Lets be honest, it was a better Alien™ movie than Covenant

Lets be honest, it was a better Alien™ movie than Covenant.

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That's a pretty low bar

Covenant < Life < Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2

Covenant was great though.


I pirated it and didn't even manage to finish it.
Got up to the part where Calvin escaped the room and then deleted the file.

I wanted to like it but it just felt so artificial. Like it felt overproduced and inorganic somehow. They didn't even build up the atmosphere before things started going to shit.



No it was shit completely and utterly shit, it copied so many other films it was beyond stupid.

Wow, a pile of shit is better than a steaming pile of shit

Not really. I don't get the comparisons to Alien beyond an alien killing people on a spaceship.

The movie was bland.
Not original enough, 20 years too late. Everything was already done in superior movies.

Pretty much the same here. None of it felt original or emotionally engaging.

lol...I'm disappointed in myself for streaming it. It was trash.

A nice movie to watch. Watch Life (2017) today on Vidslocker by pasting this link in your browser vidslocker.com/movie/life/

Well yes, because the only bits of Covenant that were interesting was when the CGI Aliens weren't running around massacaring shit. Doesn't make Life good though, it felt like a high budget, serious episode of Doctor Who, without any really interesting characters to anchor it on.

How did Calvin know how to send the pod down to earth?

How did Calvin pilot it?

He didn't. Explosion set it off the path. (or is it course? my english sucks)

not that i blame you for not paying attention but Calvin didnt steer the pod, both pods were set to go to Earth and the dude was supposed to manually drive it off course, but couldnt because of the space squid

>only a single woman on the poster between two white men

thanks a lot patriarchy, that's why you need to be destroyed

Haven't seen covenant yet but I think fassbender alone will carry it above life. Life was a pretty big disappointment. Jake was the only bright spot.

The fact that the alien was completely CGI is what really ruined it for me. No physical interaction with something physically real.


agreed. characters were shit. i didn't give a shit what happened to them. also it's just been done before and much more interestingly.

>comparing shit with shit

>fassbender alone will carry it
That's Covenant in a nutshell right there.

the scene clearly shows calvin piloting the pod with jake's hand

Life has really nothing going for it other than some genuine gruesome and creative kills that take full advantage of it's outer space setting.

The narrative is barebones and lacking in substance, and every time the movie stops to pretend that there's some sort of deeper meaning or themes at play it's fucking laughable. The characters are essentially cardboard cutouts of famous actors, with no real interesting personality traits, quirks, or backstories to make them interesting/engaging. I watched it early this week, and I cannot recall any of their names or personalities aside from some very surface level stuff. Jake Gyllenhaal wants to live in space forever, one guy is asian and has a baby, the other guy is a cripple, Ryan Reyonds is an idiot, etc. It's all very flat. Their arcs are also pretty much non-existent.

It's a straight to DVD horror movie masquerading as an intelligent science fiction film, but with a blockbuster budget and A-list talent thrown at it for some reason despite it being derivative and shallow.

It was probably sold to the studio solely on it's premise.