Face it guys, he isn't going to win the presidential race. Hillary will. Are 45th president will be a women

Face it guys, he isn't going to win the presidential race. Hillary will. Are 45th president will be a women.

Only cucks and weaklings have females as leaders

So you. Brazil had an amazing female president.

t. Dilma



Good to see CTR is hiring minorities.

Disney owns the polls website

>Are 45th president will be a women.
>A women
American education everyone

My mistake for the typo.

Don't take the CTR bait

Correcting the record again, Dante?

rly makes u think

But she will be our next president.

true, game is rigged, the only way to win is that nobody will vote.

>a women
jesus dude, take your time when you shill.
Don't forget to sage, folks!

Doesnt fucking matter. Everyone knows American voting machines are insecure and we aren't even doing voter ID. Putin wants Trump to win. You put together what will happen. Trump planned this.

Yeah, it's rigged that only competent leaders can be president.

He may be a nigger.

> Are

Skipping school again I see

Post gore to get the shills out

Liberals love dead babies, have one on me, OP shill cunt fag retard.