Are terrorist the good guys like Memeneux claims??

Are terrorist the good guys like Memeneux claims??

In the middle of his Fall of Rome video, Stef compared barbarians to modern day terrorist, portraying them as a force which arises to fight corrupt and inefficient governments/empires.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm finishing that video right now.

They're only comparable in that they're a foreign force that, in times of social and political turmoil, revert to tribalism.

Pay attention, m8.

He's going to literally join ISIS after trump loses. Screenshot this

but, the Roman citizens didnt even try to fight them. Because the roman empire was corrupt to such degrees, its own citizens didnt mind foreign invasion.

Much like lets say Germany nowadays.

he lives in canada, there wouldnt be many repercussions for him even if he did join.

he'd probably get some kind of rehabilitation handouts when he comes home from isis missions

Exactly. They had become desensitized and complacent, much like modern day westerners.
Your phrasing made it sound as though you thought Stefan was praising the goths/islamists.

Do you people not pay attention at all when you watch these videos? He alluded that terrorists mirror the barbarians as a foreign entity that was threatening the Roman empire, and once the empire was finally ransacked after years and years of corruption within the people themselves in the Roman empire saw the barbarians as a the good guys, simply because it meant they wouldn't have to deal with the bullshit anymore

He never explicitly called terrorists or the barbarians good guys, are you retarded? It serves as a warning

there are so many parallels between modern western civilization and the fall of rome, it's almost as if its inevitable at this point
>gold value increases
>alternative currency decreases to the point where its almost worhtless
>degeneracy and promiscuity
>women gain power over men
>goverment becomes provider of resources (food)
>crazy taxation

it doesnt look good for us.

btw, here is another docu which talks about this, watched it a long time ago

It has been a long time coming. When shit does hit the fan, at least we won't be surprised.

maybe "good guys" was a bad wording on my part, but they can certainly be seen as a lesser evil in comparison to an corrupt and oppressive government.