Face it, Sup Forums. This is the man who finally stumped the Trump

Face it, Sup Forums. This is the man who finally stumped the Trump.

You said it wasn't possible, but he did it.

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Trump got read by the Khanstitution


praise allah

Turns out you Khan stump the trump.

>Repeat something enough at it becomes truth
Not this time. You can't kill the truth like Khan killed his son.

>1 post by this ID

Shill detected.

I cannot deny this. This is really bad right now. But technically it wasnt khan who killed him. It was trump who killed himself. It wouldn't have been a big deal if he hadn't responded. For some reason he always feels the need to respond. I am a binefide shit talker and on occasion I stop and say.... I'm not even going to respond to this. Because one thing I am more of than a shit talker.... greedy. If I start to say something and it dawns on me that this may be bad for me. . I stop. Simple as that. God damnit trump. Sometimes you need to shut the fuck up

1) Kill anyone who insults Islam or Mohammad. (Koran.33;57-61).

2) Kill all Muslims who leave Islam. (Koran.2;217/4;89/Bukhari.9;84-57).

3) Koran can't be doubted. (Koran.2;1).

4) Islam is the only acceptable religion. (Koran.3;85).

5) Muslims must fight (jihad) infidels, even if they don't want to. (Koran 3.151/8,12/2;216).

6) We the non-Muslims are pigs and apes. (Koran. 2;62-65/Koran.5;59-60/Koran.7;166).

7) Muslims cannot be friends with Infidels. (Koran.5;51).

8) We the Infidels are sworn enemies of Muslims and Islam. (Koran.4;101).

9) Infidels can be raped as sex slaves. (Koran.4;3 & 24/5;89/23;5/33;50/58;3/70;30).

10) Infidels the vilest of creatures deserving no mercy. (Koran.98;6).

11) Muslims must terrorize us (Infidels). (Koran.8;12 &59-60/ Bukhari.4;52;220).

12) Muslims must strike terror into non-Muslims hearts. (Koran.8;60).

13) Muslims are allowed to crucify and amputate us (Infidels). Koran.8;12/47;4).

14) Muslims are allowed to behead us (Infidels) (Koran.47;4).

15) Muslims are guaranteed heaven if they kill us (non-Muslims). (Koran.9;111).

16) Marrying and divorcing pre-pubescent children is OK. (Koran.65;4).

17) Wife beating is OK. (Koran.4;34).

18) Raping wives is OK. (Koran.2;223).

19) Proving rape requires 4 (four) male Muslim witnesses. (Koran.24;13).

20) Muslims must lie to us (Infidels) to strengthen and spread Islam. (Koran.3;28?16;106
ISIS practices exactly what Islam preaches.

fuck all sandniggers desu

at least that assholes son died on his home turf

look at that poor slob

totally exploited by the democrats

s m h t b h f a m

i guess. let's wait until next week

WTF I hate Khan now.

Trump was playing 4D chess against everybody, but he didn't know Khan was a Grandmaster of Quantum N-dimensional Chess

What did he respond saying, anyways? I missed that story, it wasn't big news here. I think only CBC reported on it because they like to pretend muslims aren't monsters.

why did you spell out baka desu senpai with extra spaces like that?




He implied that Khan's wife didn't say anything because being a Muslim, she's not allowed to speak. He also implied that their pain is just fabricated by Hillary.


He didn't need to imply that they were exploiting their son's death for political advantage.

Just like Hillary and the DNC did by inviting them.

They also didn't imply that women are too emotional to be able to speak, at least Muslim women. Not only did she not speak, she said she was too emotional to speak.

Khan is a renowned radical muslim who embraces sharia, the laws of the Islamic State, literally IS. He wants IS in the USA. Trump was so spot on when he said his wife was not allowed to speak, she is so battered and oppressed that you wouldn't believe.

Search Khan and Sharia and you will find his publications, where he praises the laws of ISIS and thinks of the constitution as inferior.

kek speaks the truth

I can see how the media would respond badly to that, but it's guaranteed the Dems dug the family up on purpose and likely paid them to make a mess/ be bait.

He should have done a lot worse.

Khan is a radical muslim by any standard. He loves SHARIA. Dismemberment, chopping off heads, KILL! Have you seen SHARIA? Sharia is ISIS, he is a total snake.

yeah that dude sure called out that shill for what he is

Trump stumped himself, not even republicans - no, especially republicans - won't listen to a fallen soldier's family being berated.

