Christianity is NOT european!

Christianity is a religion from the middle east. It should have no place in Europe. Christians saying that Islam shouldn't be allowed are a joke. Both religions are non-european and it's a shame that Christianity is the biggest religion in Europe.

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But... you're European. Also every knows when white ppl find out about something they take it too far and ruin it.

Christianity created Europe you ignorant tool. Without it Europe would be what Asia is now, a clusterfuck of people coming from nowhere and going going nowhere.

Kill yourself JIDF

Is pic related European?









Hah! :D It's a good-looking flag to be honest. My point is that we should reject both Islam AND Christianity. Both their books are filled with lies and in my experience Christians are cucks.

Yeah, I'm European, but not a Christian.

Asia is powerful. China has a better economy than any European country.

fuck off Varg

>Christianity is a religion from the middle east.

True, sand religions should have no place in white men's countries. Cucks everything up.

Why do you have to be such a weird atheist? Is it because girls don't pay attention to you in real life? You're literally presenting it as "guys I'm an atheist but I'm totally closed off to opposing arguments and you should be that way too"

So kill yourself

At least I don't tell Christians to fucking kill themselves.

Sage, Ahmed.

You don't even believe in morality so you have no right to judge

After you kill yourself you won't be able to :^)

Wait a moment the half of the new testament happen in Italy, Greece and Africa.
What are you talking about?

Also Apocalypse was writted in Patmos Island in Greece.

>Christians saying that Islam shouldn't be allowed are a joke.
Yeah, it's pretty fucky when christtards say "we have to stop this foreign bullshit from spreading and subverting our traditions". Like they have zero self-awareness.

Morality doesn't work like that. I can be moral and not believe in a god. I care for my family, my friends, and my country. I don't need a book to tell me what I should think and feel.

This. Send all semitic religions back to the desert, where they belong.

>I care for my family, my friends, and my country

How is that moral?

That's an assertion, not an argument

What? I think you're the first person I've met that think that is wrong...

I didn't say that's wrong. I'm asking you why it's right

Okay? Telling me that isn't an argument either. And just because I said something that wasn't an argument doesn't mean that I'm wrong. I'm unsure of why you said that it wasn't an argument. That does not have to do with anything.

Because it fosters an eviorment for everyone to better off not only in the short term, but also the long term. If that's not good enough for you then fuck back off to sucking your Bronze Age daddy's dick.

>Argument from popularity
He's asking you how you're grounding that morality. Under materialistic atheism, what we call "morality" is merely an evolutionary instinct, and being born with or without a sense of morality (ie. being a normie or a psychopath) is just as "good" or "bad" as being born with homochromia or heterochromia.

So let me rephrase that question for you: on what grounds do you believe that your love for your family, friends and country (but implicitly not those outside of your country?) is moral, other than your own whims and fancies?

Don't you care for your family? I'm sorry if you don't.

Wrong eventually the spaniads, frogs and bongs would start exploring the New World without Christianity.

I do wonder what a modern polytheistic pagan world would look like though.

What if your family are declared enemies of the state? By that logic you should personally deliver them to their executioners

If the bible makes sense in your language, it's for you.

That's completely wrong

Rome created Europe, Catholicism is just the state religion with a new coat of paint.

Everything about the core of Christianity is non-European and Catholicism ignored the barbaric parts.

For example, true christfaggotry HATES idolatry to the point where many of the wonderful pieces of art in catholic churches are considered heretical. This is why protestant America is so sterile and dull, because they went back to the fearing "idolatry".

Armenia houses an un-europeanized idea of Christianity and look how that turned out for them.

How is it wrong? All Cucktianity did was get Euros to agree on a single form of madness but without it it wouldnt stop Euro progress at all.

>on what grounds do you believe that your love for your family, friends and country (but implicitly not those outside of your country?) is moral, other than your own whims and fancies?
I want people of other countries to have a peaceful and happy life too. But I can't help the whole world, right. So I care for the people that I care about the most. If everyone did that as well as wanting a peaceful life for everyone, I think the world would be a lot better than it is now.

Depends on whether their claim is credible.

I honestly don't even care. Why should this be an issue?

I only care about the truth. The truth is that Jesus Christ died for our sins and each and every one of you need to get baptized right now.

Should you feel sorry for me?

Protestantism only exists because greedy rulers in Europe wanted to confiscate church property. The theological arguments came afterwards. And Protestantism is not "true" Christianity.

The age of exploration only kicked off because the T*rk would not let Christians trade on the silk road. If there was no Christianity, Europe would have been totally divided and thus become part of the Muslim world. Thus no renaissance of scientific revolution either. Genetic determinists are cancer.

Does it matter if it's credible, so long as people believe it to be a genuine one? Your family is innocent but declared an enemy of the state, and people want this, so how do you argue otherwise?

