Brit/pol/ - Ian Dury Edition

>Labour Leadership Debate Live

>London stabbing: Suspect is Norwegian Somali with 'no evidence' of terror

>British man dies fighting ISIS in Syria

>Second failed attempt to abduct member of British Armed Forces reported at Aldershot Garrison

>Rates to be cut as economy slows

>Steven Woolfe not in leadership race

>Paris firebomb habbening

>are nige chimes in

>Theresa May tells Lords to ‘get behind Brexit’ after threat to derail Article 50 plans

>Unelected peers start House of Lords plot to BLOCK Brexit and force a second referendum

>Police arrest 900 Syrians in England and Wales for crimes including rape and child abuse

>Ireland could join the Commonwealth post-Brexit to cement CLOSER ties with Britain

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Thread theme

Some music to cheer up the Dutch and kickstart the Nexit


Britain for the British! No Islam, no Judaism, no coloureds, no Slavs, no Meds, no Spaniards!


Reminder to know your enemy

R8 Corbyn's performance, laddies




He's good at appealing to the cucked modern Labour supporter. He'll win their election again.

But Labour are finished as a political force, at least until they are destroyed at the next GE.

Remember the EU Father!
The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. ...

Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
Count Kalergi. All in the open! No shame. Sad!

>that glorious feel when Blairite neoliberalism will soon be purged from Labour
>the working class will soon have a socialist alternative to Tory austerity.

nth for fuck off Eurocuck and Leaf.
>posting pop music

Thank god Softbank have pledged to keep ARM in Britain. We need some of that sweet sweet foreign currency

Obama is live, probably about to tell us how America will save the world this time

He seems very principled, not something I can say for Owen.

I'm not surprised, ARM's value is literally the CPU boffins they have working for them. Not people who are easily replaced.

So, with record low interest rates, a looming recession and no trade deals in sight, when to Brexshitters expect our budget to be balanced? 2100?


If your principles include defending Muslim terrorists and appearing on Iran's state TV station for money, then yes.

>tfw no amount of economic distress will ever change my mind on brexit being good for Britain

Feels good not being a tool of zog

>no trade deals in sight
We can't do any until we've left, and multiple countries have expressed interest anyway

Plenty of trade deals lined up desu.

Recession? Don't give a fuck. Go ask a German if he'd take a mild recession to remove the 1.5 million third worlders from his country.

>looming recession
>they're still predicting 1% growth in 2017 and 1.6% this year
Nice one.
Also we're still doing better than the ECB's negative interest rates meme

>our economy will thrive if we vote leave
2 months later
>our economy is going down the shitter, but it was never about the economy lads, it was about nationalism! Nevermind all the paki rapists who have nothing to do with Europe, they're le bro tier

Thoughts on shami chakrabarti becoming a member of the house of lords?

Nice shilling m8, who's still paying you for this shit?

Doesn't seem especially talented, haven't been awfully impressed with her when she speaks

>there will be a bump in the economy when we vote leave
2 months later
>there is a bump in the economy, we all expected this, and is the result of uncertainty

>our economy is going down the shitter

Any day now I'm sure.

>implying ol Dury wasn't a redpilled patriot

Comrade we salute you

The best of the Blockheads:

>letting a paki do an inquiry about anti-semitism

Whoever it is, I'm probably getting paid more than UKIP pays you as their main donor pulled out LMAO

It's too early to judge the economic outcome of a decision.

Myself, and many other Leavers, do not claim that we'll have some glorious post-Brexit economic future. We just argued that we'd be more or less fine (maybe a little poorer, or even a little wealthier), along with the added benefit of political sovereignty

>no rhythm stick

Anyone watching Big Brother. Bear is kicking off big time

You can't ask non-jews to investigate anti-semitism.
How can you be sure of the correct answer?

Calm down Viacom

Good goy

wtf I didn't know the leader of the opposition could appoint peers.

Wild ones. Sweet wild ones. oooooh we dont care what you think of us now

No-one looked into this quintessential Norwegian yet? I thought OH on twitter found his goodreads with Islamic books on it?

How about this one?

