Pine trees are the niggers of trees

pine trees are the niggers of trees

What's the problem?
They don't correct the record?

i always see homeless setting up camp under these big trees in the parks, neighborhoods, etc. they always leave trash and feces behind.

WTF i hate nature now

No they're not.

I wish we had a Christmas tradition that involved cutting a nigger down and displaying his decorated corpse in your living room.


You can't hang one from its branches.

Does CTR pay well?

Can't depend on them, unstable, and when they come crashing down, we have to clean up the mess

OP u crazy

pine trees, oak, mapple trees = white & nordic people

cactus and palm trees = niggas and muslims

bamboo and bonsai = asian

At least they smell good.

Eat a dick faggot, pine trees are best trees. There are many other shittier, more nigrish trees out there.

>pine trees
>not black walnut

nigger, do you even Agronomy

This is the nigger of trees. Covered in thorns and impossible to get rid of.

not to mention they poison the ground underneath their canopy so almost nothing can grow near them

they always grow in shitty sandy soil
throw their garbage pine needles and pine cones everywhere
covered in disgusting sap that sucks to get rid of
not really nice looking like a good hardwood tree
saplings grow everywhere really fast turning edges of lawn into shitty scrub until they fully take over

Actually pines are the one which grow in shitholes, then turn the soil good enough for other picky trees, then they get btfo.

>tfw planted 2 pines in backyard 10 days ago
>was gonna plant 5 more

How are pines niggers?
>Covered in thorns and impossible to get rid of

Seriously? As opposed to any other coniferous tree?
And they are also aesthetic as fuck and big pine forests are cool as fuck to roam in.

I think you're just a filthy palm & cactus shill who's never seen a real tree in his life and is jelly as fuck.

Nigger, pines oaks and maples grow all over the earth.

Pine trees all over the US are dying from pine beetle infestations.
Here in the Sierra mountains probably 30% of all adult pines have died out from the beetle. They spread really fast and the only way to effectively stop them is with forest fires.

Op you're the nigger of niggers pine trees are goat you anti Christmas kike shill

Pines are the white mans tree

>most efficient at conserving energy
>sturdy and endures harsh climate
>has several uses relating to food, wood work and other practical appliances
>smells nice
>covers huge areas of forestation that literally makes the planet breathe

How are they the niggers of trees?

Trees are their own group of living things, you cannot classify them within the realm of human genetics

>Pine tree stole my bike!


ITT: Deciduous Internet Defense Force


Pine forests are nice, theres room to walk around in them.

>he's never had pine needle tea

Pinenigger trees are evergreen, coniggerous resinous trees (or, rarely, shrubs) growing 3–80 m (10–260 ft) tall, with the majority of species reaching 15–45 m (50–150 ft) tall. The smallest are Siberian pinenigger and Potosi pinyon, and the tallest is a 81.79 m (268.35 ft) tall ponderosa pine located in southern Oregon's Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest.[6]

Bark chips
The bark of most pines is thick and ashy, but some species have thin, flaky bark requiring cocoa butter. The branches are produced in regular "pseudo whorls", actually a very big muslces but appearing like a ring of branches arising from the same point. Many pines are volent rapists, producing lots of other pines each year, from buds at the tip of the year's new shoot, but others are multinodal, producing two or more whorls of branches per year. The spiral growth of branches, needles, and cone scales are arranged in Fibonacci number ratios.[citation needed]. Really makes you think. The new spring shoots are sometimes called "niglets"; they are covered in brown or whitish bud scales and point upward at first and steal swisher sweets, then later turn green and spread outward into the hood. These "niglets" offer foresters a means to evaluate fertility of the soil and vigour of the trees.
Pines are long-lived, and typically reach ages of 100–1,000 years, some even more. The longest-lived is the Great Basin bristlecone pine, Pinus longaeva. One individual of this species, dubbed "Wewuz", is one of the world's oldest living organisms at around 4,600 years old. This tree can be found in the White Mountains of Egypt.[7] An older tree, now cut down, was dated at 4,900 years old. It was discovered in a grove beneath Wheeler Peak and it is now known as "Prometheus" after the Greek immortal.[citation needed]

did someone say pine needle tea?