It's starting to look like it's over for you guys.
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Not even California will vote Democrat this time around
Trump. Landslide.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Keep telling yourself that Trumpkins.
>implying that this is not how it's gonna turn out plays safer than my prediction (Georgia and Missouri are blue on my map. make long shots on those two), but it's solid.
It's entirely possible this is the way the election will go, instead of my riskier bets.
Yeah! Skewed polls!
It would be great if Hillary could also flip MO and GA. They are within reach.
Explain (with a real argument- not an insult this time) how Crooked Hillary struggles to bring in 800 people (mostly actors), including a cast of actors pretending to be factory workers, while Trump fills up an entire stadium and has over 5,000 people waiting outside.
No reply=Shill Confirmed
Clinton supporters will show up in droves on Election Day.
Yep. We're going to take Iowa again.
I know you are both shills, it's because you write so poorly and you don't seem to care. I hope you recognize that you're not incognito at all and 99% of people are going to hide this thread. Trump will win, by the way.
I just don't see it desu.
wew lad
That doesn't make any sense. No one will vote trusts her at all. The media paints this lie of a picture that people will vote for her. You have no support from Bernie supporters. It's evident that you are terrified Trump's going to win because if he wasn't then you wouldn't have to smear propaganda here, then, would you?
Let it slide.
8itrips of truth
How does it feel, knowing that you have hit the high water mark for Hillary and Soros. We are going to chip away at you shills until nothing is left. Your fucking days are numbered.
Someone, would you kindly continue?
You say you are true evil? Shall I tell you what true evil is? It is to submit to you. It is when we surrender our freedom, our dignity, instead of defying you.
If Johnson wins one state I'd be blown away.
Hillary actually thinks she can take Arizona. Hah hah hah hah!
Arizona hates Mexicans. Not gonna happen.
Have you even read about Johnson on the issues. He'd get pwned at any debate.
He's a mish mosh of unpopular GOP positions.
goal post moving, typical
If Johnson makes it into the debates, I could see him snagging a few red states, especially Mexico.
But the idea that he'll steal enough votes from Clinton in places like Washington (where the majority of people voted for Sanders) is delusional.
In all likelihood, though, he won't meet the 15% support threshold necessary for appearing at a national debate (which is unfortunate, I think the number should be 10 if not 5%, but the Democrats and Republicans have a stranglehold on the rules). Without the kind of exposure a debate appearance would guarantee him, Johnson will boost Hillary in states like New Mexico and North Carolina, where Republicans only enjoy a moderate majority.
And as a full disclosure, I think Hillary's electoral tally come election day will be well into the 300s. Trump is obviously going to lose worse to Clinton than Romney lost to Obama, although voter turnout will probably be lower.
Arizona might as well be the south.
Hardcore into gun rights and attracted everyone who hated Mexicans and minorities on the West Coast. It's like the South but made up of people without accents and who don't look Southern.
especially NEW Mexico, that is
You're starting to show your faggotry
Johnson takes equally from both parties
Swing states:
Trump: IA, NC, OH, Maine-1
Hillary: VA, PA, FL, NM, CO, NV, WI, MI, NH
Click the map to create your own at
Historical election season this year.
Hillary is breaking records left and right
And discarded
>it'd be great if Hillary could flip
How much are they paying you to shill for a woman who will likely literally start WWIII?
Phoenix here, can confirm. Live right next to a ghetto, house has gotten robbed a few times.
Grandma who lives down the street got robbed at knifepoint as she was getting out of the shower
We need to double down on immigration or we might all turn into little Mexico
For all we know, a lot of Hispanics in that state have become US Citizens specifically to vote against Trump.
ww3 will literally never happen but she will be a shit president and is a living example of everything wrong with politics
Obvious b8 Clinton rallys in those states that should be red pull in like 50 people.
I would need to see more than one poll, especially a Fox poll, to believe that.
Although Libertarians like to market themselves as all the social issues of democrats and all the economic issues of the Republicans, they're far more ideologically aligned with Republicans. Johnson recently stated that he and Sanders are 75% similar, which is ludicrous.
