Dank memes and childish abuse aside, can we get a discussion going about the pros and cons of Hillary...

Dank memes and childish abuse aside, can we get a discussion going about the pros and cons of Hillary? I'd like to see what people really think, and look at things from all angles

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She's a reptilian for one.

Nuff said.

>The pros

How can we discuss something that doesn't exist?

She could become whatever you want if you offer the right amount of money. So there is nothing to discuss tbhfamalamndingdong.

are you that proxy ctr guy that cant change his location from new zealand? the one thats been shitposting worse than australia and leafland combined?

Even if she is objectively evil and Im pretty sure she is, she has a consistent leadership style.

Trump would constantly be throwing the market into chaos by flailing around like an idiot. Even if he is genuine, he is genuinely inconsistent and that's bad for the world economy

Con: The obvious serious medical issues she has


>Compulsive liar
>Receive money from corrupt businesses one which supports Isis
>1st woman president


You been livin under a rock m8? GTFO shill

if you lead with something that agrees with them, they will be more receptive to your criticism

we dont give a single fuck about the "world economy" you globalist faggot. america first bitch. every country should put themselves first

Why is Hillary so sick and bloated while Jill is peppy and slim?

I was literally just about to post this video
Hillary is unfit for presidency

While war with Russia and Europe destabilized beyond repair will be very good for the market.


How long before a us-involved war if hillary wins?

The only pro about Mrs. Clinton is that her election will prove beyond a doubt that logical thought is utterly dead and buried in the USA voting base. That's no good.

Literally at her acceptance speech.


>world will end
>not dank memeage

Fuck off OP

Trump ~ 2016

>Gross negligence in regards to e-mail security
>murders people who get in her way
>corrupt af
>has lots of connections in DC I guess?

She's a puppet.

really makes me think

something is definatley wrong with here

i hate how they keep changing how youtube looks also

Pros: none

Cons: all of them. Will not make anime real.



She's making Trump look like Jeb


Pro: Not that blundering meme Trump

>deport snek


Literal puppet dictator for globalist
Old and sickly
Mass5mudering psychotic criminal

Back to ctr you go

january 2017. she will declare war on syria and russia is in syria. she wants to prove shes a force to be reckoned with. russia wont back down. direct fighting between the 2 will happen even if they dont talk about it on the news

russia bombed cia backed forces already they wont flinch. you wont scare putin away. its not that hillary is a woman its that he has no reason to back down. if obama cant scare him away your just a idiot for trying

at that point german in a very belated attempt to secure the baltics runs right into a mine field metaphorically speaking since russia always knew europe would be a meat shield for america and planned in advance of this obvious move

predictability is fatal in war. the entire EU suffers major losses and america gets blamed for starting all this

she refused to mention the term 'islamic terrorism' until the political pressure to do so was stronger, and terrorism was still not a main concern to her.

This is swedish/european and means there is more fear about americans attacking muslims, than there is fear of muslims attacking americans. It also indicates the woman has no real backbone and will do damage control most of the time and cower away from tough decisions. Less discrimanatory evidence of wrongdoing is the way to go.

Dont give CTR any god damned information Sup Forums. We're playing with Kissinger here



When Trump flies on a plane he has a snack cause he's hungry. When Hillary flies she drinks cause she's an alcoholic.


Hillary only wants to make it "good"

I'm fairly sure GREAT is better than good, so I'm voting Trump

Trump Ice is the only thing I drink

This. With all the Dems accusations that Russia is involved with the DNC hacks (unlikely), seems they're setting the stage early and now for something big to go down with Russia if they get her in office.

there are no pros.
She is literally the worst possible choice out of all human beings on planet earth for the office of president of the united states of america. The fact that she's even made it this far is a bellweather of how dire the situation is and how close to complete idiocracy we've come

Well, guess our CTR shill isn't coming back to discuss anything, Guess their mommy called them in for dinner, as their tendies were getting cold. Onward to the next shill!

> pros
She might be sufficiently greased to get fracking, nuclear power, and XL up and running

May boost protection for our Pacific allies.

>>Foreign policy
Neocon that was complicit in power vacuums and regime destabilization on 4 continents using unaccountable proxy fighters in needless proxy wars against Russia.

Not calling out Islam for what it really is.

Loss of morale for the military, esp with death-by-powerpoint sensitivity training, 'gender equality' in units, having to support extremist Islamist militias antithetical to their own values, and watching the regions they conquered fall to shit in short order.

Urging Europe to take more migrants and asylum seekers/refugees.
>>Domestic policy
Complicit in Obama's mass surveillance, portions of which were ruled unconstitutional.

Administrative incompetence and/or malfeasance.

Higher taxes.

More pecking at the 10th Amendment like a vulture.

Max globalization and outsourcing.

Amnesty, weakened border security, increased legal immigration from the 3rd world.

Sage. Ignore these threads, let them die.

I'm not a shill, or a woman, and people are making interesting points. I'm carefully thinking over what you have all said.

I fixed your image

sage the shill threads and move on with life

u called?
what u want to know?

Genuine question, does Trump eat anything other than fast food?

she is the best candidate, stop with sexism #imwithher

fucking shill

Pros: Intelligent and experienced executive who won't fuck it all up
Believes in science
Cons: More neoliberal destruction of the middle and lower middle class
Corporate sellout

>the global economy does not affect my own

fucking DOLT

US maintains its hegemony

Dropping out of the WTO and pretending we're gonna reindustrialize is insane.

>can we get a discussion going about the pros and cons of Hillary?
The moment you look for pros in the devil, evil has already won your heart. But you're australian anyway

She's basically a conservative when it comes to the economy and left when it comes to social policy.

So she won't fix any of the economic issues but she'll have a bunch of support because of her social stances. Basically, she'll copy Obamas economic policy and be a corporatist shill.



Cunt got vile rat killed. All that matters.

>can we get a discussion going about the pros and cons of Hillary?
The moment you look for pros in the devil, evil has already won your heart. But you're australian anyway

I know it's memey as fuck to say that Hillary Clinton has no positives, but she really doesn't.

Let me put it this way, I was willing to acknowledge the potential upsides of the Obama Presidency.

I was hoping that environmental issues, healthcare, & Iran could be the silver linings of an 8 year Obama presidency. I didn't vote for him either time, but was willing to acknowledge the upsides of his platform.

Now, what actually happened during the Obama years was less than stellar. The ACA doesn't hold a candle to proper healthcare, and has turned swathes of the electorate off from it. Obama's environmental aspirations have flopped. And the Iran deal was horribly negotiated, and most likely ensures that we're stuck right where we were before, geopolitically.

Hillary doesn't have anything that could potentially be a silver-lining though. She says she's against NAFTA/TPP. Her political history says otherwise.

Her foreign policy is weak, and just watered down neoconservative foreign policy.

She speaks about environmental issues, her campaign contributors obviously aren't fans of that.

She'd rather build on the failed ACA foundation, rather than give proper healthcare like Sanders proposed.

Her policies on illegal immigration are awful.

Government transparency? Nope. College affordability? Nope. Job creation? Nope.

Literally the only thing that Hillary Clinton is "good" on, is abortion. Abortion isn't threatened in this election, and that battle has been over for decades.

The ONLY good thing about this candidate is that she's in support of black population control.

if you actually spent time on Sup Forums before you became a shill you'd know that the cons have been discussed numerous times, there are no pros.

He can have snack foods once in a while because unlike Hillary he doesn't drink alcohol

>spending vasts amount of shekels on things you chew up and shit out

Trump truly is a genius