In case you guys missed it, a few shills over the last few days have left or were purged for CTR for admitting to the shilling.

Some head shills have said that the DNC and CTR fear us after the leaks and inability to control us unlike Twitter/Facebook/Reddit.

I've started noticing threads of trying to migrate to another board due to shilling. I want to remind everyone that any attempt of forcing a migration to another board or another chan is a SHILL.

Let me repeat,

These idiots seem to forget that they are pissing in an ocean full off piss. if you see any Sup Forums or trump or whites BTFO'd or Drumpf or any thread that you know is a shill thread, Sage it or don't respond. Mods aren't doing their job so don't bother reporting, you will only get issued warnings.

Good luck, and rim my ass CTR.

Other urls found in this thread:



They're also starting threads now trying to convince us there aren't any shills.

It's pretty funny that they can't even spend effort on being Pro-Hillary because they have to work to convince us they don't exist.

Trips checked
Ctr will burn with her


slide goes in the email field

Trips even in the name, Hilldabeast on suicide watch.


Nice double trips

>attempt of forcing a migration
di z marzano

KEK approves of this message.

I find it amusing to watch their more and more desperate attempts to shill. Hilldawg must be hurting pretty hard to stoop this low.

i've seen enough now


A red pill for every shill

They come in retarded, they go out illuminated




Bump for OP

Please respond to my shills. Hillary has my family hostage. If I don't get at least 80 non Aussie or leaf shitpost responses a day, she'll kill them.


Pol paranoia strikes again

mfw hillary announced "correct the record" campaign and then Sup Forums proceeded to destroy itself from the inside out

mfw there are no ctr shills on Sup Forums at all and yet Sup Forums burns itself to the ground


Bumparoo. Fug the haters. Im a #Trumpstaffel and always will be.

The shilling seems less intense now than it was an hour or two ago.

What is their next tactic? Remember anons they come in waves, so we must weather it like any other storm.

Hello new friend

You've convinced me


The list of ctr people posted on b from linkedin showed most of the leaders are jews - not surprisingly

We've known they exist for months already.
Fuck off, retard.

The shills always come in waves to capitalize on a manufactured media non-story about Trump.

We know they're here. What I would like to know why they're here. Is Hillary fucking retarded? Does she think the few thousand of people on Sup Forums are going to decide the election?


I kinda feel sad for CTR, they are being as loyal as they professionally can but the DNC guys and Hilary have a past of killing their own to prevent possible whistleblowing.
I wonder if they are getting fired, or actually going (((missing))).

If you are a shill and is reading this, there still time to pull a snowden and become a hero.

I've never fully understood this picture. Is that her arm around here or boobies? Does anyone have a bigger picture or the source?

Nice trips, but i think you mean rogue, not rouge. Unless if you know for certain that they've decided to become an off-shade of red.


Sage bomb anyone? Lets get rid of these CTF shillthreads. Have faith brethren, for the time hath cometh.

they really do work hourly just like jidf
fuck last night captcha had me clicking street numbers and houses for five minutes before i could post.
i hopped on a different xfinitywifi and cleared my internet history, launched incogneto browser and skipped around that shit, back to clicking three images of grass.


We're actually just starting today. I would expect support for Hillary in this out of all places.

Donald Trump says a lot of things, that he will keep sandniggers out of the country. But only Hillary Clinton has a proven track record of approving actions that have killed many sandniggers and their dirty sandnigger babies by supporting the War on Terror and her dealings as head of the State Department.

Only Hillary Clinton can put those sandniggers in their place.

She has killed the most sandniggers and will keep America safe with a proud tradition of approving combat actions that are detrimental to the lives of Muslims.

Donald Trump's Muslim ban is just toothless rhetoric by comparison.



Crash their building, with no survivors

These Shills shall not pass

I mean I thought all of that shit was just trolls spamming us. Why would CTR raid us here? Like, what the fuck were they hoping to accomplish?


Nice try crt.

Its not the first time this happen, its a very artificial night to day change that is really unsubtle.
Though i can't blame them for scamming the DNC out of their corrupt cash they are blame however of betraying america for working with a criminal in conspiracy against american democracy and freedom, they shold face trial for it, if not by the federal government, handle the list for (((lone wolves))) and make it happen.

really makes you think, huh


it's not like they know either

Why do shills keep using Canadian proxies? A real Sup Forumsmaster would know never to respond to A FUCKING LEAF

How do we know you arent a shill trying to mislead us?

Fuck off shill.

Fucking CTR shills were bombarding Sup Forums like an hour or two ago but it seems less intense now. What happen?

Its been a proven fact Hillary only does small crowds where she can control what goes in and out.

She doesn't need name recognition.


How do you sage a thread?



>looks at flag

Fucking buttmad CTR proxy

Is that how things work in Brazil? I thought you guys had freedom of speech laws.

