Coalburner pays the price for having kids with a nigger

This video is going viral on Facebook.

Hopefully most of the girls I see on Facebook spreading this will put 2 & 2 together after looking at the baby's mixed race and realize the mom got beat, cheated on and left alone by a disgusting nigger.

More subtle stuff like this (or preferably more blatant) needs to be spread around. The cancer inducing family of the Kardashians are to blame for this coal burning trend.

In case you want to watch, link is below. Just switch out Kikebook since it won't let me post Facebook links:

wow her kids look just like her

This is an old video, shit went viral ages ago

Canadian quality thread, faggot. Good job.

Wasn't aware. Can't hurt to go viral again though.


idk if thats a good or a bad thing

As long as most of the 20M viewers realized it was a nigger who cheated on her, beat her ass and left her with 2 kids... that's a good thing.

Makes these dumb cunts who follow the Kardashians think twice about burning coal.

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

she didnt pay the full price, and that is deportation

>As long as most of the 20M viewers realized it was a nigger who cheated on her, beat her ass and left her with 2 kids... that's a good thing.

Yeah because women really care about finding a gentleman that will treat them right. Kek, Western women are deranged and want to be treated like shit.

literally fucking disgusting, all the aryan linage has just being turned into a pile of shit. Abruptly stopped because she is a whore. Fuck this , Sup Forums, fuck everything.



Torture and kill the mongrel for defiling our women and on top of that beating a White woman he thinks he can dominate, and kill the bitch for race mixing.

shes blonde hair and blue eyes, her kid has shit hair and shit eyes. Talk about dilution

Remember kids, white men are never abusive.

Her hair is dyed retard

Nobody is saying that

Regardless, it turns out that if you date disgusting, low class human beings, they don't have any kind of integrity or respect for others :^)

this kind of domestic violence is greatly different from the classic kind of domestic violence

since a man's power over the household is pretty much a dead concept these days, all you have left is crazy people, subhumans, and the occasional oddball couple doing it like it's 1957

To be honest.... I'm loaded as fuck... 2€+ in savings, 5 cars, house in Moscow, house in Milan, house in Galway and successful business. However, I'm 25, I was in a mental asylum 3 times, I did porn. I can't really demand a healthy family. Maybe marrying a delusional woman like this who was once mistaken too is a right choice.

he probably went to Walmart and never returned

she lives down the road from me (ignore flag, proxy)

the ma is a massive coal burner as well, she probably never had her dad in her life while her ma flies to Jamaica to fuck the nogs there

pretty funny tb h

She seems like a good person with some bad life choices. Did she date nogs exclusively? I think we'd match and I don't know why.

Because they both have black eyes?

husband's a personal trainer, not sure who else she's gone out with before

damaged goods from the start I reckon though lad, you shouldn't put that burden on yourself along with the ones you already bear


Kekked hard

Does this make the mixed baby a victim or a force of evil? I'm genuinely curious what you guys think about this.

I did porn and produced porn. Being a minor millionaire won't change that. What kind of normal White woman would start a family with me? She divorced the abusive fucker, am I right? I mean I have a huge Edwardian house in Galway, it's like a mythical match.





Sup Forums is really a community where you can hear a solid advise, be roasted or actually take a fresh look on things. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Seems like everything I touch is corrupted by my past. I wish I could reverse that, but I can't.

>implying a baby can ever be a force of anything

Why do you keep blogposting? No one cares commie

>Implying your past isn't glorious.

take me fám I'll put a wig on and fuck you

honestly though I'd avoid Dublin gutter trash altogether, try find yourself a nice country girl in Galway if what you're saying isn't complete bollocks

if you look at her social media you can tell she's a very self obsessed individual still trying to desperately ride on the ebb of the waves of her internet popularity, even though this happend like a year ago

That doesn't sounds nice. Think about it. I did porn. There is a video of me banging random hoes. How would I explain that shit to the normal White kids? Pure European women without dark past would be corrupted by me.
nod off, barmy

you've become a millionaire from being a male porn star/producing porn?
don't believe you my man, unless you're Ron Jeremy in which case get your dirty Jewish hole out of my country

just commented "nigger nigging,move along"

wonder how many SJW will attack me

I love how the majority of coal burners have that coal burner look. Idk maybe there is a nigger in my family tree that isn't hanging from it because it must be the same thing they see and pick them from the herd.

It could always be worse; She could have married white trash and he would just mass-murdered his whole family instead of the one punch.

I did porn out of desire to be filmed while I do sexual shit. Not for money, for degenerate sense of fun I couldn't go to sleep without accomplishing. Stupid irresistible urge that ruined good prospects when I was 19. I made my money doing advertisement placement, tv commercials in Russia, Ukraine and Baltics and money laudnryig via (((consulting services))). Nothing really smart, luck and good timing rather.

Forum sliding,sage or dont reply

>2€+ in savings
Impressive. That's double what most russians have in savings

What a stupid whore

Doesn't help when you wake up with feeling dirty. Muh dicked ruined my family prospect.

We made fun of this coalburner bitch a long time ago.

