Why is higher education and education in general so left wing?
Its obvious that theres a left wing bias, especially in the arts. But where did it come from?
Why is higher education and education in general so left wing?
Its obvious that theres a left wing bias, especially in the arts. But where did it come from?
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Corrupting the youth is the easiest way to destroy a nation.
Ye mum mate lel
a bunch of intellectual bums got together and thought of a clever marketing scheme to get shekels while sitting on their asses and espousing fantasies.
over time and within their sheltered towers they begin to think that their fantasies are actually viable in the real world that they left behind so long ago.
It just reflects the well-known liberal bias of that commie shill: reality.
>Because there's a huge conspiracy in which the lizard overlords want to keep humans weak so they can continue to control us.
>Therefore they are indoctrinating us with [insert opposition here] so we won't have the awareness to even know we're being controlled.
Humanities have a low IQ, a huge inferiority complex and unfortunately they are the ones who control the culture of most academia.
Leftist ideology focuses on education and brainwashing. China is a good example of that
succ an egg m8, UR mum.
they know they cant win with force so they brainwashed generations of kids instead to obey them
The KGB infiltrated the US education system starting during the 60s to instill economic and cultural Marxism
This was a top KGB official who fled and explained everything that was going on
Left-wing leaning individuals are more likely to be compassionate and patient as opposed to right-wing individuals who are more likely to be focused on success and discipline.
Both groups would be considered likely to enter into the teaching profession, but the compassionate group is more likely to win over students and have an easier time at it, thus not burning out as quickly.
Because stupid ideas only work on enviroments where they can't be put on practice.
"The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work. Therefore we should not be surprised to find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive."
We let communist hippies and multiculturalism take over it when all the masculine men went to die in Nam
Because righttards are too dumb to become teachers.
You should research the Frankfurt School desu.
It holds the key to understanding what's going on.
I don't think it's really fair to say that. I was have a degree in Economics and the vast majority of my professors were leftist. I asked the only Austrian in the entire department the reasoning behind it and he explained to me that right wing economists would generally rather be running a business or have a good job in the banking industry instead of teaching a bunch of bitchy students.
California most likely
Fuckin Berkeley fags ruining everything
Because they're all on the jews dole, and in order to keep getting jews to fund their shitty research, they need to produce results that the jews want.
college is like this.
You take a massive heaping pile of shit.
Add Ice-cream, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, caramel, and jimmies.
So when these people are finished, they are just giant shit sundaes. They're marvelous, tasty, exciting and seductive on the outside, but the deeper you dig the more you taste shit in your mouth.
That's why (((educated)) people are the worst kind of scum. They think they're so much better than your average "racist bigoted uneducated redneck" but they're actually worse, because they are seduced by the whipped cream and are deluded from that fact they they themselves are heaping piles of shit
Because right wing people are too stupid and too short sighted to educate our youth.
>huuurrr durrrr I went to six week school and have amaze career in Trades!!!
Why wouldn't it be? When your world view is entirely based upon living in a bubble, this is what happens.
They've never lived in a ghetto or even worked in an inner city. Their only interaction with other cultures is perfect circumstances - like when the Educated African Peoples Tribal Jamboree passes through university and you're dealing with the 12 people in Africa who aren't eating dirt and raping everything that breathes.
Or interacting with the lol so quirky and cool muslim girl instructor who acts all Western and hip and somehow must be an indication of the entire Middle Eastern people.
Back to lereddit faggot
Based Sowell
Think about if you had to come up with all of these reasons black people always fail in society. So much of academias insanity depends on coming up with these complex solutions since it's not politically correct to state the obvious.
I've wondered this too. For example, all of my physics profs are left leaning people but surely with their analytical mind they should realize how stupid the left is?
this is the correct answer.
"In sociology and political philosophy, the term "critical theory" (or "social critical theory")[1] describes the neo-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School,"
from wikipedia
Critical Theory has invaded ALL forms of academia, and it is terrible.
STEM fields are apolitical. People funnelled into humanities are just dumb.
the truth has a liberal bias
>STEM fields are apolitical
But this isnt true.
>the ((truth))
kill your fucking self
This, nothing bothers me more than some upper middle class white bitch talking about how we should bring every refoogee on the planet into our country because that one Syrian sculptor (read person of Syrian origin from a wealthy irreligious family) she met at collage was totally awesome and made great coffee
If you had any ability whatsoever, and we're right wing, you wouldn't end up in teaching.
Men hardly end up in teaching.
