But Trump wants to preserve the Constitution...
sage; hide
why tho
Jackson is more than likely rolling over in his because his party is now full of regressive Jacobin faggots.
Because Donald Drumpf is temperamentally unfit to become president of the United States!
ooooooooooh look @ those BIG WORDS
the constitution is a marxist piece of trash that states in the first sentence "all men are created equal" i hope trump puts that thing through the shredder.
Did they consider niggers to be human?
Ban guns?!
Pardon us while we turn over in our graves
>founders say that career politicians are detrimental to the success of a nation
>implying they'd support a slippery cunt like shillary
occupy democrats is cancer
That's a good point. I'm #WithHer now
doesnt matter what they considered. it clearely states "all men are created equal". that is marxism 101.
Don't occupy and their supporters constantly shit on the founding fathers?
Why did he attack the family of a military soldier killed in wartime?
You do NOT EVER do this... EVER!!!!!
NO FUCKING way the military will back a man who disrespects the family of a slain comrade.
Trump FUCKED UP BIG TIME and it is 100% his fault.
must sage a shill thread
Info if you ended up ITT:
>Beware The Predictable Polling Onslaught to Paint the PotemkinVillageā¦
Lmao that is why they restricted voting to white male property owners right. They probably had their nigger slave fetch the pen for them to write that with.
can we haz cheezburgers TOO????
epic win op!
Every guy in the Military I know is supporting Trump. What are you talking about?
And the founders ideals of being isolationist, not wanting to get involved in other nations wars and business, the fact they wanted to keep cotton pickers on plantations, the fact that they base their idealism off of old English classical liberalism and the Rights of Englishmen is somehow Marxist?
How did you figure that out you fucking retarded piece of Mexican cock slime.
Do tell me, I'm curious.
Thanks, comrade!
They were merchants, farmers, lawyers and private citizens not career political hacks lusting for power to feed their greed.
They all have far more in common with trump AND they were Men
It is a disgrace for a woman to have authority over a man.
are you a retard? the constitution is marxist drivel. trump needs to write his own constitution so he can say "YOU'RE FIRED" to libtards once and for all.
liberalism is marxist you retard and how isolationist is lib code talk for "pussy". as america we should nuke countries that disagree with us.
You're thinking of the Declaration of Independence.
wtf I hate drumpf now
guess I'm #mentallyhill
Fuck off, misogynist. Female domination is a highly respectable fetish.
i am in the army and i would leave a muslim squad member to die. if not shooting him myself.
>fought against establishment
So is Trump
>owned slaves, owned women, genocided natives
Holy fuck. Trump is to the left of everyone but Jill Stein. And yet Trump is the devil.
top jej
Use that ableist language again and I will have you banned from this board, kid.
they're both garbage and if trumps gonna be president we need a new one that makes nigs, libs and kikes illegal.
Trump will be the first President in a long time to defend our constitutional rights, and he also has a 156 IQ.
>A fucking leaf
Can't tell if mentally deficient CTR shill or just an honest user raising attention to the fact that there are shills on the ship.
No it is not you retarded cunt flake, now let me educate you.
Your founders were staunchly against immigration into the USA, it only needed conscripts for its army and allowed a few retards in.
The Federal Reserve act was introduced in the early 20th century, despite your founders being against fractional reserve banking, the immigration acts that have been passed, again go against the founders wishes.
So you, my dear uneducated piece of Mexican dick slime need to learn some science I'm afraid and if anyone should be nuked, it should be you and your entire lineage for your stupidity.
And classical liberalism is essentially guns for citizens, smaller state etc.
So shove a doughnut in it and shut the fuck up, retard.
Post title you piece of shit.
Equal oppurtunity vs equal results. Marxism is the latter, freedom is the former.
Im in the Army and almost everyone i know likes Trump more then One tree Hillary.
Except for this one faggot i met that was wearing an anti trump shirt. I jokingly asked if he found it in Hot topic.
>Nope Spencer's
I think misunderstood me and thought i liked it.
I asked him who he was voting for
>I don't know yet, anyone but Drumpf :^)
>Having a child choose to die for Israel makes you immune to criticism
Karl Marx didn't exist when the constitution was written you absolute fucking fucktarded, retarded, dumb piece of fucking shit.
Now please just kill yourself and your family and any friends you might have that have had to endure and have been tainted by your stupidity.
Thank you.