Why do you write like a fucking spastic child? Oh wait, you're trying to emulate him hahahahahah

No one will remember this guy next week. He will probably end up honor killing his wife with stones, and the media will be silent.

>tfw you push the button but your vest won't blow up

Khan is a forced meme.

It's just that the people doing the "forcing" happen to be the entire liberal media establishment and their useful idiot followers.


Is no one else bothered by the size of his hands compared to the size of his head? Seriously, his hand is way longer than his head.

He must be reptilian.

Hence, why we need to let people know that Khan is a snake. He is a traitor who sees US constitution as toilet paper, man made laws, opposed to the law of ISIS, sharia, ISIS is chopping of heads and living like a bronze age savage. Khan supports this, he is a snake and it needs to be brought to peoples attention.


He is your very own piece of ISIS in the US. He is a snake there to take you over. He is a missionary for ISIS.

Sharia is the violent promotion of inferiority out of fear of achievement.
Saged and hidden.

well done germany

fuck off shill

MAGA: Join The Fight For America youtu.be/WvBDCBOjDwk

>It wouldn't have been a big deal if he hadn't responded.
The media has spun up Khan for a news cycle before Trump even opened his mouth. Trump actually didn't say shit about Khan anyway, except that his wife was "quiet".

Khan was a planned as a week long campaign months ago. After he stuck they tried to run him with the purple heart thing, but it got stale fast and he's been pulled out.

There will be more campaigns like this up to and including in November. Trump will be attacked on something else for a week on a regular basis from now on.

Was it ar nige that started the hold-up-paper-on-stage thing?




The Khan-bullshit is too recent and petty to have influenced the polls in this way.

The real reason is that Trump never confronted the DNC/media lies about his connections to Putin/Russia.

Remember the vast majority of Americans live in a fantasy land where Russians are the baddies. The truth has not been memed into them.

this. look up the cidney sheehan nonsense 10 years ago. this is a rehash and hopefully it'll fail just the same


check your spelling


>Muslim Brotherhood
>Sharia Law
>Selling citizenship
>Paid by the known corrupt DNC

all seems to checkout - glad Trump called his bluff

The media can only cover up for so long before it breaks through again


He's already back up and wrecking Hillary.

Spelling is fine .



'It wasn't him. It was his 'immune to criticism' status.
>Father of dead soldier

If he called for Sharia and pedophilia, there would probably be a minority of people that would agree.


Not quite. Keep working on it. This memes lack of power is why he is still stumping him

>stumped by a man who supports fucking sharia law


You know they say about hand size. Hide yo wife, Trump.

that's not how you spell political

How many shekels did the Hillary campaign pay this man to basically ruin the image of his dead son for the sake of shilling for that trash cunt?

Must have been an impressive sum.

>my son died because of muslims how can you be against muslims coming here?

kek wasn't it proven that this guy is an immigration lawyer who personally profits off of massive unchecked immigration into the US. This guy is a snake, if that is true it would mean he was exploiting his son's death for economic gain.

Khan is a snake. If you google Khan and sharia, the laws of ISIS, the heart of terror. We're talking about dismemberment, lashing, stoning for things so small, you've all done more than enough to get killed. This very dangerous ideology of hatred. If you google Khan and Sharia, if you take one look, you see Khan treating the US constitution like toilet paper. To Khan the real law is sharia, beheading and stoning, subjegating women, murder and terrorism. He is a real snake, very dangerous, he wants to force US into sharia hell. The US constitution means nothing to him, just google or read the paper he has published. But remember, because it is so true, Khan is a vicious snake.

Well he was just shitposting but kek has validated it. It's just true. It wasn't even a good shitpost.

Hardly, give it a week.

>You said it wasn't possible, but he did it.


$20, considering he's a dirty greedy mud with no conscious

He really had Sharia Law For Dummies inside there.

Shills are getting desperate it seems.
Only a blithering retard thinks that a mudslime whining about his dead kid did anything to stump the Trump.


