Dylann Roof thread

What is Sup Forums's opinion on Based Roof? He just got assaulted by a nig in the showers in jail.

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Is his asshole intact?

I want a dinosaur like that.

Did they push his proplased rectum back in yet?

Yes my rectum is completely intact

>he had the same fucking haircut throughout his entire life

shoulda joined the AB amirites?

No, i don't think he was raped. I think some nig just chimped out bc muh brethren. dunno tho

Oh yeah, i should probably link to an article. here you go


>According to the incident report, Dwayne Marion Stafford, 26, a fellow inmate at a Charleston County jail, escaped his room, ran down a flight of stairs, and hit Roof several times in the face and body near the showers. Roof suffered minor bruises on his face and back, according to a jail spokesperson.

Je suis wall

get well soon, bro

>Dylann Roof
A dumb autist who can't into satire.

Who's Dylan Roof?

Does anyone have the "why is your friend more nigger than you" screencap?

He's a fucking moron for going through with a mass shooting and not killing himself. He's gonna get ass raped by DaQuan's 12 inch member every night for 30 years until a strong hit of potassium chloride straight into his arteries finally puts him out of his misery

Poor boy ):

Just another MKULTRA patsy

He had a tight fashion style but was an autistic redneck American who make me glad guns are outlawed in my country.

Hopefully a sympathetic prison guard will hand him a razor or bedding he can make a rope out of because he's gonna wish he's dead for the next few decades and he can't request to be executed early, the obligatory appeals process takes 25 years minimum

He could just drown himself in the toilet

He's in seg and being watched constantly, he wouldn't be able to

He shouldn't get assaulted. The nigger who assaulted him is probably in for robbery or some other nigger shit. As a ward of the state, the state is responsible for his safety regardless of his crime. I wouldn't support those TN torture nigs being assaulted in state custody either although I'd love to see their feet swing in the breeze.

When I went to school, I thought about committing terrorism a lot. Obviously I couldn't shoot up the school, living in Bongistan and all, but I actively thought out ways of burning it down, blowing it up, or carrying out some other deadly attack in the hopes of killing and injuring as many people as possible.

Do you know why I didn't? Because no matter how utterly shit your life becomes, or how unfair the world is to you, it is not an excuse to behave without moral agency.
Shooting up a church is a cunt thing to do, and anyone who says otherwise is just being edgy or has a mental illness. The fact is, if you try to justify an act of evil because the universe has treated you unkindly, what makes you any different from a nigger who claims he shot a cop because he was poor, or a feminist who rages out on people because she feels a certain way.
The principle behind all of these is the same- you cannot justify criminal or violent behavior based on unrelated factors which have damaged you.