Was it good?
Was it good?
>robot forest gump
It was fun when I was younger. I vaguely remember it being like A.I. but with that guy who hung himself.
>scene where he slowly turns human with multiple organ transplants
i liked it
I think this is a tremendously entertaining and intrequing movie and if you have not seen it, its a must see. I don't understand why it receives bad reviews can some one explain?
Perhaps normies turned it off after the first 30 minutes and thought it was a family movie somehow
Really not. It would be funny to use an edited image of the poster to make it look as though a Robin Williams robot is watching a couple fuck from inside their bedroom closet, though.
All I remember was that it was depressing & that the one "jump out the window" daughter was a total cunt.
It has a bad ending. He wants to die or something. This movie isn't all that entertaining, its scary.
its too long. I feel like this movie was 2 and a half hours, like a whole half hour too long
I just rewatched this a few weeks ago its alright. Alot of the dialogue and a few scenes are really corny or just flat out bad. It's also way to long for what it is. Could cut out half an hour and vastly improve it. Not nearly as good as A.I.
fuck off Jon
He didn't want to die, he wanted to be legally declared human. But the government refused because he was immortal and humans are not. So he did some shit to his robot brain that allowed him to age and eventually die like a human.
He got his wish in the end. It wasn't a "bad" ending, it was bittersweet.
Pure Sam Neil kino
>He did some shit to his robot brain
What? I remember he simply kept transplanting more and more human organs until his body was basically more or less human and susceptible to age.
he didn't do shit to his brain
he got blood introduced into himself so that he would be able to age
i cried, so yes
It's actually amazing. It contains one of the most fucked up plots of any movie ever made. It's a story about a robot that falls in love with a little girl, but since society doesn't approve of that relationship, he literally waits 200 years, turns himself into a human, and fucks her granddaughter. This dude is off the fucking chain
He said it affected his "positronic brain" or whatever.
I miss these soft-hearted yet spooky sci-fi films from the late 90's/early 2000's, they always made me intrigued by the future.
Because the boneheaded marketers advertised it as a fun family movie. Check the original trailers it makes you think the movie is Mrs. Doubtfire with a Robot.
I remember seeing the Siskel and Ebert review, they basically gave it thumbs down because it turns into a drama.
>fucks the granddaughter
Well when you word it like that yeah...
Even younger me felt weirded out when I learned him and that chick were actually fucking.
>when he becomes so human that he becomes mortal and dies
This movie is crazy. I thought it was just a goofy Robin Williams movie but after watching it closely it really does have some strange and impressive things in it that aren't really very obvious at first.
DESU it's one of my favourite Robin Williams movies. It's not 2DEEP4U and poorly received as a result, it's not ironically good because it's bad, and it's not genuinely good either.
It's a flawed movie with some interesting ideas and dated effects, propped up almost completely by Williams performance. It's gushy at times, but overall the reason I like it is it's sincere.
So many movies don't have the sincerity of a movie like Bicentennial Man. "AI" is another flawed but sincere film. I'll give points to a movie for being flawed (even highly flawed), but appearing or 'feeling' sincere about what it's trying to accomplish. What I can't stand are movies that feel like contrived, by-the-numbers, metrics-driven box office cookie-cutter productions.
>It's a flawed movie with some interesting ideas and dated effects, propped up almost completely by Williams performance. It's gushy at times, but overall the reason I like it is it's sincere.
I liked the film very much, and still do, despite the flaws. Williams performance is just so comfy. Damn, still miss that man.
Anyone remember the trailer for the movie that had that alibi song near the end that wasn't in the actual movie (at least that I remember)? Been trying to find that specific trailer recently but with no luck.
Kind of want to watch this again, I haven't seen it since it came out.
>dude is off the fucking chain
This summary made me laugh so hard I cried. It's probably the booze, but thanks user, I needed that.
Haven't seen the movie in a while. Why didn't he just wait till the girl grew up and fuck her? Was the tech to turn a robot into a human not available then?
I didn't like it.
It pulled it's punches too much and sweetened the original story too much.
Plus the "quirky" female robot was fucking horrible to suffer through.
Everyone should definitely read the original Isaac Asimov novella though.
And then read pretty much everything else Isaac Asimov has written.
I fucking love Asimov.