Why are so many boys becoming traps now?

Why are so many boys becoming traps now?

10 years ago this was unheard of.

What the hell happened?

Other urls found in this thread:


No idea.

Who is this fluid druid?

>Why are so many boys becoming traps now?

Empty claim?

Go back to Sup Forums

Rubber balls and liquor

Wouldn't mind slamming my dick into his boi pussy.

Those braces does wonders for me.

Confirmation bias, OP goes looking for related stories of boys becoming traps and should probably seek therapy before it manifests into a fetish. I've seen 2 or 3 examples myself but don't go looking, this one here is getting stale.

>Sup Forums wants to either kill or fuck this

More fucks or more kills?



I memed it into existence with my degenerate masturbatory sorcery. Direct your lust energy towards your desires and make them real.


>More fucks or more kills.
Kills are to be expected.
Fucks are more chaotic.
>I'm trans but think kids should wait until they're 16 or 18 because of childhood GID.

wow SO MANY boyz is becumin trapz?!!?!!?!?

How many is so many? Hmm? Oh you can't answer that. shut the fuck up and kill yourself.

It's extremely difficult to be a man.
It's very easy to be a woman.


Not trolling but it's true. Remember when being gay was a huge deal? Now it's passe, what's the next thing that is against the social norm to lash out against society, transgenderism bullshit. Soon that will become normal and you'll see the next train wreck come out. Soon being a straight white person will be awkward.

It's just like tattoos and hair color. Remember when an eyebrow piercing was odd? a nose ring? Now people are stretching their earlobes and faces out like fucking degenerates and putting tattoos on their necks and faces like inmates.

Jews are poisoning the water supply and food with female hormones.

This. Despite what feminazis might say.

They just bail and want to gloat in their narcissism.

Good thing I only eat and drink from Arabic stores

Schools have been feminized. Society has been feminized.

Boys get punished for being boys and get shoved on ritalin for "acting out".

They see girls get idolized and put on a pedestal.

They feel ashamed about being a boy and see girls get a better deal.

In their confusion (or even rationality) they decide to bat for the other team.

It's really sad it's got to this really.

I'm not even gay but feminine young boys....

>What the hell happened?
He's Swedish is what happened. The price the Scandinavian people pay for being so fair and beautiful -- both the males and females -- is that the males get their own mental wires crossed and start thinking they're girls or something

Not really.

But nice fiction anyway.

>Substitute teacher here. Worst discipline problems are usually girls.

But....but muh glass ceiling.

Meanwhile men die earlier than women across the board, graduate University less frequently, have a significantly smaller social support network and are four times more likely than women to die of suicide.

Mind you women are more likely to attempt suicide, men are significantly better at actually offing themselves which leads me to believe women are in it for the attention.

Fuck this I'm moving to Thailand and becoming god.

kek, bullshit

Why is this same pictured posted over and over again with the same topic?

I can't imagine the alternative dimension where Hillary or Bernie win the election but let's try

>Taboo shit becomes legal overnight
>Media keeps brainwashing people to intermix.
>Gay sex becomes encouraged


I'm looking forward to the coming explosion of femboy porn.

Because it's more socially accepted than it was 10 years ago.

>you will never be a girl
life is suffering my friends

Despite what tinfoil wearing Sup Forumsacks, trannies, and the boipucci-spouting faggots who should have their genitals sliced off and thrown into a pig trough say, I doubt that kikes are behind this one.

But fuck me, there's something fucking weird going on, that's for sure.

>all ads and media suddenly have female-friendly xylophone/ukulele/whistle/clapping music
>masculinity is suddenly worse than hitler
>young boys are shoved into tutus and tranny fetishwear because "gender is a social construct"
>young girls are taught to be strong independent women because women are a 'strong gender'

Anyone notice this? Why does the whole "gender is a social construct" thing get thrown out the window as soon as women are involved? Aren't they the one who usually shove this shit into our faces?

Are they all traps?

also just to add, i'm really not kidding about the "young boys are shoved into tutus and tranny fetishwear" part
why is it always fucking striped socks? the one thing trannies buy more than actual women?

Mass feminization of our culture. The same reason cartoons aren't violent anymore. The same reason modern feminism is given credibility. Why people are voting for Hillary Clinton, and why Ghostbusters got a female-only reboot. Why lesbian porn is the most popular worldwide, and why >tfw no gf.

It's like switching to easy mode halfway through playing the game, you go from being the most hated demographic in America to having the mainstream media and liberals tripping over themselves to give you compliments

Everyone wants to be the little girl.

The only difference now is that they don't have to hide.

In todays society its less pressure to be a little girl eveyone thinks is cute and nonthreatening. All he has to do is find a gay guy with a job and his life is made.

>all ads and media suddenly have female-friendly xylophone/ukulele/whistle/clapping music
You can blame capitalism for this. Women are the primary focus of advertising today because advertisers finally realized they are the one's that spend the most money, that's why you see male deoderant sold by buff male actors telling jokes instead of showing sexy women fawning over male deoderat users, cause they realized the women buy the deoderate for the men.

Get in here now

Anyone who is white knows we are pretty much women untill we hit puberty. Why do you think hormone blockers are starting to be used to "prevent the transition" at that age, on pretty much white males exclusively.

Spiking food and water + (((media))) + (((academia))) = drastically increased chances of trannyism.

>be young boy
>find that OP qtpie at friends birthday party
>fall in love with her
>she has peepee
>childhood ruined, innocence robbed

Why is everything so problematic/elaborated nowadays???


If you had a choice between taking money or giving money what would you choose? For most the logical choice is to take money.

