Even Putin is smart enough to know a vote for Trump is a vote to bring down America

Even Putin is smart enough to know a vote for Trump is a vote to bring down America

He should support bernie then

What does Russia today have to say about this? They are considered a trusted news service it seems.


>any year
>investing in Trump

Putin is throwing his money away surely as the trump casino investors were

Beliving memes
Jesus you normies suck up everything the media is telling, arn't ya?

0.15 cents has been deposited in to your account.

I am NOT a Russian, no remember to vote Trump!

fucking RIDF

He knows he would have no chance at achieving a mutually respectful relationship between the USA and Russia with Hillary at the helm.

I actually would not mind if Hillary wins and she stirs apocalyptic amounts of shit with Russia.

Would be a great amount of "I told you so's" with some friends of mine.

Anyways, you aint getting a bump from me.

RT was always pro-Bernie and pro-Trump.

Putin is more concerned with the weapons systems the US is putting in Hungary, more than he is concerned with who gets elected.

Venture a guess, he probably wants Trump for trade and peace, rather than CURRENTADMINISTRATION overt hostilities.

>looks like
We can report anything now?
It looks like Hillary Clinton is a syphilitic terrorist who was in league with Osama (who is still alive and using oil money to fund CTR), as well as being a literal reptilian with no soul who will burn in hell for all eternity.

I got my $200 but my support for Trump is genuine.

Why is Hillary so sick and bloated while Jill is peppy and slim?

>All of Sup Forums's hard work
>All of it now credited to the Russians

>"looks like"

actually that makes a lot of sense

less stress eating i assume

His goal isn't to bring down America--it's to strengthen Russia from an economic and global influence standpoint.

Even if Trump and Putin don't become best buddies, Trump would be far more likely to lift Russian sanctions than Hillary as an example. She has flat out said that she doesn't like Putin.

A stronger Russia doesn't have to necessarily equate to a weaker America.

Stop trying to make Russia into a boogeyman CTR, literally no one in America gives a fuck about them post 80s

I wonder what all the cast of characters trolling and shilling in the mix here consist of...

You probably have your Russian shills who are likely indistinguishable from real Sup Forums message-wise, your Democrat/Hillary shills, possibly some intelligence or NSA-related ones trying to push more anti-social shit for obvious reasons, then there's probably the JDIF, perhaps a handful of feminist, anti-fascist, and pro-trans SRS types doing little campaigns, and then a few random trolls and shitposters from other boards just trolling for fun before they inevitably get redpilled themselves. All this in addition to the different main Sup Forums demographics invested in/serving different memetic agendas but mostly of far right, reactionary, libertarian, conservative, or at least anti-left bents.

This is CTR's version of 4d chess


a proper green is healthy

this smart burger get it but doesnt mean this is not blatant shillary propaganda.

She looks so nice :3

In better times, when our race isn't in peril, green is the way to go. And ecological concerns are still at the top of my priorities, next to those of my heritage, in addition to what's best for other heritages.

No, we're only playing 2d pinata. You won't even suspect when we step it up to 4d checkers.

I voted for her last time. I just wish greens were less supportive of leftist identity politics these days. Greens should be more reactionary - ecological concerns are actually essentially conservative. Conservation = conservative.

>Russia wants something therefore bad intention

Really enjoying this meme right now.

You know that Putin WANTS, really hardcore wants another cold war with the US, right?

is anybody on Sup Forums not a shill?

>weak US
>weak NATO
>weak EU
>more land for Vlad
Brb, mixing a cocktail for one Mr. Molotov

>be USSR
>be relevant
>fall apart
>now follow same ideology as old enemy
>he still wants to attack you
guess why

You don't need to stir shit with Russia, it grabs anything it can if you're not guarding it with force.

Oh that must be why the Koch brothers are trying to mine the grand canyon and drill in ANWR it all makes sense now

Russia is pro-whatever destabilizes US politics.

Putin is such a gay faggot ..lel

You mean someone who isn't invested in furthering some cause, who doesn't devote themselves to some larger agenda of some memetic host?

Yeah, honestly, I don't think ANYONE here isn't doing that. There really aren't any disinterested parties here. Even the more 'chaotic' 'trolls' from Sup Forums or wherever are probably on some side, or at least playing a role they have adopted from hanging out on Sup Forums.

We're a bunch of meme servitors.

that's exactly what it is, Putin thinks this is still the Cold War

No, he doesn't want beef with the US. He wants the US to look elsewhere or be too weak while he snatches up more of Ukraine and the Baltics.


So, 90% of Sup Forums are Kremlin shitposters on proxies? Explains a whole lot.

Honestly, I'd prefer her to either Johnson or Clinton. At least she's not a neocon.

No, my point is that true conservatives and reactionaries SHOULD be environmentalists. It's dissonant for people who love their land and want to preserve it, not to... love their land and want to preserve it.

People like the Koch Brothers are corporatist, capitalist scum. A lot of us see that as the other side of the Enlightenment coin.

Look into Julius Evola.

So do we, see Israel and the middle East.

>cold war is over
>old enemy puts weapons on your border
is he supposed to just ignore the blatant containment the US and allies is imposing on russia

Daily reminder that Trump is a russian plant

Shit we were discovered. No point hiding anymore.
Hail Putin

Thanks for making zero sense.

>we here at Sup Forums hope you have enjoyed your stay
>you can now return to working for your suzerian jewish overlords for your boderline neetbux pay
>congratulations on being a stain on society
>a fucking leaf

I am a russian agent and you are wrong

thats a lovely story CTR. how did trump win the primary and get more votes than any republican in history during the primary?

cant wait for november.

wew lad sure made me think....

Wake up, this is the 21st century. You're so fucking thick.

Nice RARE atleastwerenothaiti

so THAT'S what Crash Team Racing stands for

All those poor Russians on this board that have been doing it for free.

This is fucking unacceptable. How do we make Russia stop meddling in our politics? They need to learn to respect sovereignty.

You are right, they are way different. Thanks for correcting the record in the current year.

I'd say the situation in Ukraine is more than enough cause to support our regional allies

i knew this board was full shillpost since the election started

if there is one country around europe that I truly hate it is those slimy fucks
ukraine has to be dissolved right now
in my eyes even turkroaches have more worth than hohols


The state of Israel was formed in the fucking NINETEEN FOURTIES YOU FUCKING LITERAL RETARD.


KEK, right. If anything, this administration shows it has no balls with the anexation of the crimea. Admit it guys, I want that wall as well but with Donald J Bartholemew trump as POTUS, kek will happen and it will put a smile on putin's face.

So your nigger logic is one happened to long ago? Yet those faggots and the middle East are still center stage and your crying about Putin taking over a country who voted to secede? Keep those shekels flowing I guess haha.

what happened to you mongols from the russian steppes? you used to be so fierce