ITT: actors you could beat in a fight

ITT: actors you could beat in a fight

well aimed punch in the neck

Frank N. Furter would still rip you a new one OP. Then probably beat you in a fight too.

I'm not a fighter. I might not win but good god I would go down swingin'. I fucking hate this little shit.

Dude, he should be a certainty.

watch him know some sickass karate or something

I HATE this guy so much. He is a shit actor, he is unbearable in How to Train your Dragon. I couldnt even watch the sequel knowing he was still a part of it. All his roles, he is just fucking awful.

i would jiu jitsu this two-faced treacherous demon whore

i don't know she seems fit i think my best chance would be to take it to the ground

hey riley!


She's about as tall as me but after refreshing myself on her filmography it doesn't look like she has any combat skills to speak of
still its not good to take chances. i'd probably have to take it to the ground

now that he's retarded it follows that he has the strength of one. it might be a bit foolish of me but i think my only advantage would be to end this fight quick by taking it to the ground


I wish this mother fucker would...

If just grab him by the back of the neck and kiss him passionately on the mouth, he turns right over. (Only works in a dude on dude fight)

I would hide in his yard, waiting for an opportunity. I wait until he is vulnerable, like getting stuck or something, run in and get some easy shots in.

that move would really only work if you took it to the ground first, amigo

this is the ONE case where you can't take it to the ground. Anton is notorious for staying on his feet, and if he goes in for a boxing clinch he'll keep you there for days, bleed you dry

I think i could beat 2 or 3 of him tops

It's just a punch to the left.

Didn't he make that raunchy little movie that came out recently? The raunchy piss party...

lol I wouldn't even have to take this fight to the ground
he's already there!! lamo!!

He would BTFO 10 of me desu

Isn't this guy dead?

Tim of old was amazing but he's just a salty prick these days. Fans coming from far away to see him but ever picture you see him in, there's this look of utter disgust, permanently etched on his face.


he was awful in that shitty This Is The End

They have no fucking shame.

this faggot


Id curbstomp this midge

As if he's too short to sit on his arse haha

his career was really on a roll before he had that stroke.

I'd love to see someone wrap him in a pillowcase and hit him in the head with a bamboo cane

I'd like to ground n' pound her, if you catch my drift.


>getting stuck

a jeep and a hard place