>Trump further left than Hillary or Bernie
Hell even Johnson is about the same on the left/right spectrum, just libertarian instead of authoritarian.
science is for kikes and libtards. "education" is a code word "jewish brainwashing". you are an obvious shill and you need to go back to tumblr with your retarded "COMPLETELY ILLOGICAL" and proven by facts to not work marxism.
Surely their remains are nothing but dust by now?
niggers should never have equal opportunity you cuck.
This just further proves what a joke America is...
You are going to be the laughing stock after the world if you elect this orange baboon.
so what?
You're turning this board to shit.
>occupy democrats
>people still fall for it
get your shit together lads.
You my dear nigger faced friend need to be stabbed for the greater good.
Please just die now, you die now. Die, go now.
The Constitution was a mistake. Nothing good came of it. I think America would've been better off if we stayed a colony. Both the USA and the UK are crap right now, we would've been stronger together.
typical liberal, cant argue with logic so you resort to insults.
CTR get out
>Because Donald Drumpf is temperamentally unfit to become president of the United States!
>Because Donald Drumpf
Thank you for:
But then I'd be scrambling to buy up all the butter knives whenever Labour started getting a lot of votes.
Are you telling me this is not a documentary?
2 shekels have been deposited into your account
For every reply this poster receives 5 cents. Jokes on your conservicucks.
Sorry friend I don't remember it. That was the last page to it. I didn't even edited it.
Better than having mass shootings every other day.
So they'll turn back front after a negro president is gone?
You are one dumb nigger
>I've never read the Federalist Papers
Just like all the other Democrats.
Benjamin Franklin would have loved to whore it up with a younger Donald Trump.
as if the board wasn't already shit enough, s&h this shitty bait ffs.
All Englishmen ... also wrong document you shitbird
Almost every major shooting in the US in the last 50 years has happened in a gun-restricted zone retard.
Yes, those slave owners would surely oppose his racist comments.
>"all men are created equal"
I see no problem with that unless you are an autist who interprets that to mean
>Hurr everyone is exactly the same, women are as strong as men
how about you argue using logic libtard? oh wait you cant. typical.
Oddly enough Trump is more similar to the founding fathers than most presidents in the last 50 years.
it doesnt say "all englishmen" you fucking libtard, and even if it did, thats not truwe at fucking all. Why would the american constitution apply to people from england?
what else could it mean you fucking retard? what do you think equal means?
1/10 Try harder next time, user
They don't need pardoning we didn't elect criminals back then
Leave my board you disgusting liberal untermensch
>buy gun from gun store
>take gun into gun restricted zone
>shoot everybody
>go to gun store
>it doesn't exist because guns are illegal
>don't shoot anyone
This isn't hard.
Using that logic, what is stopping someone from going to Mexico to get a gun and bring it back?
Only if the woman gets to replace him instead of the toupee-wearing Hitler.
>implying Hillary wouldn't be hated by the founders even more
Don't get me wrong, both canidates are shit, but Hillary is practically everything that the founders hated rolled into one person.
How about
>go to gun store
>it doesn't exist because guns are illegal
>nah jk go to black market arms dealer Ahmed
>buy AK
>thanks Achmed!
Andrew Jackson would probably hi-five Trump if he could.
Leftists have gone too fucking far.
They do not get to spend four years calling the founding fathers racist, and then turn around and start "citing" the bill of rights and using the "what would Jefferson say?" as an argument. You can't have it both fucking ways.
To every person that uses the "You wouldn't hire your accountant to fix your teeth" argument:
>You wouldn't unanimously elect an army general to become your very first president.
fuck you occupy democancer you don't speak for the founding fathers you fucking cucks
They turned over when we put a knuckle dragging nigger in office. Trump will turn them back.
>marxist piece of trash that states in the first sentence "all men are created equal
nice try
Wtf I hate Jeb now
>Jackson regularly challenged people to duels for being faggots to him
I'm not sure which one it is, but the picture is (or was) the banner at the top of DesuDesu's page, and he was the one who did the translation for the doujin.
>implying they aren't already powering the entire eastern seaboard with how fast they're spinning in the aftermath of Obumfuck
>You do NOT EVER do this... EVER!!!!!
Was never a principle for anyone until Trump did it.
"temperamentally unfit"
thats a nice opinion, I think you are wrong but if you would rather have a criminal like Hillary lead because she "seems nicer" or whatever.... I cant help your retardation.
Sorry founding bro meme, but Trump is not the one thats been shitting up your legacy!