Why is it that everyone that posts facts and polls showing that Trump is losing in the polls or slated to the general...

Why is it that everyone that posts facts and polls showing that Trump is losing in the polls or slated to the general is called a shill? And what the hell is CTR? I JUST came to Sup Forums after the conventions to try to monitor the elections and it seems like you can't post anything that's not pro-Trump?

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It's a Mario Kart knockoff with the old Playstation character. I haven't played it but I don't know why it's suddenly so popular. Maybe it got rereleased on PSN

>I JUST came to Sup Forums after the conventions to try to monitor the elections

welcome the reason anti trump stuff is being called shills is because CTR now has 500% more funding

and it shows

I'm guessing CTR is some sort of internet campaign or something. Regardless of that, people are just telling the truth. He's losing. He looks like shit right now. It doesn't make us shills for recognizing that.

it's fucking terrifying. during the obama vs romney election there was at least discussion and dissenting opinons. now it's just


no room for discussion at all. everyone is terrified of hillary shills they've become shills themselves. its truly is the end of this board

Thank you for correcting the record.

>And what is CTR?
This one is a crafty little shill.
Probably a woman... or a man who thinks he's a woman.

>shill shill shill


You should be afraid.
You should be even more terrified at the prospect of Trump losing since he's your last hope.

I'm seriously fucking asking lol.

Let's not say all THAT, Trump is the worst thing to happen to the GOP since Obama threw his hat in the ring.

Thank you for correcting the recordĀ® !

because they're nervous, basically

No Jeb's gauc bowls and the (((neocons))) are the worst things to happen to the GOP in the past 30 or so years.

>Why is it that everyone that posts facts and polls showing that Trump is losing in the polls or slated to the general is called a shill?
Because they are. It's a coordinated effort to shit up our community and make this place unlive-able.
>And what the hell is CTR?
See pic related.
>I JUST came to Sup Forums after the conventions to try to monitor the elections and it seems like you can't post anything that's not pro-Trump?
No, you didn't. Don't play coy with us. This place has been 95% libertarian or conservative for the past 4-5 years solid. It's as easy to spot you shills as it is for a high school English teacher to spot plagiarism.

More like Hillary is terrified of honest debate because she knows she can't win, so she tries to poison online communities that are known for political discussion in hopes of tipping the scales in her favor. Stupid cunt doesn't seem to understand that she is throwing spitballs at an enormous sleeping giant - not talking about just Sup Forums, which top conservative journalists even have begun to read, but the entire conservative online community and "blogosphere." Once you realize how directly pulled from Matt Drudge's headlines that Trump's original policy positions were, and by how much Trump won in the primaries, you'll understand just how much support he has from people who don't even appear in the polls because they don't have home phone lines. A lot of the Bernie people have already been driven away from the Democrat party for the same reasons that conservatives will turn out in droves in November.

No I'm saying exactly that.
Do you think all these angry people are going away if Trump loses? Do you think Hillary will make the SLIGHTEST effort of patch up the discord in this country?

If Trump loses it's game over for you because people will start getting shot.

I'm stuck in the "shill" trap I guess. If I'm not staunchly Trump I'm an agent, huh?

You know honestly, I think Trump could present better IDEAS than her, specifically related to debt & the economy but I don't think he could decisively destroy her in a debate. Say what you want about her, she's smart and she didn't exactly go to clown college.

>people will start getting shot

Trump supporter chimp-out? I could believe it.

It's not what their posting, it's the fact that it's been a sudden barrage of the same bullshit every other thread for 2 days. It's clearly a raid, and it's clearly all bullshit.
>I'm a newfag and don't understand what's wrong!
Of course you don't you dumb cunt. Because you didn't have a point of reference.

I don't know man

I didn't say it's always been 100% pro-Trump here - you've always been able to go to /qa/ and find full-on lefty discussion, and those people sometimes filter over here - but the non-conservatives/libertarians have never posted threads on Sup Forums on a constant basis. They'd make like one post in a thread defending Democrat policy, get shit on like crazy, and then you'd never hear from them again. You'd also always have trolls from reddit and /lgbt/ posting the random John Oliver thread or something critical of Trump, but when you open the thread, it's all 100% pro-Trump people defending him. NEVER would up to seven of the first ten posts of those threads be Hillary apologists.

Sorry, but it IS this obvious, and nobody here is falling for it.

As I said you should be terrified at the prospect of Trump losing.

Do you seriously think 45% of this country is going to sit back and be OK with the prospect of never holding political power in this country again? The 45% who overwhelmingly own the guns, serve in the military, and make up the police force. The police force your candidates are doing their beat to alienate I might add. When these people get fed up with a democracy that does not serve their interests who will you turn to?

John F. Kennedy said "Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change inevitable". Reflect on that the next time you start to get ecstatic about removing half the country's hold on political power.

Center for Tobacco Research

is /qa/ another board for politics or does it just spill over?

Either way, I don't think discussing Trump's likely loss is shilling.

>Voting is removing half the country's power

What exactly do you call using "demographic shift" to ensure that a Republican never holds political office again?

If you`re not lying and are a newfag than ofcourse you can`t tell the difference between a shill and a normal shitposter.

But believe me when I say, a huge increase in Hilary support on a site which during the primaries supported one and only one candidate without any opposition is not just a strange (((coincidence))).

>what is CTR
t. CTR shill