I watched it mate. He shit himself when the security guard came in

The prime minister is supposed to the one choosing but it's the done thing to accept suggestions from the leader of the opposition

When are your cocksucker politicians going to mail that article 50? I'll believe that shit when I see it, fellow EU citizens.

I think he's claustrophobic tbqh

I'm only watching it because my gf loves it. But without bear it'd be shit

next year, when your country and germany have gone to hell and have no bargaining position

Oh I know
Just being a bit alternative and that because RS was no1 for countless weeks so I got tired of it.

But here it is

We're a lot closer than you

>these people still exist

Yea fair enough man

Can somebody explain the Private Eye-Andrew Neil-Brillo meme?

Why is Andrew butthurt about it all?

It's because of his hair looking like a Brillo pad.

He's more angry at the Private Eye for that photo they always publish.

Which photo?

People always write in with a spurious request for a photo that relates to that week's news, being essentially a request for them to publish this.

>On the photograph's initial printing, it was learned that Neil found the photograph embarrassing, and the Eye has reprinted it frequently since. Neil has described this as an example of "public school racism" on the part of the magazine's editorial staff, which he found "fascinating".

Why is Murray the flag bearer? He wanted Scotland to be independent.

Why not Chris Hoy or someone?

>yanks all believe yet another "unbiased polls" site
Fucking hell, how delusional are they?

Murray is partaking in these Olympics and has won stuff more recently.

I'd have preferred Hoy myself.

>Old English musical hall at it's best

Back in about 1999 he was due to play at our local Newham show but dropped out because of illness. Next year he died :(

Love ya Ian Dury

Hoy isn't competing, it should be Vroome

Chris hoy is retired I think

its if there is a terror attack. they dont lose anyone important

But I said Murray was competing, as to highlight the fact that Hoy isn't.

Neil's being a bit disingenous there I think, it doesn't ever come across as racist.

>a looming recession and no trade deals in sight

Poor bait

ill endure 1000 recessions before i let this country die

>But I said Murray was competing, as to highlight the fact that Hoy isn't.
True, I read it badly. Still think it should be Froome, he's been our most successful athlete in recent years that's actually competing. I think our most successful individual athlete recently overall is Eddie Hall though

>foreign flag op
>generic unaesthetic op with no nationalist propaganda
>thread full of shills
>cucks and shills will defend this

Thanks for your concern

Ed god

>1 post by this ID

>tfw strongman will never get coverage and bux because it doesn't try to hide PED use
When will people get this enormous collective stick out their arses about it?

Limey Norbagge right here. Been around for a while, don't be a gormless tosser with a memory loss. Ethnic nationalist as well

New speccy was the most based ever


The Spectator, I think

Spectator, magazine lad

What was in it

What's been happening today lads? I've been a bit out of the loop since it's my birthday today and I didn't want to spend too much time on here.

Has the yank shill finally fucked off?

I don't trust anyone here anymore. The op is unaesthetic af. Just news stories that every normie's mum read last week on shitbook.

They BTFO out of the leftist authoritarian police/establishment for arresting people for "hate crimes"

>There was a debate between Corbyn and Smith
>The BoE cut interest rates to 0.25%, expect sterling to decline more after this

is true vision the one anons were fucking with or is that a different one?

@britainelects 2m2 minutes ago
Labour GAIN Silverdale & Parksite (Newcastle under Lyme) from UKIP.



>London stabbing: Suspect is Norwegian Somali with 'no evidence' of terror
Convenient then that the victims were British, American and Israeli, eh senpai

The working class don't give a fuck about socialism. They want shitskins to stop stealing their jobs, raping their daughters and ruining their communities. Things that labour caused and enables.

Boring t b h

Lurk more. Been for a while. I think we need to be more focused on the Monday Club and the TGB, however the vast majority of Britons don't go there. We need to spread the message of the British might foremost.

>tfw someone posts your oc

Those fucking bank of england cocksuckers. I'm mad as fuck.

>We dont like you saving you fucking goyim! Spend! Spend so our imaginary useless figures are bigger!

I dunno what they're doing
>cut interest rates when inflation is predicted to hit 3% next year


Getting drunk again.

Bet you all have something to say about this.




Take me back to the 2000s lads..

>not drinking Newcastle Brown