Is there a measurable difference between a nigger and a black person?

Is there a measurable difference between a nigger and a black person?

yes, you can quantify it by looking at how understandable they are when they speak

Of course there is.

Also this.

So then we can effectively deduce ebonics is the measurable factor in niggerdom?

Well, pretty much, unless speaking ebonics is an act.

Yes - IQ and SAT scores.

>le black man is different than niggers meme

A well behaved pit-bull ceases to be a pit-bull?

Wrong. All wrong. The correct answer is "no, niggers are niggers. Period."

I see, so when people speak of niggers on Sup Forums they aren't speaking of respectable black people only of the degenerate gang banging thugs?

Go away, Stormfront.

Thanks big babby!

Oops wrong board

Obviously. There is a lot of blacks Sup Forums likes, although most of them seem to be right-wing political commentators on Youtube. And a couple of "redpilled" rappers as well.

A well behaved pittbull ceases to be a problem, you fucktard. What you call it is immaterial.

This just, nigger is SLANG.

Every race has their bad and their good, but the key difference between them is the proportion of bad to good. This is what causes the aggregate differences we see between the races and between their cities and countries.

Whites - 95% good, 5% bad
Asians - 90% good, 10%
Spics - 40% good, 60% bad
Niggers - 15% good, 85% bad


>"Here are some random meaningless numbers I just pulled out of my ass."

Please don't pretend to be an intellectual.

>he thinks a "respectable black person" won't have a majority of his kids be destructive niggers

Learn about regression to the mean.

Individuals and "culture" mean nothing. It's all about genetics and averages.

Mate where I live it's the other way round for whites

They're obviously made up as an example to illustrate my point. Are you so retarded that you needed me to state that explicitly?

It is a fallacy that just because members of a race TEND to be human scum, that all of them are. Anyone who says "A nigger is a nigger!" is either baiting or a 70 iq stormweenie.

credit score

Thanks big babby

Your point is basically, "I don't like niggers and spics and I think white people are the best because reasons." Keep your simplistic ideas simplistic, don't dress them up in meaningless numbers.

Your point is fucking retarded and so are you.

Even if not all blacks are niggers they're still not our friends and we don't own anything to them.

No, they're synonyms. The only difference is their social acceptability.

One of the things that separates a black person from a nigger is that they don't WANT anything from you.

In that case we need to neuter and take a sample of every male's sperm for procreation purposes because testosterone is the leading cause of all violent crimes which all males are born with. That or kill off every male once we can easily find a way to efficiently produce offspring.


Thanks big babby!

About 10cm apart at the waist


but don't confuse testosterone with being the violence hormone. estrogen is the aggression and mood swing murderous hormone. testosterone is the confidence megalomania coke high hormone

>the only thing we can discuss at Sup Forums is trump and shillary
Reminder that Sup Forums stands for politically incorrect, not politics.

Yes but ALL of them still have a little nigger left in them

Thanks big babby!

True there is probably more to it than just testosterone. However there is no doubt that males make up 90% of violent crime so if we are talking about extremes of genocide or something along that line there's no reason to only include blacks but gender as well.

Percentage of African ancestry. Dark black, mostly African, shit. Light skinned, biracial, white parenting, OK.

Most high achieving blacks are biracial. How many people around here know Bob Marley's dad was white?

No, my point is what I said, moron.

Yo watchu talkin bout white boi?

How's Ghana?
Are you helping building the school for Engineers Without Borders?

and what the fuck does this thread have to do with politics?

Says increasingly nervous inferior non-white male.

everyone's a nigger but me

Whites are the niggers here

t. South Carolina

If they don't:
- use ebonics
>muhfugga, muh nigguh, etc.
- play the race card
>"crackas be keepin da bruthas down!"
- think they're entitled to anything, like most niggers think they do
>"muh reparations!" etc.
- revise history because of delusion
>"we wuz kangs an sheeit, nigguh!"
- commit crimes and actually have a job
- call attention to themselves all the time, for whatever reason
>"loud" and gaudy clothing and accessories
>ridiculous caveman/"swagger" walk
- Muslim
- and so on

Then they're just black people.

If they're missing one of those,
>ex: well-dressed and have a good job but always talking about how they're entitled to reparations because of slavery

Then they're niggers. No exceptions. Will Smith? A nigger. Beyonce? A nigress. Kanye? Ohhh, double nigger.