Post you countries Based Sea War Vessal

HMS Dauntless
Dauntless and Daring - and fellow ships Diamond, Dragon, Defender and Duncan, which are at various stages of build - will be the most advanced destroyers afloat. Other firepower includes a Phalanx CIWS (Close-In Weapons System) which can fire a last-ditch bombardment of 4,500 cannon rounds per minute at anything which manages to slip past Sea Viper.

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Why do the British have such poorly designed ships?

What about them is poorly designed?

Dutchman show your based ship ?

They're not American.

and cannons that shoot plastic knives aren't very effective.

3 of these could destroy your entire air force, dutchbro

Like your huge tankers are any good in the Modern /post WW2 willy waving era ..Lel

Erm I think one warship can you see how much air superiority it has !

Just look at the radar. It's way too tall. I realy like the old generation of ships though

Probably this, an argument can be made for the skjold class tho.

Not an overview but i can probably answer most questions you have about it.

good ships but jesus they are ugly.
Even from a distance

It's tall for a reason. There's less obstructions up there giving it better range and less blind spots.

Was just based on the ships carrying 50 missiles at once and the RDAF fielding 150 planes. It's a thing of beauty to be sure though.

How can you guys even compete?

>No phased array radar
>No decoys
>No electronic warfare

Oh Yes if we looking at best looking warships the Royal Navy fleet in the centuries will win that lad ..lel
I am interested in modern warships spec has that ship got hunter submarine helo ?

top kek .. an still the Itali navy let them drown ..oh ..lel

ireland's a neutral country, so we don't have any war ships. this is the LÉ Eithne, the flagship of the Irish navy. It's purpose is to patrol Irish waters, but for the past while it's been rescuing migrants from the mediterranean instead of just letting the cunts sink

Every ship is supposed to have a NH90 helo with anti-sub capabilities, due to the large order/the amount of extras that were ordered the helos have yet to be delivered. There are some on the base tho i think, that the ship can take out with it if needed.

They have decoys and plenty of electronic warfare.


It is M8
Fuck Bro Royal Navy were the Based warfare guys then lel
>No phased array radar
>No decoys
>No electronic warfare
implying they wouldnt have them on such a based killing boat ..
You got WW2 destroyers an gun boats but still flooded by kebabs Lel

thank us for letting them drown

>No phased array radar

>No decoys

>No electronic warfare
Look up UAT Mod2.1

Silent and deadly.
Like Gas.

>No degeneracy yet
I guess I'll fix that.

Just today news the Ms class is changing his only Harpoon system for a dual Exocet MM-40 Block III and Harpoon block II. This dual system is a pain in the ass to counter countermeasure in this part of the world.

Thats a cute looking old skool Top Warship ..Respect M8 an lel
Respect you have them but as we see are Navy is for scupping up shit tier kebabs ..fleeing good asylum countries to get to benefits countries , an willing to kill their kids shameful !
an boat above has that I cannot say listed an its got a Massive super weapon a nuke but wipes out all enemy ..?

I like the Zumwalt, as a big as a battleship and will probably get railguns.

Is that a smart-l on the back? All the other radar equipment is second grade. Also goalkeeper > shitty american phalax

A shame you're only building like 3 of them.

You were building a lot of cool shit like the trimaran littoral combat ship before most of it got axed.

That is a beast cutie for your shores m8
Respect Lad Lel
shush m8 loose lips sinks ships an that secret missile system ..OK lad

I was a diver in the navy while serving my conscription in 2009 and we had a task to examine this battlecruiser Peter the Great (Pyotr Velikiy). I was doing my job and imagining how Asuka jumps on it fighing the angel. Thing is pretty cool and deadly.

Yep, and we really need something like the Zumwalt.

Oh well, if it ever sees combat and does well we'll probably make more

Damned Britbong. You're better at creating threads Swiss can't post in that you're at preventing norwegian Somalians to stab your women.

and if the third really gets a railgun it could really lead to some nice shit

>cannot say listed an its got a Massive super weapon a nuke but wipes out all enemy ..?


technical wonders, and i know the design is for stealth but they still look super weird.

I have never seen crazier shit than when the russian navy came to norway.

Conscripts running around tensioned ropes like its nothing and radars/sensors going full power when they were at the base. Our sensors were lighting up like christmastrees.

Also is it true you have cats?

even if you have a sea, how your boat would be make? With chocolate?

I can show some.

Theres always a joker shitposter in a bread !
*slow hand clap *
we are Talking Based Top Tier Sea warfare ok
subs are the suicide squad arseholes .. baka .
No Honour or Seamanship Rules .
WOW thats a bulky fucker but can it avoid torps an missiles ? an then evade ..?


The modern roll of British destroyers is not about stealth, it's about establishing battlefield awareness onboard a hard to hit and fast moving target that has heavy defenses against air and missiles. That allows the modern British destroyer to feed information to other fleet components and naval airforce, letting them destroy targets from a very, very long distance.



