How's it feel to see an undocumented immigrant is more successful, intelligent, and hard working that you spoiled lazy brats ever will be? It must sting.
How's it feel to see an undocumented immigrant is more successful, intelligent...
Other urls found in this thread:
>cherry picking
>she broke the law
gotta go back.
not as much as it will for her when we send her back to her shithole country.
Thanks for showing that white male privilege isn't a thing.
Ya gotta go back.
She has to go back so she can make Mexico great again.
Why the fuck isn't she deported yet
>state school
Pick one
If she was actually smart, she would've came here legally.
nice legs?
She will be able to do a lot of good for Mexico when she gets back, providing that she can keep her head on her shoulders.
I don't understand how illegals can do all that stuff in the US. Don't you have to identify yourself at universities, or high school for that matter?
How is it possible that these people do anything but do untaxed cash in hand work while staying at the house of legal citizens or squatting?
The school she goes to is dangerously close to shutting down for not meeting acceptable educational standards, look it up.
100% chance of her being bleeched. No Paco will be up to her standards. Expect her having trains ran on her by Chads.
i remember hearing a story of someone reporting her to immigration and she was deported. announcing your "undocumented" status publicly is pretty retarded. As such, she is not successful or intelligent. She had to go back, she went back.
>admitting to being an illegal immigrant
Hahaha this is all you shills could come up with? This isn't even entertaining anymore.
>Attractive & Socially Adept.
>Plays the race card her whole life.
>Implying there isn't a grade bias towards females in public schooling.
>Muh gurl power.
The liberals are the ones who fucked up the system that would've prevented her from being able to do anything here as an illegal.
>slide thread
>fucking projection
kindly kys, OP
saged & reported
Didnt they cancel her scholarship?
double checked, turns out she shut down all social media and she's in process of being deported
you mean that liberal shit hole accepted an illegal? big surprise
I came from a European shithole and did my PhD here.
Also, stop this newspeak. It's "illegal", not "undocumented".
>I don't know if I'll ever go back to Twitter, I've realized that social media is filled with so many mean people, who always have something to say
She will make a great cartel sex slave now that she is being deported.
>Nice legs
So did she post a picture of her friend or something?
I bet your the same moron making the
> Trumps wife is an illegal and should be deported
Sage the hypocrite
Passing school in the united states does not show intelligence. It shows obidence. Also if she was smart she wouldn't have gone online to post that she was an illegal. She might actually be retarded and we know she's just virtue signaling. She is trash with bad genes.
>would not fuck
Doesn't pay taxes, but gets benefits....people defend this.
Getting valedictorian at a university takes a bit more than just obedience, she's probably got an above average IQ, like 110 or so.
Still has to go back.
This is the same one who deleted her twitter and had her scholarship revoked?
Feels comfy.
>be Mexican
>here illegally
>rub my free ride on the U.S. taxpayers dime in their white faces
I just checked her account. It's still active.
Also saw pic related when I went to search Twitter
I go to a real school senpai. I also didn't go to some meme high school that hands out A's like candy
>implying it's difficult to do well in high school
>being this proud
>admitting to be an illegal
but they pay sales taxes Mr. Satan
lol holy fuck this is not an accomplishment.
She got valedictorian in high school, you dip. Why do you think she was bragging about getting into some trashy state school
Pretty sure she was reported as a result of this.
You know the American education meme isn't a joke when a illegal immigrant has a 4.5 GPA
That's why she blew her future up with that tweet, huh?
You're not even trying to hide your shilling any more? Oh and it feels like I'm about to call up ICE she will be deported soon! :)
Oh I thought it was for highschool. Yeah I agree though, its time for her to leave.
i actually feel slightly better than i usually would because shes a piece of shit taking advantage of the US and bragging about it like a nigger with emojis
>36 ACT
>full ride to top 10 public university
>4.0 in both finance and economics undergrad
>full ride to law school
>currently have 4.0
>I'm a straight white Christian American male
Git gud
Why hasnt she been deported yet?
Congratulations you have a degree. Come back in 30 years and we will see how successful you are.
>the wall just got 10 feet higher
17th in the world. Drop directly correlates with the rise of minorities.
So if i kill you rob a bank and then i graduate top of the class means im hard working intelligent person that should never be punish for the crimes i did ?
Holy fuck this. Why do black people on twitter especially talk with emojis? It's so fucking cringe to me.
How is it even possible that illegal immigrants can go to your schools, burgers?
