Is Patreon killing the good stuff online?

Are we really supporting the artist works or just turning them in entitled fags?

>>inb4 dont be poor give them one dollar

Really, in this year I see artists of all kind (porn, webcomic, cosplay, music) going full diva after some weeks hiding behind the paywall.
Its taking the stupid concept of the "wishlist" too far.
Content that in other times artist to get a name are now rewards

Artists should be paid for their work.

Before they did that by putting ads on their site, but everyone has adblock nowadays. Patreon is a direct route for fans to support people they like.

Yeah it's fucking horrible people get money for providing services.


All pictures and memes should be paid for.

Who cares if they act like assholes or divas? As long as they post the content that is being payed for than I don't give a shit.

Creators have the right to do what they want with their works.

I am eternally grateful for every one of my patrons. I hardly make anything but the fact that ANYBODY would give me money for my art is amazingly humbling to me.

I'm torn on this. On one hand it's great that they can earn a little money by doing requests and such, but on the other I'm worried it might go overboard and into general lack of content.

If an artist starts being a little bitch I unfollow them on all sources. Hiding all their shit behind a paywall is a very short-sighted tactic that inhibits the growth of their fanbase. A balanced approach makes more sense, like Polyle who releases pictures for free but keeps his comics behind a paywall. Any artist who tries to keep ordinary pictures behind a paywall is just going full retard and hurting himself in the long run.

>As long as they post the content that is being payed for than I don't give a shit.
>Is Patreon killing the good stuff online?
No, if you can't find pilfered Patreon art, then you're using the internet wrong.

This too.

>Are we really supporting the artist works or just turning them in entitled fags?

It just depends on the person, if they already act like entitled asses then they're still going to continue doing so. But ultimately no, Patreon isn't killing art and supporting an artist is a good thing, just spend your money wisely.

If they begin to stop producing content then they don't get paid and we tell them goodbye.

Why would they do that? They're being PAID for their work now. If anything Patreon is an incentive to create more because then they wouldn't have to rely on commissions, freelance work, or a regular 9-5 job.

If my patreon was making a couple hundred bucks more you bet your ass I'd being doing twice as many comics as before.

thats just not true.

there are too many empty promises and foolish donators in the patreon market.

Patreon is dying off dude, less and less people are having success, it'll be irrelevant in a year or three. Just chill.

Yeah, I agree but they will lose at least some of the intellectual Patreon donaters.

If you like the artist, give him money.
If you don't, then don't.
I really don't get how people can cry over this kind of things, or kickstarter/anythingelse.
There are always good and bad side effects to anything related to money, this isn't rocket science.

"Shut up, people deserve to get paid", says the board that celebrates comics piracy.

And that's exactly why we're saying that. Others pay because we won't. It's poetry. I continue to pirate and dedicated fans keep a roof over their house. Everyone is happy.

shut up tripfag

Apparently not if this thread was made.

The best method to balance content and finance is to pirate a wide array of content, and only provide monetary compensation for your favorites.

Unless you have enough money to throw at everything that catches your eye, you will be reluctant to purchase, and that could leave you missing out on something you might really like.

Welcome to the art community, where people openly talk about pirating software made by small studios while throwing a tantrum whenever somebody posts Patreon exclusive content.

Patreon has given Tom Siddell peace of mind, and Gunnerkrigg Court continues on as it always has, so I guess you're following the wrong people.

"Hasn't tried to commit suicide again" is a pretty low bar for peace of mind.

>intellectual Patreon donaters

Sadly is true.
Literally everything requires money.

As long as a content creator regularly provides quality content I will continue to support them, just as I do for comic books.

Dreams costs real money.
Nightmares are 100% free.

most people on Sup Forums i've seen have irrational hatred towards patreon and kickstarter

wew lad

>makes two grand a month drawing pedophelia

So which fetish do you have and which artist are you mad at for not giving you free wank material? I bet you're an inflationfag, they're the worst.

welcome to 21th century's first world probolems.

It's hard to take anti-patreon seriously, when their grievance boils down to "I want to see free titties".