Why are there more MtF trans than FtM trans?
Society has chosen to encourage females, thus you will be given females.

You don't have to be gay to be a pedo for boys


No male role models, the battle against masculinity from the left, single mothers.


But he's not Swedish...

We live in a society that praises women and demonizes men. We see the faces of all the previous male presidents being torn apart to make room for Hillary's face, and the audience just cheers.

Women are treated like queens while men are treated like slaves. A lot of men just see it as easier to become a trap and collect money from online porn and Chaturbate than to get a job and have to deal with nagging women.

One of my closest friends became a trans-woman at age 31. He got a bunch of ugly tattoos, I have no idea why he did it, I never detected any gay or unhappiness of being a man in him.

Xenoestrogens, but more likely porn addiction and autogynephilia


maybe this too

Also women get positive attention just for being good looking and existing.
Men have to work hard to achieve status to get positive attention.

We all strive for attention to some degree, Some take the shorter route

Women got worse at being women.

Men, thankfully, rose up to fill the niche.

>mfw men are better than women at everything, even being women.

enjoy fluoride in your drinking water,
and abdul in your tranny daughter

Boys found out girls get all the attention and preferential treatment. It's as easy as that.

Oh, and ayyy lmao estrogens in water & plastic or whatever. Deadly combo.

Fluoride and estrogen mimickers in water and processed food.

Plus YouTube and liberal school brainwashing?


That fucker deserves death, no more of this degenerate idiocy. I am done

the more important question is, why does it matter?

why does someones sexuality matter so much to others?

>so many
>posts the same tiny handful of sissy boys and trans kids every single day
>one makes the news every few months and Sup Forums goes apeshit and saves it to their archive
>earth population: 7 billion

I would

>still the most attractive person in the pic

fucking western women I swear

who the fuck is this? links?

Same here with the braces breg

The younger they start the better waifus they become.

Stop bitching and enjoy your 20 year old super cuties when you're all 40+

Can someone tell me who this is? I see this person posted all the time and Google says nothing.

I came to the same conclusion myself; I blame the lack of fathers and strong male role models.

It's what happens when sad, confused boys lack guidance.

SJWs, tumblr

Clint was right - this is a pussy generation

it matters because it affects society as a whole.

It's easiear to be a girl t.bh.

Yep, this boards full of faggots. Time for me to make anti faggot threads in the future.

Trust the Canadians to be massive faggots. If you don't notice the massive influx of trans people and gays then you are burying your head. They are everywhere now.

Its a sign of the decline of civilization.

white boys*

Transvestites have high rates of suicide and mental illness. If society were kinder to its males, then we wouldn't be having so many problems with things like MGTOW, transgendered men, male suicide, and male depression.

someone needs to end his miserable existence

These fine upstanding citizens won't get stepped on.

>be scandi-american
>have gender dysphoria

It kind of makes sense, actually.

>porn addiction

A terrible disease, user.

>became a trans-woman at age 31

I think it shows how deeply unhappy and disconnected we've become as Americans. Men aren't allowed to be men, so they escape into pathetic fantasies.

>Substitute teacher here
>Substitute teacher

your opinion doesn't matter on anything. Teachers aren't paid a living wage in the US and you aren't even on that regular paycheck, kek

>Jews are poisoning the water supply and food with female hormones.

No, women are. Like always, the main enemy are women.

>Why are so many boys becoming traps now?

Because TV and media is controlled by women.

Are you all implying gender dysphoria is not a normal condition for males? I thought all males had to deal with it regardless of whether society "favors" females or not.


Becuase being a trans/gay is considered a heroic move, and people who have self-esteem and other mental disorders think they fall into that "heroic" category. Such a decision based upon false ideal is doomed to come crashing down. Hence why 45% of them post operation kill themselves.

>No idea.

Thankfully the BBC is dying off, they're so desperate now they're trying to close a "loophole" online.

because the Bilderbergs decided that this was the latest depopulation meme that they should push on the world's population at their last meeting.

Look at the timing - they had their annual meeting, and it was 24/7 traps in the media after that.

>Why are there more MtF trans than FtM trans?
there isn't

Read the pic title nigga

Absolutely Subversive

>Thankfully the BBC is dying off

It's not only the BBC, women are controlling TV in the US, too. That's why it's so anti-men. Women hate men.

Because, according to what a girl and a gay guy told me once, having a dick inside you is delicious (their words)

Can't confirm from experience but I'm sure some fag here can

>What the hell happened?

You haven't lived until you try it, desu.

More. Who is it?


> liberal media telling parents that it's "so modern"
> girls get preferential treatment, are called cute, are complimented, people want to be around you, nobody cares if you are completely useless, you can sit on your ass and people fight for you to be included everywhere, for quotas, scholarships, muh women in STEM special snowflake
> if you are a boy you only get complimented if you actually achieve or win something, everyone calls you juvenile, stupid, lazy and tells you that you need to take care of your problems yourself, that you are a potential rapist, etc..

Why wouldn't you want to be a girl? If I could magically switch gender I would have. I'm reasonably successful in my career, but if I was a woman, I would be in newspaper as an example of "a woman that is totally badass and rocks her shit".

Why wouldn't you want a life on tutorial mode difficulty?

I saw zero clues into him becoming a trans-woman. He had plenty of friends, he didn't seem unhappy. He never had trouble getting attention from others.


Latent mental illness + xenoestrogens everywhere.

The Jews put something in my water and now I'm a trap. Wtf I hate life now


Here are the numbers I could find on it:




There are about 2.5 mtf for every 1 ftm