Johnson has said himself he'll gladly abolish any government institution, from the EPA to the Post Office, the second the legislation hits his desk at the Oval Office. This is a huge deal breaker for the vast majority of Dems, since they see the protection of social liberties like gay marriage and gender neutral bathrooms or whatever as wholly dependent on strong government institutions.
She's trying to ride her husbands coattails but she lacks charisma, specially now.
Bill Clinton was the product of 1992 and with the help of a Texan, he stole southern hicks from Goerge Bush.
Hicks are for Trump now. Hillary and Bill have snaked themselves around every pillar of the Democratic party and reinvented themselves. They're webbed together into a tight snaky web..
They're too ambitious and too powerful to be trusted with the country. They owe too many people and people owe them too much.
America and the world are fucked if Hillary wins.
Aren't you guys put off by how transparent she is?
He lust for power is palpable. You can see her salivate. You'll be getting a despot from her. Someone who won't govern in a subtle manner. She will literally try to hamfist her agenda and probably fuck up like Nixon did.
Let's not go nuts here.
Didn't Bush win Iowa?
the trump states should secede
Predicting this, chances?
Any chance he could win Nevada?
Hillary only has a very small lead in NV and Bush won it both times, so I would say yes Trump could very realistically get it.
You predicted he wins PA and then said "can he win Nevada?"
Are you literally retarded?
Get a load of this shill.
>Clinton supporters will show up in droves on Election Day.
More Americans will an hero on election day than gladly cast their vote for Clinton.
Does CtR employ monkeys too? Hot damn.
That's a funny joke, OP.
Yes, and he's going to take NH as well.
Those Hampsters love their guns.
"My hunch is that the race is somewhere in the middle with Clinton holding a sizeable but not overwhelming lead. That said, it will be critical for Clinton's campaign to realize healthy turnout among the African-American community around Philadelphia. If turnout in southeast Pennsylvania is low, the blue-collar conservative-leaning rest of the state could shift its 20 electoral votes to Trump's column on election night."
Just gotta hope all the nignogs stay home and PA should flip easily. And there ain't no Obama to get them moving now.
funny way to spell laws
Johnson would need only 1/4 of Clinton supporters and consider that Clinton has the most war-hawk personality of any Democrat he can use that as a cudgel. Furthermore, Obama barely could get the Obamacare act passed with a supermajority in Congress, would the fearmongering of his economic policies be that strong? He was the governor of a New Mexico, a blue state. He certainly is a man who can make deals and compromises.
Foreign policy is the key issue Johnson needs to focus on, remember Clinton wanted no-fly zones in Syria. Finally, you need to factor in the Wikileaks is not done leaking. It's pretty clear to me they intend to leak the good stuff right before the election. In this scenario, if Trump continues to say offensive things and Clinton is shown as incredibly corrupt warmonger then Johnson can surge.
"New Mexico is undergoing a drastic demographic shift that benefits Democrats at the ballot box. The Latino population has exploded over the last 20 years, and the effect is apparent in the way New Mexico has voted in presidential elections. In 2000 and 2004, George W. Bush's winning elections, the combined margin in New Mexico was just 0.85%, making it the second most competitive state for those two elections.
Four years later, President Obama earned a landslide victory here, taking 57% of the vote. And in 2012, he won another double-digit victory. Boasting a 47.3% Hispanic population as of 2013, New Mexico is becoming more and more Democratic. We should see a continuation of Democratic dominance in 2016. Current polls are still early, but they are plentiful. Seven polls taken in March and April give Hillary Clinton a 8.3% lead over Donald Trump, but I won't be surprised if the margin is larger than that."
I know Nate Silver has become a shill but its still based on the polls
kek has spoken, the trips of truth don't lie.
Trump isn't helping. He sent nobody to the National Urban League so Tim Kaine was up front and center talking about his civil rights work and basically selling black leaders solidly on Democrats. Trump on the other hand is polling zero with blacks in PA.
no and never
smart peopel will stop that
You've got to be Squidding me if you think Hillary is going to come within a fraction of the 2008 black turnout.
They are mopping it up and Trump is flipping them the bird.
3 months left
either way, you're fucked regardless
ww3 incoming