Wrong moron. You right wing faggots love to take credit where none is due. If you were so educated the right would have a better hold in powerful and important industries. You don't. In fact, literally everything outside the Trades is controlled by the left. Because you're a bunch of talentless, uneducated, loud-mouthed, short-sighted, retards.
>inb4 muh (((Jews))), muh nepotism, muh they don't hire me because I don't have a degree.
tldr: If the right were even 10% as smart as they claim then they would build, manage, and control industries that matter like education, entertainment, and technology (to name a few).
because liberals can't hack it in the real world, so they become professors.
For most of the population, ideology follows cash flows. That's why Europe was so Christian 500 years ago, because the Papacy was the plutocracy. Now we just have jews...
Oh did you get triggered you beta effeminate right wing man child?
Thats right...You lot aren't to keen on facts and science right? Name industries dominated by conservatives outside of trade. I fucking dare you idiot.
>But this isnt true.
The actual content you create as an academic is apolitical. If they're left leaning when voting, they're probably worried about grants. If right wing parties promised more science and engineering funding, you'd see them vote right.
Life has a liberal bias.
Right-wingers either opt out of life and never go expand beyond their podunk towns.
Science is based around facts rather than emotion.
There's a larger racial/sexual/gender/religous diversity in universities.
Therefore, the teachings of the right that LGBT people are akin to the devil is proven to be false. Some such as myself are fiscally conservative, but won't vote for a socially repressive candidate who lump sums entire populations under one name.
get control of schools.
get control of the next generations (particularly the teachers).
Beep boop boop beep?
Oh look a potato-nigger spouting typical conservative idiocy.
Yes, listen to this guy because NOT having conservatives educate the youth has worked out so fucking well.
This is why you faggots lose over and over again. News, entertainment, and education controls the youth...and you fucking retards best idea is to go get a job as a fucking electrician.
LOL. So much for the intellectual endeavors of the right.
>gets paid to shill on Sup Forums
>"Hurr look how much better I am than you"
Gj m8
Decades of getting cucked by chads.
I guess the right was too busy working to feed america and paying into welfare so crack dealers could get their reperations and niggers like you could go to college and get reprogrammed to satans spawn and think your're something else besides a giant pile of shit.
die slow faggot.
You made a lot of retarded noises and then agreed with me. Shit post harder.
ok, i guess no one wants to discuss the frankfurt school and how critical theory wormed its way into all other fields despite being a specific idea about a specific political system but sure, go ahead and call each other niggers.
Yeah no shit. You'd think after 100 fucking years of non stop losses the right would have figured this out.
Instead they're still trying to live in a Bruce Springsteen's Greatest Hits album, pretending their shitty career in manufacturing or welding matters.
I hope we outsource all the Trades to the Chinese. I want to see the last strong hold of the right completely fucking collapse.
A lot of academics before 1914 and 1945 were nationalists, racists and imperialists. WW1 and WW2 trashed western culture and civilization, decades of soviet cultural marxist subversion did the rest. We are living in the ruins of the West, the academia is no different than the rest of it.
Uhhh yeah I am better than most of you with your blue collar shit careers.
If any of you were even remotely talented or educated you would realize how spectacularly the right has failed by ignoring education.
Yet here you all still sit arguing against a hostile takeover of academia.
The right is finished. You all glorify your retarded careers in the blue collar fields, while ignoring all the fields that actually matter. I can't wait for Trump to lose and you lot to mass suicide.
This. Tbqhfamilia. Also, Marx is foundational to the social sciences, so he's read quite a bit by first year students, even those who don't go into liberal arts fields.
You know, if the KGB wanted to fuck with our education, it would be way easier to have one of them spread disinfo that they have infiltrated our schools
Don't even have to do any work that way, the Americans sabotage themselves that way
Professors are the definition of someone living on the government tit. They are guaranteed a position (tenure), they produce absolutely nothing of value. If the economy completely just stopped, their value would be "I get eaten first".
People who are born with wealth and are completely entitled are the same way.
This leads to them thinking that their kushy life experiences are somehow transferable to people who actually have to provide value to the world. They then poison people's mind with that bullshit.
within states and institutions that hold a lot of capital and does not produce, it should be of no surprise that the population holds ideas that do not have to work in order for them to survive, as there is enough capital to endure repetitive failure on the dime of producers.
colleges and urban inner cities have customers and taxpayers to endure their failures while they sit in the ivory tower manipulating cash flow, interest rates, and other methods of obtaining capital without producing anything of value.
I have a Masters in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, but I'm sure your IQ is 1500000000
>"How spectacularly the right has failed by ignoring education"
Yet the left wing wants more apprenticeships instead of education.