Sales tax doesnt matter when you are buying food with welfare. or ebt. Its just a government to government transfer.
She has probably received welfare foodstamps ebt medicard medicard free school free university subsidized housing... all while paying a whopping 6.25% texass sales tax.
This is why your country is 20trillion in debt
link some more successful immigrants pls
Someone should send her info to ins.
When will this law=morality meme end?
What does having a 4.5GPA having anything to do with the fact that she's an illegal immigrant? Deport her. I don't care if you're the next Einstein, you don't get presidency over other human beings.
Sage. Let these threads die. Don't encourage the fucktards.
>one post by this id
She has to go back. She can keep what she accomplished but bye.
Maybe if we send enough back they will stop running away in a cowardly fashion from thier shit countries and make an effort to fix them?
>break the law of her host country
>hee haw, but look at all my achievements!
Yeah, she can fuck off.
Oh wow another b8 thread.
good mexico can use more people like her.
>one occasion
Gtfo faggot
Because America is fucked up and it's free to live here if you're brown, don't worry the white man will pay for everything!
If she wasn't intelligent she wouldn't have put herself on the map while she lives in the state of Texas.
>letting someone who will defacto shun your preconceived way of life, and will force welfare and societal change towards a Marxist, globalist (((paradise))) come AND stay in your country
>not to mention that they came here illegally
This is for you op
Whenever people say top 10 it really means they went to a shitty no name university.
Why don't you just say the university you are going to?
Oh I am going to... Princeton.
Its not that hard you know?
the fuck is a 4.5 GPA? Is this some millennial shit?
>nice legs
How do you get that to show up? Whenever I click on the ID it just highlights all posts, it doesn't give me a total.
>Not intelligent enough to have taken AP classes
Ability to follow instructions doesn't equate to intelligence or ability
>4.5 gpa
It only goes to 4.0 unless you factor in non-weighted advanced placement classes you bimbo.
>Full ride
That's going to be wasted on liberal arts bullshit. Have fun competing with millions of other retards that have a liberal arts degree.
>Nice legs
Meh tier at best, try getting some real tits and ass before bragging about looks.
You have to go back.
>full ride to law school
I know that feel bro it feels great
I bet you every single essay she has ever written has referenced the fact that she's """"undocumented"""" and every teacher's she ever had has thought "omg so brave!!! A+"
> How's it feel / is more / that you
Your grammer sucks. Go back to school retard.
>have my citizenship
>employers paid for all my college
>am actually a successful network engineer, not just someone with "promise"
yeah, she's way ahead of me. She's about to go through the mind poison factory, lets see if a corporation can even use her after they are done filling her up with their retarded version of the 'truth' that will surely help her in the game of cash in, cash out.
deport this waste of space
you even had an illegal speaking at the DNC if I recall correctly.
why even bother with citizenships KEK
>people can openly and proudly announce that they break the law
>the government does nothing
If the government intentionally fails to do its job, isn't there some sort of mechanism to get rid of it? I feel like there should be.
>Mentions ACT like it's an accomplishment
>doesn't even mention his LSAT score
Not getting arrested for killing people, selling uranium to Russia, intentionally mishandling classified information, destruction of evidence, perjury, intimidating witnesses, stealing from the White House, domestic battery, and paying a $400,000,000 ransom to a state that sponsors terrorism, in addition to a cornucopia of other crimes.
This is indeed a YUGE accomplishment, seriously.
>Mexican flag
Exactly why she needs to go back, anyone who waves that flag can't be trusted here. When you come here you need to immediately think of yourself as an American, if you can't do that then you can't be here.
You faggots think this woman would side with America if Mexico invaded us? I know it is obviously a retarded scenario, but think back in WW2 how Asian immigrants were treated because of the Japanese, or German Americans during WW1.
It's foreseeable in the future. First we have to see how this election plays out.
I graduated valedictorian from my high school with a 4.0, no meme GPA scale, and this May graduated summa cum laude with a degree in engineering. Fuck that spic
>announcing your "undocumented" status publicly is pretty retarded
>btw guys I'm breaking the law ;)
Why the fuck do liberals do this?
>this thread full of triggered white bois
figuratively hilarious
top 10 is generally considered to be
cal tech
desu tho even outside of those top 5 its subjective and not really impressive.
going to any of those for a phd is impressive.
t. top 10phd in economics at home for summer
So she fucked all her professors and campus staff.
>Posting on twitter about her crime
>Claims to have nice legs
She`s not very smart.