Meanwhile Patricia Smith and Dorothy Narvaez Woods, the mother and wife of Americans killed in Benghaz thanks to Hillary's inaction, are ignored. Hillary has essentially called Smith a liar about things Hillary has said to her as well, they've issued threats of violence against her (remember the GQ magazine editor wishing she'd be beaten to death) and pressure has been put on her daughter-in-law to sever contact with her so she can't see her grandkids.


Just read that or listen to the interview. The way she's been treated by the state department, the president himself and the leftist media is utterly infuriating.

>Bannon noted that when Chris Wallace of Fox News asked Clinton about Pat Smith, the day after her speech at the Republican National Convention, Clinton said Smith and the grieving father of Tyrone Woods “may not recall everything that was or wasn’t said” during their encounter at the memorial service.

But Trump is the one being disrespectul to a "gold star parent".

Thank you for correcting the record you subhuman filth pile of hipster cuck trash.

Daily reminder to sage hide filter and report


Good thing msm is dying

The current thing they're trying to do is to jump behind the backstabbers and cucks like Ryan and McCain and giving unsourced reports about how he's "tearing the GOP apart" while getting their bootlicker cuckservatives (like Liz Mair) to go on TV and insult him.

omg i died with ths comic lolololol

>posting from the afterlife
>spoiler alert:
>allah banishes me from paradise

But Trump has literally said the Greatest Ally is his greatest ally.

Sage. Most people understand what he was saying. Watch in November.

Dude, there's reports that TRUMP'S CHILDREN will take part in the "intervention"

Even his own fucking FAMILY think he's off his rocker.

Muslim soldiers have killed more americans than they have saved.

Same goes for muslims in general. Fuck kike traitors trying to paint this in any other way.

As someone that hates both candidates:

He fucked up with the whole "have you read the constitution", because he apparently hasn't

Whilst dumb normies might think he knew what he was talking about, there's no provisions for banning foreigners enter the US on any grounds




Shitykhan who has a company specialized in bringing countless muslims in US, supports sharia and think your Constitution should be under that? Trump destroyed him in 5 twitters

I was away for a week, but truly /pol was infested by clintoris subhumans.

How can people change their minds so quickly?

mashallah brother

the prophet muhammad (pbuh) always delivers his disciples (Hillary) to victory

Trump stumped himself! This faggot would have been forgotten of Trump didn't fall for Stephanapolis questions. And even if he couldn't help but comment, all he had to say to Khan was "you're supporting a candidate that sent your son to die in Iraq for a lie. You should be attacking her." And that's it.

Trump handled it like a moron.

It was so simple. If he had to engage them at all, do it on the SUBSTANCE of what they said.

"There son is hero and I am sorry for their loss, but I had nothing to do with his death and in fact Hillary voted for the War in Iraq. I don't know what their issue with me is as I have said my ban on immigration from Muslim countries is meant to protect us and is temporary, and the Constitution does not apply to foreigners living abroad."

Simple and done, and he could have moved on.

>Trump stumped himself! This faggot would have been forgotten of Trump didn't fall for Stephanapolis questions.

The question wasn't even unfair, he just wasn't prepared for it.


Nice Muslim veteran outrage... Cherry picking

Notice there are no pictures of the protest because it was likely 7 people total.

It's an italian name, chum...


It only took one brave patriot to stump Sup Forums's hopes.

Look at my tiny constitution mr. Trump! Look how you killed my son who was an american soldier who would have been allowed back into the country because he was already a citizen!

oh wait, you didn't vote for the war in Iraq that led to the death of my son?

Hillary did?


yeah 100% stumped...


>Trump says "ban all Muslims"
>well, our son was a Muslim who fought and died for his country, meanwhile you took 5 draft deferments
>Trump says, "No. I'd still ban you stop playing emotional politics crooked Hillary."

Yeah sorry.

All memes aside Trump is being a jackass here.

how did Trump actually reply?

>sandnigger waves my rights in my face while promoting someone who will take them away

Civil war or Third Impact are the only ways out now.

No self control. He HAS to hit back. He feels attacked, he immediately strikes back. He does this every time. Very very bad and unpresidential. You have to be smart!

People will have forgotten this by the time they need to vote.

>muslim soldier dies for the us
>so fuck laws and borders and shit, let all the muslims in

But they won't have forgotten that Trump is a dumb racist. Just like Trump and that 'mexican' judge; nobody remembers the judge but the damage is already done. The narrative gets more set every time.

That's why he took down his own website