I like him and Weld and would like to see them get into the debates. (I swear I'm no shill)
What does Sup Forums think of Gary Johnson and the Libertarian ticket?
>Open border
No thanks.
Gary got repeatedly humiliated in every debate by Peterson and weld is a neocon who is pulling all of Johnson's strings
>I think Hillary would be a wonderful president
>I think Obama has done a great job
Inb4 this is all just elite underwater Chinese checkers plays
I was an open-borders libertarian at one point, then I realized that the people who were immigrating into the country were not libertarian and so went that philosophy.
National sovereignty is far more important than legal weed and hookers.
This was a great post. I too like Gary johnson and would like him to do well in the polls.
nobody cares, johnson shill. he'll never win and his policies are diarrhea-tier.
>threw a gun in the bin
>is a democrat dressed up as a libertarian
>Reporter: Mr. Johnson, would you stop smoking pot if you won the presidency.
>The shitshow that was the libertarian convention
It sucks too cause the party could have had a real meaningful presence in this election if it just put out a reasonable, personable, moderate candidate.
It's just voting democrat without the prestige of being a cheating whore on it.
Yea same thing happened to me user. Was a lolbertarian in my younger years but the second it dawned on me that demographics would be the end of liberty I had to accept that we needed a more authoritarian government at least until such time as we are ready to evolve.
I'm no shill, but $15 is $15
>Implying Johnson wasn't the most reasonable libertarian they could find.
We don't, Johnson is swine.
Word is that if Trump steps down, and there are indications that he will. I dunno how I feel about this though, but if does step down, they might have Ron Paul run in his place.
Yep, libertarianism is basically a straight white male thing.
When Hispanics and Asians vote for Bathhouse Barry at rates of 75%, its time to realize that we're not living on magic dirt and never were. Sad too, you'd think Asians of all people (Chinese, Viet in particular) would know better given their experiences with big government, but I guess not.
I unabashedly love the Johnson/Weld ticket. They look to have a great dynamic.
>in favor of gun control and environmental regulations
he's a traitor
>pro-TPP and pro-TTIP
>wants a federal law to legalise same-sex marriage
>wants a federal law fully legalsing abortion
>smokes weed and pushes for complete marijuana legalisation on a federal level
>supports humanitarian interventionism like those in Yugoslavia
anyone Sup Forumstard who wants him in the whitehouse needs to realise he is more liberal than Hillary
Might as well be democrats
>in favor of gun control
I think you're mistaken
tell me about his VP pick and his gun control record.
he's said he's in favour of further checks on those who purchase guns and supports a ban on the selling of heavy weaponry like light machine guns or even certain types of assault rifles
I forgot to mention he's pro-open door immigration
I rechecked, I was mistaken. Weird, yesterday someone linked me to something implying he wasn't explicitly pro-gun. Oh well.
>allow abortion
>force christians to bake gay wedding cakes
>probably wouldn't force a muslim to
I'm not a libertarian, but if I was, I still wouldn't vote for him.
If it came down to Gary Johnson and Corrupt Clinton. I would vote Clinton and watch the country burn.
Trump sucks fucking israeli dick but he's still the best choice we have.
I'm voting for him. Only candidate that actually cares about reducing the size of government and free-market capitalism.
His VP is about as anti-gun a republican can be outside commiefornia and jew york.
Pretty much perfect except for being pro-TPP. Even then he is still the only reasonable choice that people who aren't fucking retarded will vote for
>>The shitshow that was the libertarian convention
>>Implying Johnson wasn't the most reasonable libertarian they could find.
RIP That Jew Libertarian
so not reply to shill threads
they don't care about getting BTFO they just want their shill thread to stay on page 1 so that a lot of people will read the OP
let shill threads die
It doesn't matter if immigrants follow libertarian philosophy or not. If the right (libertarian)policies are in place, immigrants won't be able to take advantage of the system.
I want your country to die. Merkel owns you now, faggot.
>Open borders
Straw man. He's only in favor of a more streamlined immigration process.
Good. Free trade ALWAYS benefits both parties. You've been spending a little too much time on Reddit if you actually think it's a big deal
You can't get the policies without the votes.
NAP violators will get BTFO
The same goes for immigration reform. One step at a time, and the first step is getting elected
Immigrants won't come if there isn't welfare to steal
Yeah, that's the point
the same can't be said about your women though, with whom they will breed thoroughly.
He is a Libertarian candidate, but not a libertarian.
They fucked up, should have had McAffee
>That image
>Red pill on 9/11
>they might have Ron Paul run in his place.
Yeah right user
The media did everything in their power to stop ron from getting the name recognition that is 90% of running in politics.
Meanwhile they've given trump a couple billion dollars worth of free advertising.
