because they really don't need to do much elevating past sequential action set piece #53

They do it for likes and comments on how tolerant and progressive they are.


don't pressure him

To be fair, though, it's not like the people in charge of the companies aren't making even more obscene profit, or like they wouldn't just pocket that money if RDJ didn't ask for it. We'll never see leaps-and-bounds in camera-technology because they're pocketing most of the change, not because the actors are also pocketing some. The only reason we see it with CGI is because it gives them an even profit-margin, not because it makes the industry better.

If I took a gig like that I'd invest the money in furthering the industry in some way. Like teaching directors when to use CGI to enhance a shot( like Fincher's movies), instead of just doing some shitty CGI because it's cheaper.

I agree. I think Cavill's a good guy though. I don't think he tanked the part on purpose. Maybe he didn't know what to do and maybe Snyder wanted a brooding depressed batman because SO REAL AND BROODING BATMAN DID IT, failing to realize of course that that is what Batman does.

I could like a more dark and deep Superman movie, but I feel like MoS and BvS overdid it a little bit.

Which is insane. I myself watch capeshit from time to time but even I'm sick of Tony Stark's character.

You're right though. Their shitty Cinematic Universe demands it. Fans demand it. Luckiest bastard of our day and he doesn't even have to "act" while being an actor. Half his shit is CGI.

A director gives the actor instructions on what to do and together they help shape the performance. It's why Gadot wasn't god-awful. Jenkins gets great performances out of her actors. She propelled Charlize Theron to stardom.

Cavill isn't talented and Snyder consistently gets mediocre performances from mediocre actors.

How can you faggots say she's not adorable? I'd watch her speak for hours.

They're the modern-day royalty. People used to idolise their king and queen and feel happy even as the king took their money. Today they idolise an actor of their choosing and start "literally crying right now" because the actor took their money in exchange for an autograph or photo. If anything we're getting off cheap since they're not starting wars to stay relevant.

Whether or not the protagonist being the person with least significance in the story is of course a debatable topic I suppose. I just felt it appropriate since it's an origin story where she was taken away from her home.

Am I wrong, guys?