Does anyone feel like Sup Forums is more than just a simple image board? It feels like we're an organization...

Does anyone feel like Sup Forums is more than just a simple image board? It feels like we're an organization, it feels like we've involved into a force to be weakened with, and we've even gotten our own religion, Kekism. Sup Forums has really come far tbqh.

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Feels like we are a cult to be honest

>we've involved into
>involved into


Learn your fucking language you bogan and once you have, kill yourself.

Its been so long without a happening. What's up with that?

iphone fag autocorrect + i havent slept all night. reckoned evolved*

It's strange...
We only gained this much power and influence after discovering kek.
Praise be to the frog god.

There has been happenings at least once a week for the entire summer, idk what you are talking about.

Where Truth flows freely, power follows.


Sup Forums has transformed from a anti-narrative workspace, to a slaughter house of time for young males who should be fighting the world tooth and claw.


>board filled with tinfoiler autists
>a force

feels to me like its gone backwards

used to feel like Sup Forums in general had a large influence over the internet.

for quite a long time we dominated most of the internet's memes. if you saw a meme, most likely it started here.

now facebook seems to have taken that title with countless forced memes and ironic teens trying to get there first to be edgy.

meanwhile Sup Forums is being taken over by these fucking stupid kek posters which has overshadowed real memes and stopped the mighty meme producing engine from functioning

Literally kill yourself. Lurk more and fuck off for two years before posting.

seriously this whole kek thing. it was funny at first but for fucks sake lads. i wish these stupid 12 year olds who thought it was serious would fuck off.

the militant kek posters remind me of the fucking ksi army and other utube cancer groups

C'mon Hillary fuck off and take your stinky old smelly cunt with you.

>into a force to be weakened with
Look here m8 you have to be at least 18 years old to post here ok kiddo?

>involved into a force to be weakened
Since it's Australia I'll assume the misspelling were deliberate.


im so glad i can be part of an organization like anonymous. you guys just get me more than the other kids at school or even my family. if i hadn't found out about Sup Forums, i would still be masturbating to cartoon porn instead of being where i am now, which is part of the super awesome club anonymous! fighting against the icky girl feminist and sjws and reddit and GO DONALD TRUMP :^)
luv u guys

jesus christ
>being this cancerous
you have to go back.


But if kek is fake why do my last three digits add up to 17?

off by one

Off by one

we are the laughing stock of the internet.

we are literally a propaganda launchpad for storm niggers.

It's a circlejerk.

yeah very easy maths, too bad you got 18

we all know its even easier to do this than to get doubled

figured out how to do the rules link


If is so easy why i got doubles ?

Lurkmoar, faggot

This. These kekism niggers are 20 underage faggots straight from Sup Forums forcing their shitty, cancerous meme.

> not knowing an aussie shitposter when you see one
you must be new here


We need to get the meme magic going. PRAISE KEK.


KYS heretic

Funny, this is pretty much what tumblr thinks of itself too.

this isnt an aussie style shit post

1) Completely wrong, Sup Forums has been a strong force fucking with people since ATLEAST the Zimmerman trials
2) Sup Forums didn't discover KEK, its an /r9k/ thing

Sup Forums is a filipino turtle rape victim support board and it will stay that way lonf after you hillshill soar losers leave.

>Sup Forums

CIA pls...

is this a new meme?

polish hq reporting in, our efforts to strenghten right wing movements and political power of holocaust deniers ended with tremendous success



Good. Cults run the world by creating CULTure.

pol has a negligable influence. it's just reactionary and stupid.

meme magic isn't real.

The truth is Sup Forums is causing hundreds of people to waste their lives and die unhappy