>can shoot very far


Torps and missiles shouldn't be launched at it, as it's supposed to be stealth.

we have three of this class. They are named after Dutch provinces or Dutch states.

give one of them plox!!

Really? So why was a Russian diesel electric submarine allowed to sneak into your waters undetected and why has it been allowed to do this more than once?

Could it be that America's technology is just sheer junk? I think so. Try again in a few years or when you become as smart as us. There's a good goy I mean boy.


Obligatory. The only sexually attractive ship in the world. HMS Queen Elizabeth. 4x as sexy as the USS Gerald Ford for 1/4 the cost

Their sonar technology fucks with whales, so it's running at reduced capacity when not at war.

this ship is the same ship which we use to transport German tanks

That's an excuse user, there is no excuses in an age of war and paranoia.

Therefore fuck the whales.

I think we got a submarine as a gift but i don't remember from who.
Also what are we supposed to do with it?
Put it in some retarded spot like on top of a building as a surprise attack in case of war.

really makes you think, huh ?

Yeah, the railgun and laser are what matter. Once the kinks are weeded out with 1002 I'm sure there will be a purpose-built refit or derivative Zumwalt ordered.

we don't have any

all the money went to immigration


You would think, but in peacetime the voters don't like it when their military is causing endangered species to suicide onto touristy beaches all over the world.

Even the Brits can't compete.

We had better be getting some of these railguns, considering they are our invention.

Thank you very much.


They all building that one big gun .. ? But Based .. would love to see how it performed under stress all hands ..?
just be nation of cucked lil rich arseholes
Im liking the big gun an .. well eh .. ?

This is probably the last ship I am going to post. It's zn. ms. De Rotterdam in Rotterdam

Well then, they need to invent something better don't they?

Excuses user, too many and they shouldn't exist in this world. Combat the problem, either shoot the leftists so they don't complain, kill the whales and ignore the lefties or invent something better.

Solutions user, solutions is what we need, not excuses! Excuses is for failures justifying failure that cannot and will not be tolerated in today's unforgiving world I'm afraid. Sorry but it won't be.

The Wales need go and swim somewhere else if they don't like it, they can go the Arctic or the Indian ocean, plenty of space there for them to sperm and splash around or whatever it is they do.

keep posting them, bro

What is your obsession with squares?

Fix that shit.

>a ramp

For the American soldiers that may need to borrow it.

Name one thing you have a technological advantage on?

Oh wait you can't

Real boats have curves you fucking shitlord.

Quads don't lie, btfo


We have this low poly shit

Rail Guns
LCS interchangeble modules
Drone Firescout and subs


I have never seen that gun in action before. However, I am sure it has. If you want to see the ship in action, I could show you this one


ay mang, gj on doing nothing sucessful.


>TSR 2
>Challenger 2

Gj copying other countries inventions, proud of you son

>Over $12 billion
>Doesn't work


Astute Class Submarines

Torpedoes, missiles, nuclear powered, quiet, long range, whats not to love?

It works fine though

The whole point of sea trials is to work out bugs.


The Warrior is shit though, the gun isn´t stabilised and there is no powered turret elevation. The 40mm CTA turret will fix that but still, too little too late.

May be shit, but it was the first to carry out it's job on the field.

Didn't our country invent the rail gun years ago and we're building them right?


X-47 is just an outdated version of Taranis drone.

the LCS thingy from a brief read up on it is a complete and utter failure that the US navy wants to scrap because a multi purposed ship is too vulnerable in its test in the Gulf back in 2010.

and Drone Fire Scouts we have no real need for that but we have drones and are getting a lot more drones aren't we? I think we are, like over 600 of them? Or is that what we currently have? I can't remember right now, too much going on.

And in regard to submarines? US submarines are shit tier, everyone knows it. Sorry America.


>All this British salt
Holy shit my sides.

Isn't this the ship that couldn't produce enough power to supply both propulsion and weapon systems?

>heres this thing
>it doesnt work
>it does tho


I wouldn't if I were you.

Alot of things we invent America want's to take "ownership" of. We invented alot of things during the cold war but handed over the blueprints for them. The TSR 2 was solely handed over as "We have a plane that is so fast it can bomb you and you won't even know who it was" - (Neutralized as too much of a threat)

transporters oh ok ..
HMS Ocean
pic related
LOL but they get hit them big ol vassels lel
missile sponges if you ever went war .. lel
ALL nuke subs are now spotted from the stars satts lel
Faps ..lel
Why WW2 is over Lel
is that a joke party Boat ..lel

I like these. Project 22350 frigate.

Even your soldiers are obese

What are you on about? The BMP-1 came about 15 years before the warrior, and the BMP-2 10 years before the Warrior and both of them had stabilised guns and automatic elevation.

The average American solider is a nigger or a hispanic

Just an older boat. I predict we will send this one soon to one of the countries in your region.

grade eh

shit tier nation NEVER EVER IN A MODERN WARFARE !!
them sides will get burst split like mine