>I want
And there's the issue. You're talking about your personal whims. Enough people, even on Sup Forums, just want the world to burn. They rejoice over the next shooting, terrorist attack, kidnap, mutilation or rape because it entertains them. Those are their whims, and your whims are yours. What elevates yours over theirs, if not for some metaphysical source of morality to which your whims align better than theirs?

There's this story about the Horatii where exactly that happened. The Horatii brothers slaughtered their own sisters, on the orders of their father, because the sisters had slept with the enemy.

>He thinks morals came from Religion

fucking idiot

Sleeping with the enemy is different

The thruth, christcucks are just as bad.

>Rome never existed

Why isn't Moot's head shopped onto that guy's body?

>thus become part of the Muslim world
Wrong Euros would still work to slaughter Islamist because they had their own religions. You jew worshipping christian nuts will say anything to justify your lunacy.

Most of Europe is becoming Atheist so i dont know what you're so butthurt about..

Sad...Norwegian shit poster.

God, I can't imagine not being American or British. It must be god awful to literally be worthless to the world. I mean, like, does any other country matter?

Think about it. The US and UK are literally the most powerful countries in the world, with the most powerful military, all the notable inventions...I mean, why even bother?

It must suck to not be us. I couldn't imagine it! I just can't! Very sad!

>but isnt christianity a meme?
Tjeyr not jews, theyre fanatics who believe joshua rose from the dead

pls tell me americans dont actually believe this

>Does it matter if it's credible
Credible claims are what society thrives on, it allows for more accurate planning and prediction. So it's crucial for an complex society to value

>so long as people believe it to be a genuine one
Argument ad populum

>let's just call him names that will prove we're right

All traditional and mainstream Christianity is certainly not European because it acknowledges the Jewish sand nigger non-White mongrel scum as either "God's chosen holy people Israel" or once upon a time "God's chosen holy people Israel" if not anymore, which is just as fucking bad.

>North Africa and the Levant are now Europe

No, you clearly see the old pagan religions through a Christian lens and you're completely wrong. There was little opposition to adding new gods to the pantheon, and the Romans did this to all of their newly-conquered peoples. In fact, the Roman gods themselves were Greek in origin, and Mithraism, a religion popular in the Empire around the time of Christ, was Persian in origin. So this new Arabian religion would not be repelled by pagan Europeans as it was by Christian Europeans.

I was providing a hypothetical situation and I expect your response to it.

What did St. Paul say about the Judaisers?

>The Horatii brothers slaughtered their own sisters, on the orders of their father, because the sisters had slept with the enemy.
Are you saying killing traitors is wrong? It's what should be done with them.

Hahah, just stop man. This isn't going anywhere.


i have often thought this myself. i mean the bible is written by kikes who even today are known for trying to control shit at a time when people needed to be controlled more than ever to keep them from murdering each other and stealing. and it was written in the middle east where everyone is crazy as fuck which would explain why jesus was a diehard believer that he was actually the son of god and was willing to die to prove it. kind of like how muslims are today.

blows my mind how people actually believe in this shit.

Integrating new and interesting gods is different from allowing invaders.

Christianity is the pillar of Europe
Fucking edgy neopagan kids

>Protestantism is not "true" christianity
Most attempted to remove elements that roman culture introduced and focus solely on what the bible said.

Jews are so crazy, their entire religion is basically really creative ways to suck their dicks in text form.

>You're talking about your personal whims
My personal whims? Caring for your family is not a whim.

The Bible is a product of this "Roman culture" deciding which books to include in the Bible so it's a self-defeating effort.

I'd argue that if the Muslims were facing off against a bunch of scattered pagans tribes instead of a united Christian empire, they might use different methods. But either way this would be the first time that Europeans had heard of the idea of a God demanding exclusivity.

You're a really dumb person desu...

I'm not trying to prove I'm right, I'm not arguing with you

I'm calling you an idiot for thinking that.

no you're

The problem is that the European Right praises Christian values.

christianity = dead commie jew nailed to wood to make up for people having anal sex.

>Christianity is NOT european!
no but Catholicism and several protosent sects are uniquely european

You are the shitposter, sir.

Christianity is a Roman religion. Isn't it a bit retarded to dismiss it because modern maps have different borders?

We wuz building Empires while you paganz wuz living in caves and sheeeiiit

>Caring for your family is not a whim
You care for them because you "want" them to have happy lives. That's a whim resulting from your own likes and dislikes, no more or less valid than your choices at an ice cream parlor. Under materialism, you cannot explain why or why not a choice is good, ie. why others should do the same. This is why materialism results in moral relativism, meaning that at best we can have a consensus on morality. That's why, when the Britfag questioned you, your intuitive response was to resort to the common opinion.
>I think you're the first person I've met that think that is wrong...
Your argument is "it's good because a lot of people agree with me". It's morality by committee.

