Call me a shill or whatever if you want, but it deserves to be acknowledged:
There's going to be a fucking monumental amount of anal annihilation among the GOP when Trump loses.
This is now a Ghostbusters thread. What did it mean by this?
What a failed candidate wew
What does that even fucking mean?
Wasn't Trump ahead of her just last week? What the fuck happened?
he keeps talking
The fucking Khan family happened
dont know, maybe forgetting russia fight sin the ukraine, asking why the us doesnt use wmds, and still going after the khan family did not exactly help
If the polls can change that drastically so quickly, why does this poll even have any weight here? Next week it could trump ahead again
I almost agree with this map. But I think Missouri, Georgia, and Arizona will go blue (barely).
Yup, I'm gonna be make some long shots on the betting table.
that was the dumbest shit. he played right into their trap on that one and it ruined one. im a fucking huge trumps shill and even i have a hard time backing him up on that one. still going to vote for him tho. it seems like the only one who can actually stump trump is trump himself
sorry for gibberish im rly tired
You're right. Absolutely NOTHING that Trump said regarding the Khan family can be viewed as positive. You just can't support those comments. You just can't.
I'm a shill, I'll vote for him and volunteer for him in Texas. But damn dude. Shut the fuck up, Donald. Stop getting into this shit.
Why would you vote for someone who is so thin-skinned that he falls for every slight? How is he going to handle the world stage?
because the alternatives were a (literal) murderer and a communist
Completely agree. He should've just ignored it, I mean Hillary does that for every issue and her fanboys eat that shit up. Should've just pretended it didn't happen and he'd be way in the lead by now.
lmao Hillary can't even look a fucking flag without getting shook up
>(literal) murderer
so we're taking falsehoods as truth?
meanwhile, you are witnessing trump goofing up in -real time- and you still think "yep, he's the one"
What happened with the Khan family?
If you think Hillary isn't involved the deaths of people, you're a fucking moron. She was the Secretary of State, m8
Dems planted a sand nigger to cry about his soldier son dying for our country at the DNC HE condemned trump etc
Trump instead of saying hes sorry for the guys loss, and that it was hillary's war and that he supports all troops, and legal immigration went full fucking retard. I honestly think this single handedly cost him the election.
Fuck that muslim. even his own kid died fighting muslims. .. I'm torn 1/2 of me wants him to win because he's the right guy and it pisses liberals off so much. the other half wants her to win because she would fuck this place up beyond repair. . .esp when they pass TPP
Are you kidding m8
daily reminder that the polls are skewed left
Sup Forums harbor?
Not finding too much on it other than the website being hacked and/or flooded with shitposts
>No name, literally who organization
Dude, I'm a Trump supporter, but fuck off
secretary of state does not order attacks or executions. you're thinking of generals. was hillary also a general? damn she's got quite the resume.
I can fuck the Khans. . .I'll be happy when every last one of those goat fuckers is out of my country. I'd be fine if we rounded them up and pu them in camps.
a poll calling itself unbiased is like islam calling itself a religion of piece
As I said, literally fucking who. No one until today has posted anything from or by them. They are backed by no facts and make up general bullshit swaying statistics.
>I'm CTR
Haha, you're right. I forgot, she's just a Secretary. All she does it answer phone calls for Mr. Obama :^)
> "united" states
you must be new here
Whatever you say sport
>like islam calling itself a religion of piece
And that's not correct?
Damn that's so bad
>muzzie brings his wife up to the stage
>this mrs.-potato-head-lookalike is silently standing to the side and behind him, like a little pet troll
>trump makes joke, asking if she's allowed to speak
>something we're all sitting there wondering
>media loses its shit as if he just said "GAS THE MUZZIES, HOLY WAR NOW"
Never said he was going to win you fucking retard.
My favorite part is that Khan keeps saying that he doesnt want spotlight and doesn't want to speak, but every fucking day theres a new interview of him speaking his broken english and "open letter to" (akacry for attention)
They call it democracy, yet it has nothing to do with the popular vote? I never really got where this meme came from.
Electoral collage is broken as fuck. In a time of non-instant news coverage, internet and media it made sense. Now it's a broken system making the elections boil down to a small handful of states
she wuz santaclaus?
He's not going to win. Obama never had a 9 point lead until late October. If this lead doesn't drop by 4 points in the next week it will "bake in", making Trumps only chance of changing opinions the debates. The Olympics will make any Pro-Trump advertising in the next 3 weeks virtually worthless.
Yeah, the """"""""""""""""media""""""""""""""" is being polled, not Americans.
I hope all you faggots "rise up" and revolt so we can drone strike you fucks lmao
R u retarded
The best part is that the pretense of being the father of a fallen soldier is just a pretext, because when he goes on TV, he doesn't talk about his son in any other context than "trump should feel ashamed for insulting muh son" and then proceeds to just talk about how ISIS isn't real islam and islam is peaceful and all this shit.
What's more, he's literally piece of shit immigration lawyer who uses loopholes that allow him to essentially take bribes in order to fast-track people (who all just so happen to also be muzzie) into the country without needing to go through the proper channels.
