>I can't sleep or eat
Tell me Trump is going to win, Sup Forums
>I can't sleep or eat
Tell me Trump is going to win, Sup Forums
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even if a poll had trump in the lead, theres no point in paying attention to any polls until after the debates.
>Trump flew under the bus with just 1 week in
This is what happens when you meet a high energy opponent and it's only going to get worse. Hillary is too charismatic and smart as opposed to Trump's unpredictable, uninformed, ineloquent and self-destructive.
She's not going to stump him, she's going to make him stump himself.
Are you serious?
Trump's about to pull out any moment.
He's been working with the shilldog all along.
Of course Trump's going to win are you fucking stupid? It was always all or nothing. If Brexit lost, Trump would lose too. But it didn't, so he wont.
when is this shit done with?
when do we get to know that(most likely) hillary is gonna win?
>british education
Shoo gook.
Hillary being ahead in the polls just happens to be at the same time that Sup Forums is getting ass raped by shills? Of course the polls are rigged. Trump is doing better than anyone thought and the establishment and MSM are terrified.
USC and PPD have good methodology and reflect each other pretty well. I would trust those more than others while remembering that voter turnout is very crucial and hard to gauge.
gay shill thread sage it faggots
Record Corrected. I now #ShillForHill.
you cant win elections without the black, hispanic and female vote
he never had a chance, were you seriously unironically supporting him?
Figures a German would think Clinton has any charisma
Just conduct your own poll. Get a directory of a few states or maybe just your own. Call on average 200 people and just plainly ask, who will you be voting for. Just make up some Anonymous news outlet and there you go. See for yourself.
Its how they do it.
Saged and MAGA
Keep in mind, the circulating polls are conducted in a classical way. They ring your house phone and ask you a number of questions. One, who the fuck answers the house phone in the middle of the day, and two, a binary question is easily influenced, especially a series of them.
If he were losing they wouldn't be pushing the gold star family, and republicans wouldn't be talking about trying to replace him and saying he might drop out, Obama wouldn't go out hunting, and Hillary would be able to handle the influx of protesters.
aww germany, you are a literal police state, we can't take anything you say seriously.
Damn it Germany, you used to be cool.
Of course we will win, why do you think they are throwing such a tantrum, Americans are special breed, they made up their minds along time ago, the media only influences a small minority of people, it used to be that said minority then influenced the people that mattered.
Those times have changed, those influenced are no longer considered sane, instead the considered as fringe people, Americans hate fringe people, americans love their quarterbacks and all the quarterbacks are supporting Trump and have learned the art of the meme.
It has been over for a long time.
You can sleep well OP, we have already won!
Let them continue their attacks, it will only force them onto our Trumptrain faster.
>believing polls when media is run by jews
Do Americans lie in polls?
Germans have been lying out of their ass in polls in recent times.
>muh rigged polls
Man, you trumpers are an embarrasment
Don't believe any polls.