I mean I get it. they want to get paid for their art, and not many people are gonna pay out of the kindness of their hearts. so they use the paywall to get as much money as possible.

if theyre reasonable about it, one dollar to see their art each month isnt that much. if theyre really worth it 5 bucks isnt that bad. I get Patreon's existence, but I wont disagree that people abuse the system. but then you just dont donate to them, and the people who donate to those kinds of people? fuck em

>irrational hatred towards patreon and kickstarter
Mighty Number 9

>Mighty Number 9

Oh right I forgot how all those people were forced to give money at megabuster point.

I don't get why people use this shit instead of Paypal to take donations. Paypal doesn't take a cut, and you can embed it in your professional webpage, which you should have if you're a serious artist.

>Even someone as popular as Shadman just barely makes a living doing art


Outside of certain technical fields, the more people are paid, the less actual work they do.

It's automatic, and you can set up a system of rewards for donators that are really easy to distribute, as opposed to manually emailing out things to people who donate through paypal. It's just a much better way of managing donations.

>Paypal doesn't take a cut

Yes they do.

What else did you expect, user? With comics and cartoons being a breeding ground for leftists, it was expected for the field to turn into complete communism.

Shad's popular, but his art isn't that up to par. If he stopped with all of the piercings, tattoos, and stopped making his characters look like they're covered with a thin film of sweat/grease, he'd make more. If you want to see someone actually ballin, look at Sakimichan.

Because Paypal has a long history of fucking people over.

Sakimichan is a freakish outlier.

This is the website that celebrates "fuck the system" in general. And OP is not the board, he is a faggot.

I like patreon a lot. I give Michael DeForge and Chuck Forsman a lil bit of money and they send me comics every month. It's a nice system.

There should be some easy mechanism to sue 'creators' who are basically just scamming dopes out of money, like there is offline.

>Really, in this year
Did you just stealthy a current year into your OP?

Read 'lazy'. Giving up a percentage for those services instead of paying a flat monthly fee and giving up first party ad revenue is retarded.

I don't like it certain aspects of it, mainly paywalls/rewards. Artists getting paid monthly for their work is great, but this doesn't guarantee quality artwork nor does it turn it into a real job.

Commissions and just a simple donate button is more than enough.
Some people are making waaay too much money through the system though.

They have a history of letting third parties fuck people over by having retarded ToS against porn and shit.

You don't get shit from ad revenue any more. Everybody's got ad block.

Meanwhile, ads really only work well for people with big websites. Someone who's starting out with a small but dedicated fanbase can still get a decent chunk of money through patreon.

I'm slowly working up the courage to one day open a patreon, even if it just nets me 50 bucks a month. I barely make anything on my art now so that would be a major incentive to keep up the work on that site.

If the censored bits look like the rest of it, the artist was doing everyone a favor here.

i hate paypal because is not available in my country

>getting paid to draw porn of other people's intellectual property without their consent

Isn't that illegal?

>Oh right I forgot how all those people were forced to give money at megabuster point.
Stay on topic? The "irrational" hate is because they don't fucking deliver. No one said they were extorting money
>The game came out didn't it? That's all he promised
you got me.

In fact its a lot of artist and models that I follow cut the free stuff after going to Patreon and even one of them saying that can barely make a living start posting about videogames that she buy and other that people send her.
I feel like its stupid bury yourself when there's other guys producing stuff just to get recognition

And you are right, inflation is pleb level.

English harder, moran. Aim before firing. Instead of a percentage, pay them a flat fee and let them get money from ads on their site if any, instead of on your site with a paypal link.

There are others who draw in styles very similar to hers. They don't make quite as much as her, but they do make more than most patreon artists. recording video lessons and offering PSDs with them at higher pledge tiers seems to work wonders for getting people to pledge.

This shitty site uses something called Stripe. It probably is available in your country.

Is that CloudyDayz?

No, it's not. And fuck you.

Not for decent artists.

honestly never understood how he made money making all that unappealing stuff

Hating people who don't deliver on contracts when you personally lost money because of it sounds rational to me.