All the while ye has been saying such retarded shit after getting the nomination that it is almost like he is trying to lose.
I'm sure it is just a coincidence that when Hillary one of if not the most hated politician ever in America history wins the nomination that another extremely hated person gets the opposing nomination.
efficient marketplaces benefit both parties. free trade does not always result in efficient marketplaces, especially when the government intervenes in the "free trade" to protect corporate interests
not sure if shill or just stupid
> he is more liberal than Hillary
CTR getting nervous
I find it interesting that you think the TPP and Israel are liberal positions to take. It's really annoying the mental gymanstics Sup Forums does to make everything "good" a republican position and everything "bad a liberal one.
Also kek at being against marijuana legalization, yes being looked up and destroying the family unit in communities everywhere while lining the pockets of the police is totally good for american people
I still think Trump is a Hillary plant. This rigging is almost ridiculous. If Trump is a rigged candidate for Shillary, then I want to see him elected anyways, just to watch the plan blow up in their faces.
But if Trump is getting cold feet, because he might actually win, then what? They will have to run someone else. Ron Paul might actually have a chance.
This whole election cycle.
I will vote for any candidate that has the highest possibility of getting elected, that isn't Hillary. Vote your conscience they said. That is what I am doing.
You can dig up Marcel Marceau while hes doing his best impression of a dead mime, run him, and I will vote for him if he looks like the strongest candidate against Hillary.
>muh nap
you know i can just kill you
Asians voting dem has always seemed strange to me. Like you pointed out many that come to America are leaving countries with large and unpleasant (and that's being generous) governments. Asians work hard, are very traditional and are often held back by Democrat policies like affirmative action.
Seems like a disconnect, something I'd love to hear from someone who really knows the culture in solid Chinese, Viet, Cambodian etc. communities.
You also hit a problem I've always had with Libertarianism right on the head. It's really a utopian philosophy. Outside of a very culturally homogenous and isolated country I just can't see it working in reality. Wish it could, but the truth is the world is shit and most people just want to be taken care of by someone else deep down.
Pol needs to promote green party presidential candidate Jill Stein to counter this globalist shills impact on the election.
>Open Border Libertarian
I'm a libertarian but Gary Johnson is a huge faggot and I would never vote for him.
FACT: Jill is the candidate with the fastest growing support.
>all the butthurt gremlins ITT
just let johnson debate. shit would be hilarious.
Yeah it'd be pretty fun to watch
If that happened I would assassinate as many lolbertarians as possible, starting with Johnson.
more berntards are going to vote Johnson then republicans will.
we should shill for johnson and jill on reddit desu
People shilling Johnson here are CTR fags. CTR as you know has been found out and there members are "extremely" well known on "other boards" that don't give a fuck about administrator and janitorial politics.
I am seeing a change in tactics, but it is still amusing. If anything more Bernfags would go to Johnson than conservatives. Bernie was considered a "socialist libertarian".
Even some gunfags in my state told me that Bernie is pro-gun given his earlier history, completely disregarding, of course, previous statements to the contrary. Fence sitters are also coming to terms with the fact that Hillary's image is one of unconscionable evil.
The media is looking very blatant as well. If you wanted a fucking pres with a vagina you were flush with choices. Even Jill Stein, the way it looks now, could potentially beat-out Trump. Everyone is getting tired of it, and the shilling, is making people want to vote Trump harder.
Again, this fucking, trippy election cycle. This is the most bizarre one yet. I hate to think of the next one. Especially if Hillary wins. Somehow. Though it doesn't look likely.
>People shilling Johnson here are CTR fags.
>takes more votes from Clinton than Trump
there to take votes, nothing else
he's like an empty zip file
Gary "If you move the mexicans over the border, they magically become more productive" Johnson
Good enough, since that throws the election to the Republican controlled Congress.
Chink here
Asians tend toward collectivism and higher education, which makes them the perfect prey for SJWs
Gary Johnson turned out to be far to weak on gun rights. Therefore, America has no use for him.
Johnson believes the government should force Jewish bakers to bake Nazi cakes, so I'd expect the Nazi crowd on Sup Forums to like him.
Doesn't seem very libertarian to me though.
He's actually not pro-TPP. I don't think anyone in the election is anymore
>open borders
>supports TPP
So is he a libertarian as in muh ganja or is he a real libertarian that is for property rights, low taxation, and against government intervention and war?
>Doesn't seem very libertarian to me though.
It's not and this may seem like a small issue but it stems from a deeper principle. Private business should have the right to deny anyone for any reason at any time. Businesses already do this with hiring practices, or at least have the round-about way of doing it if they choose. Just hire all your workers from a temp agency and fire them for wearing socks you don't like.
Liberty is the key word here. Liberty once was and still should refer to self governance, not just doing dumb things because you're free to do them.