Didn't this already go viral some months ago?

anglo banter best banter

She is white, fucked a Nigger in a Dublin club, got together now look cuckold.! get over it, happens all the fucking time ffs!

The Burgers and Potatoes have no class!

Cuckandian are killing me! What makes a blonde virile breeder fuck a negroid? Kek I need a drink!

Jesus nigel you know that you can reply to multiple posts in one post, right?

I believe you meant
>coalburner pays the toll

I'm new, give me some slack bro! Can't do that next level shit just yet m8. Jim Bean down! just had a delivery!

This video is almost two years old, it isn't going viral you fucking liar.

This is old as fuck snow nigger


Who the fuck goes on social media and sends someone's comments to their employer? What kind of sick fuck does that?

This is a slide thread. Do not participate.

Praise Kek, that's good banter

An "Irish Monocle"? I guess she only got half the sense knocked into her.

Good one leaf!

Yeah, jog on ethnic brah

Shame he didn't finish the job desu

You've become a honorary human

Colombia.....famous for Bolivar and Pablo Escobar. Sorry we Have Nelson and Churchill! Get fucked you shitskinned South of dah Bordah bitch!

I'm really not sure what you're going on about

Polska Forever!

Get married brah
The biggest trick jews ever played was telling folks they shouldn't breed
T. True Malthusian

Praise Kek, does the average Bogota pleb realise what the internet is? My mates from Medellin will come knock on your door brah.

Cumskins and their weak ass genes lmao

She could still have kids with a white dude. Although the entire family will be fucked up with the nigger kids.

Galway, fuck that's a good night out! Rusfag in Ireland......where have you been? Fucked a Polish girl County Clare one time :) Galway had loads of Arabfags there taking pic of Irish girk asses? was that you boyo

My thoughts exactly. This reality is so dystopian where people literally sell out their neighbor for having an opinion. 19 mother fucking 84!

He works at a gym, so he is super ripped and dropped a load in another white girl, typical negro mentality have tonnes of kids, let the state and family of girl pay for them and just breeze on....


That black eye is totally fake. It's just makeup.
Maybe she got cheated on and left and this video was her way of getting back at him

Overrated post

That's not Aryan though lol

Weak? Because of her genes, the baby isn't fully burnt, pitch black coal.


either way she is cucked so the dye is cast my fellow Brit loving Bro

Arabscum was beaten really badly in Galway this June. Just flew from Ireland to Russia in the middle of July.
So my kids and wife one day will see a video where I do facial abuse on some chick? Or the one where I tie up a hoe and role play her rape? Incredible father figure indeed.

>going viral
>a year old meme
>a fucking leaf
This is a b8 thread.

Meanwhile an AFP reporter who made a career covering Clinton scandals committed (((suicide))) as did a blogger who was suing the DNC after the wikileaks scandal happend.

can you make it thru??

Russiabrah, we are your bros, we will look east when the shit happens! I know like all Russians is not the same as Soviet times, you are proud, White, Strong peoples. We will support you against the storm on the horizon!

I'm not your typical Ruskie, lad. I have Italian and Irish citizenship and live most of the year abroad.

Old, cold, stale news.

But thanks OP for shitting this place up with everything that is on your Facebook. It's a nice change from the constant Hillary ads.

Than you are fortunate, to have options is based, That was my plan. Work away from home in Oil, always want to work in Siberia! one day lad! all the best. Off to the Emerald Isle for a wedding two weeks time! will keep my eyes peeled! Where do you live most? Me in Cornwall, SW Britbong

I mostly live in Galway, two-three month in Milan, two weeks - a month in Russia. Drunk as fuck again. Even priests tell me to fuck off.

I did a surf trip to Penish, two years ago nearly, shit surf got pissed for 10 day, went to meet an Irish buddy in Galway and he never showed, got pissing in the Latin Quarter for 3 days, parked my ban at the Cathedral and came off my bike n the wooden bridge that parallels the river! Good beer bar next to river and harbour! Hopefully go back there this month, hey is there a homeless guy who owns prime real estate still pisted up on the streets?

So were you pissed in the Docks or South Park?
Never seen a homeless person in Galway


weak ass whiteys kicked your ass pretty good tho. you all stilll cry about it and have fucking slavery flashbacks every time some privileged white boys are disagreeing with you on internets. so shut your mouth and take that L.


No, no, was in the youth hostel on Latin Quarter, got shit faced and seen this pissed up local feck. He was know. Anyway cycled the docks, fine got challenged by locals and based them on my my own Council estate shill. Still good craic. Brah

Did you sell out your boipussi?

Any white dude who would marry her now would be a beta loser. So, yes, you get a few white kids, but they likely have shit genes and will be raised by a fucking cuck.

Keep living. If someone is meant for you it will happen. If not, fuck it. Enjoy life my Slav friend.


Excellent, it begins

fucking Canadian faggot

Not as shameful for man to be in porn. Live with the shame or get over it. If you meet someone just tell her from the start that way you won't waste time. Remember these two word: IT HAPPENED.

That's it. Cannot be undone. Don't let your past haunt you.