You have less Jews.

>this would be the first time that Europeans had heard of the idea of a God demanding exclusivity
I thought we were assuming, in this scenario, Christianity hadn't caught on in Europe, not that it didn't exist. There certainly would be knowledge of dumbass monotheists. This scenario needs at least needs jews existing so they'd know about them.

well shit i mean it also has a billion people which is probably more than all of europe im guessing? thats not really a fair comparison.

the fuck is this

You may as well stop using numbers because they're "Arab".

Christianity is our religion because it's true.

What are you doing here? This thread is not for conspiracy theories about jews.

Not really. Jews only dispersed into the Empire because of the Romans crushing their rebellion really hard, and the rebellion was a reaction to Christianity. The Jews would just be another ethnic group conquered by the Muslims, and I don't know how that would work out for them.

Europeans = sons of Jacob (a.k.a. Israel)
Crosses on flags
Accepted Christ
Blessed for 2000 years

Matthew 15:24
But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Guess why Europe is now turning to shit?
Guess why Americans have a twerking rapping tranny-loving liar for a leader?

Because you forgot God, and now you're going to hell.

Psalm 9:17
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Take off your stupid fedora and accept your creator who wants you to have eternal life. 1

>because it's true
Can I ask you for a serving of proofs to go with those hot opinions?

Pretty sure Paul the Apostle said that we should adhere to the Law of Moses but not always dispense the penalties if they are broken in the most legalistic sense, but rather judge the situation the individual's personal life, history, and culture he/she grew up in, which may have given them an unfair disadvantage, and therefore if there is room for mercy then give it. As did Jesus to the adulteress. So what I believe Paul is saying is in this sense, We are not under the Law(of Moses) but rather under a concept of Grace which is more merciful then they cruel and brutal legalistic machine like sense, where the Law can damn us Grace can give us forgiveness and another chance. But remember "If you keep on sinning there no longer remains a sacrifice(of Christ") In other words you're just blaspheming Christ's merciful nature by abusing it thinking you can do what ever you want and just get away with it and then just "be forgiven"

>Christianity is our religion because it's true
No, it's not true at all. Magic isn't real, dipwad. Not even if you wish really hard.
And it doesn't matter, the Mohammedans would be repelled because they're invading fuckwads. Religion doesn't come into it.

I think christiany has run its course, at least north, ie Lutheranism. I guess there was some benefits of spreading information and uniting people. Dont know about catholicism, but i feel like in north church has abandoded its flock, no more providing any deeper purpose or meaning.

They are also too busy virtue signalling and playing with refugees and what not. Just to show how tolreant they are. I guess now that we have reaped the benefits of christianity its time to go back to roots, paganism or something. Ofcourse people might find spirituality elsewhere, what ever helps. But i think some people are busy beeing edgy atheists that they dont even consider benefits of spirituality and just discards it as something religious.

LOL *tips fedora8 xDDD Sup Forums is a le Christian board!!

>You may as well stop using numbers because they're "Arab".
By "Arab", you mean "Indian"?

>The age of exploration only kicked off because the T*rk would not let Christians trade on the silk road.

You're mostly right, but at the same time this doesn't refute OP's assertion because at no point are you arguing the merit of Christianity, just stating circumstance.

If the Israelites were not White Nordics who valued racial purity as their highest and most sacred Law I am totally abandoning the dead false religion of Christianity.

pagan return when

What if some people don't have families. Then what? Are they no longer moralistic? Morality has to do with doing the right thing. That's about it. Family matters is what God stands for.

No. St. Peter wanted Jews to have special status within the church and St. Paul was totally against that, and he won the debate.

How can a bunch of divided pagan chiefdoms defeat the Caliphate? Europe would fall, and without a Charlemagne figure (no Christianity) it would never manage to reassert itself. It would be like North Africa: a bunch of non-Arab Muslims LARPing as Arab Muslims because that's seen as the high-status thing in their culture.

Because OP made an assertion, not an argument. If something is true, does it matter where it originates? For that reason I see OP as an atheist who doesn't like the worldly image he has of Christians

White people come from Asia.
The name Europa comes from Asia.
European paganism is a localization of Hinduism.

Christianity is pretty boring as a religion though I mean the plot is a generic good guy vs bad guy show its just stale. HURR WORSHIP ME AND YOU GET REWARDED WITH PARADISE BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMs a good saling pitch but still boring.

The settings in other non monotheist religions are so much more interesting.

>a fucking leaf

I have a nice family. They have given me so much in life. I would be such a fucking asshole if I didn't appreciate them. It's very clear that the moral thing to do is to care for them. You know that. But you want to go so deep and like really analyze it. There is no need for that. What good comes from it? Do you feel more satisfied with life after questioning your own morale for hours? I love my family. And there is nothing wrong about that. If you don't love your family, well that's just really sad.