Wow the left really are fucking morons.
Didn't Yuri explain that the KGB infiltrated American education a long time ago?
No. You weren't. Your contribution was on par with last month's border jumping spic.
Your impact is negligible. You fucking morons have had your heads far up your asses going on 100 years now. You have flat out ignored more important matters in powerful white collar industries because of short-sighted thinking, a lack of education, a lack of personal investment in yourselves, and a flat out disregard for logic.
And you've lost EVERYTHING as a result. You think that would be a wake up call? But nope, here you sit espousing the same "Muh Trades / Muh Honor!" bullshit.
The left controls the world because we control:
1. Technology
2. Social Media
3. Education
4. Banks
5. Investment & VC Firms
6. Global Trade
7. Politics
8. Mainstream News
9. Mass Media & Entertainment
10. Military (yes we're in charge of this too)
11. Law & the Courts
You control
1. Trades & Blue Collar (lol)
2. Military (you only participate, we run it)
3. Energy (sort of, but that is changing)
We win. You are are losers. My logic is fucking flawless and you've got no comeback.
>The long march through the institutions (German: der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen) is a slogan coined by student activist Rudi Dutschke to describe his strategy for establishing the conditions for revolution: subverting society by infiltrating institutions such as the professions. The phrase "long march" is a reference to the prolonged struggle of the Chinese communists, which included a physical Long March of their army across China.[1]
>Herbert Marcuse corresponded with Dutschke in 1971 to agree with this strategy, "Let me tell you this: that I regard your notion of the 'long march through the institutions' as the only effective way..."[4] In his 1972 book, Counterrevolution and Revolt, Marcuse wrote
To extend the base of the student movement, Rudi Dutschke has proposed the strategy of the long march through the institutions: working against the established institutions while working within them, but not simply by 'boring from within', rather by 'doing the job', learning (how to program and read computers, how to teach at all levels of education, how to use the mass media, how to organize production, how to recognize and eschew planned obsolescence, how to design, et cetera), and at the same time preserving one's own consciousness in working with others.
>Uhhh yeah I am better than most of you with your blue collar shit careers.
Im a farmer, please explain to me how what you do is more important than feeding people?
>where did it come from
From the fact that the left is always more educated.
the right, ie. The Status quo, stands for ignorance and conformity, for always keeping things the way they are because otherwise ITS THE DEVIL!!!!!
people have said that colleges are leftist indoctrination camps, and i believe it
but most of my professors have been pretty apolitical. they dont comment on politics they just stick to the material. Maybe its because im a computer science major?
>Muh Frankfurt School
is a goddamned meme and a fucking shitty excuse for 100 fucking years of stupidity by white men on the right. You know how many schools and thinktanks were preaching extreme views over the last few centuries? Tens of thousands across all sorts of political ideologies.
Yet you fucking idiots sit here and blame the failure of the right on a handful of Jewish college professors, while at the same time blasting the idea of conservatives going into academia.
The problem wasn't the Frankfurt School. It was you idiots handing control over of education to the left. I mean honestly, when was the last time a conservative built a private school or founded a text book company? I mean has it ever happened? Your best idea is to run from the problem and go become a fucking truck driver.
This is what happens when you have a political party run by a bunch of fucking Tradies with highschool educations.
I'm going to bathe in your stupid fucking tears in November when you get crushed and Hilldawg takes the White House for 8 years. You have no one but yourselves to blame.
>Why is higher education and education in general so left wing?
Because of kike subversion.
>kikes are NOT subverting and add bullshit like humanities and women's studies.
>left vs right isn't bullshit
the vast majority of businessmen are fiscally conservative leftard. Get out of Sup Forums and go back to your safespace. This board is for intellectual discussion and staying here for too long will either get you hurt or redpill you over time.
Is that Women's studies?
I'm in entertainment, digital media, and business. I'm highly educated.
I can control how many people take interest in, and become farmers. I can also outsource your job to a few million brown people for peanuts.
I am the controller, the manager, the CEO. You are just a basic worker or operator under my thumb.
And honestly, no one gives a flying fuck about you and no one considers what you do honorable. You do it because you need to survive, because its safe, and because its a career with a very low barrier of entry.
If you were actually honorable you would have suffered through eight years of school like I did and led your fellow men to more important endeavors than a fucking strawberry patch.
People inclined towards academic work are often also predisposed towards left-wing views, because these both rely on many of the same character traits. For example, valuing cooperation over competition, compassion over ambition. People enter the academia knowing it won't make them rich, so it attracts people with different, less selfish and materialistic kind of motivation.
yes, i thought this, however that way, doesn't explain why universities are so left leaning.