>freedom of speech
>illegal to say Rio is filthy

Pick one

Actually it's great. I would rather CTR FLOOD us with shills as we can easily absorb their evil power. We are battle hardened veterans of many campaigns, loyal to a man and will NEVER back down in the face of fire. We have seen off Jebheads, Cruzlims, I have fought in the Battle of Britain and came back from despair to finally win Brexit, many of you have stood by my side as I will stand by yours. All real Sup Forumsacks would take a bullet for the God Emperor IRL!

CTR can come here because if they don't then they might attack the normiesphere and infect normies with their disease and we DON'T want that.

They could send the head Jew himself and we would still stand firm to a man.


>Moloch threads stalling out because of constructive replies redirecting them to proper place
>"hurr durr, if you tell us to migrate our supernatural slide threads to x, that is also a shill"

type sage in the options field.

shillary btfo

Probably withdrew because we starting doxxing their leaders.

The best part is they've been datamining for prob a year or so to lrn2chan. They still don't know how to greentext

You can't stop us now.
You can only come out of this by pulling a snowden and damaging the DNC for conspirating against the us gov or you can go down with them, you must understand you people are dealing with team killing corrupt fucks with zero decency and humanity, they would sell their mothers for a twinkie you think they woudn't discard you to prevent whistleblowing? HAH better yet if you obey them you put yourself in danger AGAIN by an even bigger force.
Look around, (((WE))) are a multinational group with similar goals and you pissed us off, we have your names, addresses and faces, as well as of those close to you, you can't hide in or out of usa.

I would pull a snowden right fucking now, after all, if your boss see you read this, he might suspect you already even if you fake your best.

Go ask Hillary you NEWFAG

what does it do?
>inb4 newfag
I just never got to asking

Ive been here for about 3 years. I never got around to ask it because of replies you you.

So basically you want censorship?
This place really is wrong about everything it seems.

Learn to fucking Google, you pituitary retard.

God you fucking autists don't have any grasp of nuance do you?


Yeah talking about Clinton's leaked emails with the Rothschilds belongs on /x/. There is nothing political about this content being discovered in the leaked emails. Look the other way. Don't put knowledge in one place to compare it. Spread it out. Disassemble it so it can't be looked at as a whole.

Maybe we're just paranoid. I can admit that. Maybe you're just a weak, soulless traitor to the human race shilling for an evil sociopath in exchange for a cheap paycheque because you don't even believe in your own value let alone anyone else's. Can you admit that? Can you admit that if you're wrong you're a threat to the human race and that if you're lying you're a fucking villain who needs to be slaughtered in the fucking street?

Fucking shill.

>I said sandnigger, that'll convince them

>1 post by this ID

These shills are in for a rude awakening if they think they can take this board from us. Their meager salaries and tepid motivation could never hope to compete with the pure, burning conviction of Trump supporters united under Kek.

Where it says options type sage.

A fucking Leaf CTR shill.

>trip says trump
I'm conflicted family. How did you accomplish this witchcraft

People who use the word shill are fucking retarded in my opinion.

>inb4 hurrrr shilllll durrrrrrrr duuhhhhhb shillll duuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Thank you for Correcting the Record!

>1 post by this ID

Why aren't we spamming gore and other triggering shit to scare them off?

No one gives a fuck about your opinion, timbits.

>nigger muslim president

People who's economy is supported by maple syrup exports don't get an opinion

because we're not 12

Just saw a CTR thread get 404d

Mods = gods

Why are they wasting their time here and not normie social media sites?

Do they really think they can convince who they perceive to be far right wing neonazis to vote for Hillary over anonymous posts on an anime website?

I believe the shilling may indiscriminate. People who already shitposting before the election simply signed up with ctr to make cash off of it.

You have to find ways to spend $6 million somehow

Kek I'm not worried, these shills are getting slaughtered, even if they are just ironic redditors raiding.

This is like sending greenhorns into a fucking meat grinder. All these kids are probably used to posting memes to bookface and not this shitshow forum. They can't pretend to assimilate, true Sup Forums assimilation takes years. We're like a fucking cult. They stick out like a sore thumb.

However if this was an attack by CTR we should be prepared for them to get better at shilling in the future

No fucking way this is true.

Rouge? Do you mean Rogue?

Rouge means red in French you tard.

gore and porn are classified as obscene
obsenity laws are not enforced
yet another reason i hate making more laws instead of enforcing current laws. repeal some laws ffs

This. They just used to be called JIDF. Gotta shed their identities from time to time like HIV.

okay thanks

H-hillary i-I don't f-feel so good


why "sage" though? Why not "report" or something?

fuck off shill we dont educate it's not a right.


Actually, we are the makers of the memes. If we're so distracted by junking up half the catalog with replying to CTR threads and paranoia, we make no memes. Memes will win this election.

>not knowing Sage goes in Name

You fucking shill

Did your hand shake in shame when you posted, "sandnigger?"