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Grandma Hillary looks like she needs a lie down.
OP in his thread.
>Can't even go 30 fucking seconds without mentioning Trump
My God this is just full on desperation now isn't it?
Hmm, encouraged me to become cogniscant
Oh my god, this is.... concerning. I was totally with her but now, now I just don't know. It was between her and Jill and comparing that with this, its clear Jill has a much stronger mind and body.
>twitter egg user new account
>alt-right gamergate misogynerds thinking anyone cares or believes him
She needs the coordinated attacks of MSM, CTR, and establishment politicians to stay relevant. What a shitty candidate.
>blames it on Trump
As usual from Crooked Hillary.
>keep talking
>you can handle it
There is definitely something wrong with her post-stroke.
She looked mad as fuck, what the hell
you don't believe video??
Feed them more rope!
>trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals
literally what
Trump is going to actually kill her on stage
> meanwhile at a Trump
>"Don't hurt him"
>"Don't we love our protestors"
>"We're making America great for everyone even him'
>everything is related to trump
>$0.02 has been deposited to your account.
Why doesn't she have any womyn bodyguards?
>video evidence
>i-it's made up
Do posters like these realize how much of a joke they're making canada like look to everyone else?
the whole media people can't go 5 minutes without mentioning trump
its so stupid
What the actual fuck?
That's a good ass manga, lad.
Canada is already lost my friend. When mexico is 10x better than leafastan, you know something went wrong up there.
Weedman destroyed everything without remorse. They don't even have fucking gold. He's a madman i tell you.
WOW Hillary really is bad at thinking on her feet
Because she's a reptoid.
Why can't "my browser play twitter videos"
Fucking hell I feel so left out
don't leave me Sup Forums what did i do wrong, I dindu nuffin
I would totally mount that Juden she a gilf
That look on her face has got me rock hard. I imagine it's the same look she will have in November.
Hmm, I was going to vote for Hillary, but after seeing how lively and attractive Jill is, I think I just changed my vote.
The SS definitely knows what's wrong with Hillary. She was about to collapse, probably not the first time either
I was baiting for (You)'s
Thanks for the reply goy :^)
She actually looks like she wants to kill them
Hillary is not doing well at all
i've been enjoying it, though it's kinda funny how the art for the main characters are near copy paste from kyou kara ore wa.
>HILLDAWG gets shook by a flag
>meanwhile my nigga Trump jumps at a gilapi trying to bum rush the stage.
Smdh tbqh familia
>Upside down sign for a moment
Same here, it is not an attraction thing though. While Jill is extremely cute it is also clear she is of healthy body and mind; I think this is very important for the most stressful job in the world.
The art style is the only really downside. If you want something similar with better art(after awhile) try reading Angel Densetsu.
Because you are tech illiterate bourger
Fuck didnt quote
Exactly. I can't, in good conscience, vote for someone as mentally unstable and frail as Hillary.
Doesn't hurt that Jill is a total qt though.
Confirmed robot.
Can anyone download and mirror? We need to get a collection of Flustered Clinton go go along with Punished Bill
Now whose tech illiterate? you retarded kiwi
>its okay
>keep talking you can handle it
This. Canada requires a neutron bomb at this stage
It's well-known that she has a massive temper problem. Combine that with her thinking that most people are beneath her, and the way that no matter how much they're ramping up the bullshit nobody is buying it. She's about to blow a gasket because the country is rising up to disobey and attack her. You could probably get her to try to commit manslaughter in public just by standing somewhere relatively nearby and visible, while chanting "priii~sooon" in a sing-song voice with a shit-eating grin on your face.
Shamefur dispray this post be
thank you Jim
WHOA, was that Kennedy? She was my first Waifu. :):)
Wow, that's fucking concerning. She can't even handle protesters, god knows what she'll do in the situation room. Fucked up.
>I was only pretending to retarded
Trump's son are big game hunters.
She's going with the meme that hunters are evil and hate animals in general.
>its ok
>keep talking
>you handle it
>we aren't going anywhere
Jill is an unironic GILF
Look at that webm, she has the spirit of a cheeky hippy in her 20s.
I'd Shill for Jill all day.
can a kind user upload this as a .webm? I can't open twitter videos for some reason
She's legitimately a GILF
>Wow, that's fucking concerning. She can't even handle protesters, god knows what she'll do in the situation room. Fucked up.
no, you have to make the sentence like this to make a trump post :
>Wow, that's terribe. She can't even handle protesters, god knows what she'll do in the situation room. Terrible!
>she has the spirit of a cheeky hippy in her 20s.
I was literally going to mention something like that!
Fucking hivemind.
one of my absolute all time favorites.
I really hope he does another series after doing that and claymore, he's fucking great.
>Stands there in shock
>People have to tell her to continue
>So uh Trump amirite? XDXDXD
Trump better get some good bants out of this. It's the kind of thing that ruined Jeb and Rubio.
Fuck you, not seeing it didn't quote is not comparable to being too stupid to play videos on a ph or browser.
Why do animal rights activists hate Hillary?
You can use a program called youtube-dl(it has a github if you're worried about checking the source) to fetch videos from just about anywhere. Its used via the command line, though, and optimally you'll also want to download the latest ffmpeg and drop those three exes into the same folder. In this case, you'd simply enter:
youtube-dl twitter.com
And it'll automatically grab the highest-quality version of the video from the link.
it's all hillary has at this point desu
t-thanks jimbob
Holy fuck she's attractive.
What did she see? I don't get it.
Holy shit a cardboard sign! Hit the deck!
Theres less than 100 people at that rally.
Trump landslide
>just keep talking
That's the look.
Wait, what happened?
>Hillary has a ton more security
Really makes you think t b h
That's it?
An unexpected sign short circuited her speech circuitboard. She probably thought they were calling her an animal kek
Is there a youtube video of this?
yeah its literally nothing
she has a terrible time reacting to protests and heckling though
for example
here youtube link
thank you
Isn't Trump runnig for president of the United States? Why wouldn't they mention him?