> Americans sabotage themselves
its the leftist ideology thats destroying america, not the rights reaction to it.
IF the KGB we're going to plant disinfo.
They would have said "We put right wing professors in american universities!"
So the reaction would be against the right, and mush more of their socialist ideals.
> Occam's razor
in order to brainwash people from an early age. as simple as that
communist takeover, nothing new
>le reality has a liberal bias meme
the original universities were created by the druids, (white people) at about the same time the romans were fighting the british
it sounds like a simplification, but 'the only thing required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing'
also, evil always benefits from ambiguity
>be me
>go live in a liberal paradise
>own home but section 8 housing for the rest of the block
>witness first murder over turf in the first 2 months (18 y/o murdered a 19 y/o)
>watch democrats purchase crack from the neighbors all day erry-day
>watch coal burner get punched in her face by her black boyfriend when she didn't come back with an adequate amount of crack
>witness 10 y/o kids receive crack on halo ween instead of candy
>wintess fights over the wrong color shirt
>been jumped for no reason.
>propety vandalized by gang graffatii
>house broken into regularly
>property stolen in excess of 10,000$
>can't find a job paying more then 15$ an hour
>get harassed by spic crossing guard and racist spic judge
>etc.. etc..
>be me
>be 25
>move to conservative state, 95% whtie town
>see literally peace on earth until i read the news
>find job in first 3 days
>find another job 3 months later paying 30$ an hour
>never robbed
>never in a fight
>never witnessed rape
>never witnessed crack
>neighbors all have jobs
>start dating 10/10 blonde hair, blue eyed conservative goddess
>she worships me and happily and enthusiastically treats me like a kind of kings
>actually uphold family values (lol are you fucking kidding me, PEOPLE STILL DO THIS?!?!?!?!?!? HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT IS THIS. FAMILY VALUES!?! SINCE FUCKING WHEN)
>tfw was so sheltered from a liberal shit storm of an upbringing i didn';t even realize that such a thing as real values and respect for creation existed
the left are truly nothing but delusional shit sundaes
Leftism is the death force.
you are a pretentious nigger. now get the fuck out, you know where the door is
for this piece of shit
Sup Forums gets triggered so easily
>I'm a CEO in entertainment
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post?
>wanting all trades to be exported to zombie commie chinks
>wanting America to be a dead zone for production and commerce just because you hate rugged individualism so much
You're a real piece of shit you know that? $100 says you're a wispy fucking cuck 120lbs soaking wet.
No, because the Right is too fucking stupid to mount any manner of offensive and blames their endless failures on memes and conspiracy theories.
You could start a private school TODAY. No one would stop you. You could start writing textbooks TODAY. You could build an online school TODAY.
But you don't. You fucking whine and screech about "muh Jews", "muh subversion", "muh frankfurt school", instead of actually putting in the work.
YOU'RE LAZY. And stupid. And short-sighted. That is the reason and the only reason why you don't control education and the future of the entire human race.
> knowledge about humans are retarded, i only need to know how to calculate an integral on paper without calculator or computer durr
Fine specimens of educated people.
>I'm in entertainment, digital media, and business. I'm highly educated.
Oh, it's just a troll
But the material IS left wing user
If you take politics you learn about nothing but communism/socialism.
If you take english you read feminist literature.
If you take art you do nothing but learn about post modern leftist art and ignore classical craft.
The list goes on and barely anthing but pure maths/hard science courses go untouched.
This isnt even mentioning all of the diversity quotas and lowered standards for minorities that are manditory in a lot of countries.
People actually go into academia because they don't want to ever get a job
Niggers can't be teachers.
Nurturing is a more leftie/feminine emotion.
NOTHING is stopping you from building a school, creating textbooks, building an online training school, educating people and reversing what the left has done.
You literally could open a company right fucking now using tools on the internet for the price of a fucking pizza.
Then it would be you "subverting" people and not the left.
But you don't do that because you're lazy, illogical, and spend all your time whining like a woman.
I'm not bothered to write a thought out response so I'm going to say I hope you enjoy your future communist utopia, I'm sure it will work out better than the others m8.
> public education literally created by illuminati
> i do not understand why are they left
> herp's derp
You need to use the full comic, dude
Not really. Every powerful industry on the planet is now controlled by the left.
You control the Trades.
Way to disregard logic like a woman on her period
>Some such as myself are fiscally conservative, but won't vote for a socially repressive candidate who lump sums entire populations under one name.
Also this. The right tends to have awful platforms on social issues, which they have turned up to 11 in the past few decades.