That and he's advocated for sharia law
looks like you didn't learn your lesson from unskewed polls in 2012
The electoral college was literally designed by the founding fathers to prevent an idiot from taking office even if there was public support. Read a history book retard.
What happened? Is this some sort of rigged polling?
So you'd rather have no choice in the matter? That sounds pretty contradictory. Easier to rule you.
>current year.jpg
Which stage are we in now?
Shillcon 2
>Muzzie speaks in a NON prime time slot in the Dem Convention
>Trump, being a fucking idiot, chooses to tweet and run his fucking mouth about this, even though he had no political reason to
>The media runs with it for 24 hours, but Trump CONTINUES to respond for another 48 hours
>Multiple pundits on both sides, including Newt Gingrich and several of Trumps staff tell him to shut the fuck up
>He doesn't
>Polls SHOCKINGLY show that most Americans don't like Trump continuing to respond to Khan in the manner he did, and the TEMPERMENTALLY UNFIT thing continues to be a story
>Trump says he isn't sorry even though he could have just lied about being sorry and ending the issue
And that's how what should have been a 5 point convention bounce turned into a 9 point convention bounce. Hillary literally said he had no self control and couldn't help but respond, and what does he fucking do? He fucking responds. The guy is a fucking retard. His bed of nails strategy is no longer working, and that was the only strategy he had.
Thank fuck this election was starting to feel like the start of a WW3 documentary, glad you lot saw sense even if Hillary is terrible this is an anyone but trump election
I have faith in my founding fathers judgment.
Yeah, go check the last 2 elections dumbass.
He's pushing the issue because this muzzie is a crooked piece of shit in 6 different ways. And the truth is coming out now.
Last two elections were having a nigger for president.
Blacks aren't coming out to vote for Hillary. They're probably barely coming out to vote for Trump.
But the whites are going to vote for Trump. And the latinos, the legal immigrants.
>Texas: 77.1% favoring Trump
>Florida: 81.8% favoring Clinton
>completely unbiased.
Is it? Is ANYONE but people on Sup Forums or your politically similar acquaintances talking about it? Non of the major news networks are talking about it. The average American isn't reading Breitbart.
>The Democrat is winning among the so-called “Obama coalition,” the key voting blocs that secured his re-election. Clinton is favored among women by 23 points (57-34 percent), blacks by 83 (87-4 percent), Hispanics by 48 (68-20 percent), and voters under 30 by 18 (49-31 percent).
Yeah, no.
>52.4% to 8.4% in 1 week
>people actually respect nate pyrite
>Fox News
> paying attention to anything but the actual rallies
I hope you know you're a very shitty shill, and you're probably going to be fired.
Yeah, because rally size worked so well for Bernie. Try not to hang yourself on November 9th faggot
Fox News have been butthurt about Trump ever since the primaries. They've started increasingly moving to the left as Roger Ailes reduced his active involvement with the network.
Wait, didn't they have to massively rig the Democrat primaries to get rid of Bernie?
Trust in the media is at an all-time low. If what you said were honestly true, Trump would never have gotten as far as he has in the first place.
The election isn't today. It's in november. And time will vindicate this, just like trump's past moves where everyone says "OMG TRUMP IS FINISHED POL BTFO" and he ends up coming out on top again and again.
Have faith in kek, faggot
Rally size didn't work for Bernie because the kike sold them out to Hillary.
Hope to hear about mass suicides when Hillary loses.
Are you implying that EVERY poll is incorrect?
Insider emails doesn't equate 3 million more votes
>if you google 'what did trump actually say to khan?' there's nothing that tells you what he actually said
this entire thing is manufactured.
Nobody knows what Trump even did because he didn't do anything.
Gary who?
I see you haven't moved past denial yet
Meant for
We're implying that RCP is biased in that it purposely picks polls that are obviously beyond garbage(reuters, yougov) while ignoring respected polls like the daybreak poll.
thank you for correcting the record, dickless cunt
Let's celebrate by drinking Trump shill tears.
Was RCP biased when Trump was winning? Because I was here, and NOBODY here thought it was rigged then
dead people can't be presidents silly...
They have given way more to this country than you ever will.
Convention bounce.
>>Was RCP biased when Trump was winning?
the polls are heavily biased you dipshit
go look at the polls for bernie vs the results, they were massively inaccurate — especially in states with paper ballots.
>Historically red state with a ton of spics
>going blue
Khan hasn't given anything, go suck a fucking dick.
And if you think that then you better start groveling at my feet considering I've lost family members to war too.
Is it a coincidence that both Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton are partnered with jews?
He was leading before because he consolidated the Republican vote. After attacking dead veterans and refusing to endorse Republicans in critical congressional elections most moderate Republicans and Ted Cruz conservative types are jumping ship. It's not impossible for him to jump back, but it's looking really unlikely, unless something drastic happens in his campaign.
Too bad their children won't be Jewish because Judaism is inherited from the mother.
It's not quite that bad, but it is pretty fucking terrible.
This poll accurately predicted the 2012 election within a percentage point