Too conservative for the Democrats

>too conservative for the Democrats
>too liberal for the Republicans
>too anti-TPP and pro-fair trade for the Libertarians
>too pro-Nuclear and not SJW enough for the Greens

Do the right thing and vote Trump, OP. You'll be glad you did.

That's almost an exact description of Trump

Why don't Americucks have a NatSoc party? You have NatSocs flags you could even match the looks

Yes, vote for Donald, please.

Preliminary, first debate Trump. Fuck the guy running now - picked a famn neocon as a running mate and is flooding my inbox begging for money

Dat aesthetic

>pro-fair trade
>not libertarian
doesn't make sense

nice blog


There's a difference between free trade and fair trade. Yuge difference.


There is no way in hell that any provision of the TPP will ever affect your life in any way, shape, or form. The fact that this is one of your most important policy stances just demonstrates that you have delusions of grandeur.

>>too anti-TPP and pro-fair trade for the Libertarians
how does that work ? wouldn't libertarians be against it ?
unless you're sricly talking about american libertarians ?

how so? from what I've noticed trade regulations usually give unfair advantage to certain parties


i feel your pain op. I'm basically voting trump just to make life hell for our shitty do nothing Congress.

Shipping jobs over seas
Allowing multinational boards that have no accountability to allow as many H1B as they please

Both will lead to the decline in work force worth, stagnating or declining wages and so lower quality of life.
For every non 1% American.

It's not theory, NAFTA has already proved the above accurate.

allowing corporations to have more rights than citizen or normal businesses will destroy competition.
TPP and TTIP also limit the way the governments can restrict lack of competition, price fixing and monopolies. Further transfering more power from the goverment to corpotations.

Cementing this would be the corporate influenced extrajudicial court that would be able to fine the US for any action that would limit corporate profits. EVEN if such action is according to US law.

Basically TPP and TTIP harm small business, remove competition to corporations, reduce value of labor, especially of US citizens and so restricts social mobility.

And that's not even everything but post is getting long.

>all these Trump shills ITT


feel you user

one of my biggest feels is when those that hate muslims the most are mega christian.

He means that it's not unfair if regulations give advantages to people he favours.

Same boat tbqh fåm

>tfw don't give a flying fuck about anything else and just want niggers, spics, chinks, and camelfuckers gone so we can have a white republic

>i just want them dead

In the exact same position as you, OP. There's no candidate for me to vote for.

Yeah, I'm pretty much OP and I'm voting for Trump. I wish there was a real moderate party. Trump fits the bill for a Middle American Radical candidate

>Le im so superior because i dont fit into any major political party meme

Develop a railgun rifle
Snipe hillary with it
then an hero

I just don't want to have to worry about being culturally enriched by some dindu

Congratulations - you're a contrarian.

>he hasn't already built his own superconducting magnetic rifle

you're a cunt aryan


Why the fuck do you want a moderate party? Your nation will die fast if hillary is elected through immigration or just die slow (like the last 50 years) if you choose moderate.

It is either radical or death.

> Shills.

I think it's high time we define shills.
> A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization.

> A person engaged in covert advertising

Long story short, someone who openly supports Trump or Hillary or w.e and asks you to vote for him/her is NOT shilling. Being straight forward while having no benefit out of it is not shilling. Doing sneaky manipulation tricks while getting paid to poach people, IS.

Sup Forums has no Trump shills because it's one of the few places his supporters can actually be free to express themselves and be heard without getting banned or having SJWs call them REICISS.
Shillary supporters have lots of faggot places to circle Jerk.
Shillary shills come on Sup Forums

politics don't exist for normies. Its just an identity, not a loyalty.

Just lie.

I'm probably pretty close to you in belief. Think of which party makes better allies. The answer is clearly Trump and the Republican party. I'm not ultra-conservative but the Democrats do not have our best interests at heart.

So you're reasonable?

Do you know how expensive it is to sponsor one of those visas? You're basically arguing that you value yourself so little in the workforce that you're afraid companies are going to go to other countries and pay a bunch of money to hire someone to do the job you want. Why don't you just beat out foreigners?

NAFTA was a net positive for exports from the United States to other countries. Of course we shed manufacturing jobs since the early 90s. Robots can do a better job and don't get pregnant.

Lastly, Corporations do not have any extra rights privileges or advantage over you simply because they have standing to dispute potential violations of the treaty in bi over you simply because they have standing to dispute the potential violations of the treaty in binding arbitration in binding arbitration

>to degenerate for the good Christian folk
>too goody-two-shoes for everyone else

You can't just go full fascist straight out of the gate (like a German); you need to ease into it.