Give me a quick rundown on oversized fake tits

Give me a quick rundown on oversized fake tits

If done properly they can look amazing

They cant compete to oversized natty

There's some autistic girl on Sup Forums who has them but she doesn't want to show nips (which she claims look horrid). She says she regrets it and it didn't help her get a bf.

You don't see any celebs with them.

That made me wet.

How do you know it's a real girl and not some user that is trolling you?

How hard would fake tits that size be? I can't imagine them being literally rock hard: what do they actually feel like?

Timestamped cleavage.

They look pretty until you start touching them.
Don't bother. Its a turn off.

Less impressive now that they don't make basketball-sized implants anymore.


Society brainwashes men and women to think that men should find big tits attractive. Women with small tits feel inferior and get bullied in the locker room by other girls. Jewish plastic surgeons offer surgery to "aid" these poor girls. Fake tits are shit.

Pretty cool to look at online, nice to look at in real life, garbage to hook up with. Can't compete with most natty alternatives.

Why are there no younger actress with big tits anymore? They're all flat fridge types now.

Are those fake? Asking for a friend

Obviously not

Sadly no.

>give me a quick rundown
>the run down was in fact not quick


Anri's tits are pretty sweet, not sure if they're real, though

Archive link?


They're natural

terrible technique to be honest pham

Sadly no. It was in a thread with pics of a notitsmode camgirl.

Small implants in a girl who's already a decent size can actually look really good. Unfortunately just about anything else looks/feels like shit.


You're just not looking hard enough.

Damn, she's pretty blessed. I think it's because of every Anri thread on /gif/ shitposting about her tits that it got me doubting.

>oversized fake tits
the world needs more of them

fake tits>>>real tits

only perma virgos hate on a good boob job

They're fake you dumb redditors. Jesus Christ

Why did she become a bodybuilder?