I don't think I've seen any artists that hide EVERYTHING behind a paywall.

most I know of with Patreons do their normal online shit, but exclusive stuff just for Patreon (WiPs, extra strips for their comics/exclusive first looks at stuff)

Wageslave detected

>just use the PayPal donate money
Has everyone actually ever did that? Aside from patreon the only time I ever donated is if the artist was having issues. Mainly pet issues like vet bills because muh heart.

>Also totally not because I myself had to pay a couple thousand for my own young dog who would have not survived if it wasn't for my followers

the account is limited, you cannot add money
Here's the problem.


Sorry duder, that's not how this whole game works. You were never actually guaranteed anything so the only person you should have a problem with is your own dumbass self. Read a TOS sometime.

>honestly never understood how he made money making all that unappealing stuff
shit mate talk for yourself.

The rarer the fetish the more money people are willing to throw as it gets very hard to get quality stuff.

Nevermind, it's dreamcastzx1. Funny thing is, he waves images like that in front of people just to get them angry, and it works.

It got Lackadaisy to update regularly, so I'm all for it.

>It got Lackadaisy to update regularly

Ehhh... 'More' regularly is a better way to put it. Prepping book two sucked up a lot of her time lately. It doesn't help that she also has a constant stream of Patron sketches to deal with.

And there are other distractions as well.

It's not illegal but they can probably tell you to cut that shit out, can't they? I mean, isn't that why Paheal almost lost all their pokemon porn until they got the idea to rename the tags?

You gave a donation to support a product, you didn't buy a product. I'd have more sympathy for "Beckers" if they all didn't seem to have the collective IQ of a walnut.

Shortsighted corporate harassment of their material's fanbase is far from something being illegal. If anything, it's a miscarriage of justice that corporations keep getting away with filing fraudulent claims and harassing legitimate instances of fair use.

I like the fact that it makes it easier for people to get money for what they do online, but I dislike how it paywalls a lot of content.

The latter is completely user specific though. Some people just allow access for significantly higher quality content for patrons, which I think is a very good route.

Unfortunately, patreon itself only works in western economies. From the payment I get here in eastern Europe, I can not afford to support anyone on patreon.

> Artists should be paid for their work.

But they produce their best work while starving :/

I gladly give 5 bucks a month to InCase.

Pretty much every time someone talks shit about things like Patreon it's because they're looking at the extreme cases like Sakimichan or Aaron Diaz and not the average guy that's maybe making enough money to cover their internet and isn't being a bag of dicks.

Better to let the entire world burn on the off chance of "getting even" with those extreme cases, the thousands of legit beneficiaries be damned.


Only way I pay an artist monthly dues is if they draw shit I like, not just draw well. Unfortunately many of them cater to the weird fetishes and shit so I can't be bothered to donate.



You're a fucking idiot.

It's currently the most advanced form of pandering. You insert money and receive something super specific that normally only a few hundred other people on the planet want. Welcome to the new age.

Is this supposed to be bad?

Sup Forums is this weird site where you have a lot of guys talking about how capitalism is great and the dirty sjw hippies need jobs and we should let the market decide everything, but then go "pay artists ever? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that!"


You don't know what this word means do you?

Did you know I pay a monthly fee to have a newspaper delivered to my front door every morning? Wooo I'm getting pandered so hard.

Those corrupt newspaper companies, exchanging a service for currency. How dare they pander.

It's almost like millions of different people use this site a day!? Bizarre...

Does that newspaper only contain news about things you care about? That's what is being changed, before the major media we received had to have broad general appeal. Now we can fund niche things that satisfy only a few individuals.

why can't artist just stick with commissions instead of starting patreon?

Someone supports an artist because the artist is making something they want, and presumably the artist is making that thing because they like making it.

Why not both?

because that will only attract people who want to commission, while patreon can attract more people for a smaller cost - and they can still commission on top.

>Does that newspaper only contain news about things you care about? That's what is being changed, before the major media we received had to have broad general appeal. Now we can fund niche things that satisfy only a few individuals.

Not everything InCase draw sexually excites me to the same degree, however I get a nice range of material and the satisfaction of knowing I support him.