Homestar Runner

Alright Sup Forums, we know it, we quote it, we love it. But why exactly is HR, more than a decade after it's creation, still so solidly good?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's relatable.

It's funny, it doesn't need any other reason.

Solid writing.

It's weirdly timeless, even when making jokes about dated things.

What made Homestar timeless was that the things it joked about usually were already dated by the time they referenced it. While every Flash cartoon in the early 2000s was making fun of George W. Bush or whatever was popular at the time, Homestar stayed oddly fresh by referencing obscure things from the '80s.

Every reason above this post is correct.

In elementary school my friends (not really my friends they kinda hated me at the time) made a one off comic called Kid Girl Team and I stole the idea and made an entire series of Kid Girl Team comics and it wasn't until middle school that i found out not only did i steal their idea but that their idea was also a ripoff of Teen Girl Squad

Fun fact: I never really ever watched Homestar Runner. The only things I ever did watch were some of the SBEmails and Teen Girl Squad with a friend at his house, but that was it. Should I go and watch the episodes or was it just something you had to grow up with to enjoy?

If you liked the SBemails, you should like the rest

It's hard to get into Homestar now because there's so much on the site and it's very difficult to watch it all in order, yet so much of it is self-referential/callback humor so you kind of have to.

Damn, isn't it crazy looking back and realizing how much of your sense of humor was shaped by Homestar? Me and my friends will still laugh our asses off just making up stupid fake names or pronouncing words weirdly.

This site really kind of made me who I am today in a lot of ways since humor is a way to relate to people.

My sense of humor was well-developed long before Homestar Runner was around, but it does mesh well with it.

This. If you do your humor and references right, they last nearly forever. If you don't, your comedy dies in a week.

It was really on point about a lot of things it made fun of. It was top-tier observational humor without relying on being current or trendy. I also loved the dialogue since it was clear they often just kind said things without really thinking about what they were saying, so you end up with a bunch of gibberish delivered without missing a beat and it only makes sense because of context. And all of that is taken and presented through distinct characters with strong personalities.

I was pretty young when I started watching it, so I sort of "raised" myself on Homestar.

the portmanteaux and other wordplay

best tgs ripoff is Scenesters

actually you can use the 'all toons' page on the wiki to watch everything in order.
it really does go with the humor i had already developed from my earlier influences, whether it be monty python, freakazoid, all that good shit. and then when it left us for the first major time, I felt like I was missing something.. but then adventure time came along and filled that in pretty well too. same kinda 'this is shit i would say / come up with' feel


It is immensely quotable. I do like to use "We're snowed in!" in place of "We're too late."

Not that that's exactly a common phrase.

hmmm i don't remember that line. refresh me!

Jibblies 2. Strongbad and Homestar say it after coming across more Jibblies victims.

Me and my buddy use a line from that one all the time.
>All the good characters have already been ____!
>What about _____-
>All... the good... characters.

>I'm forever your girl!

"Now all the lame characters have been Jibbilied, too!"
"Except one."
"Thank you."

These Easter pants are getting way too tight, if you know what I mean.

Consider how much attention they were able to create and sustain with 2-5 minutes of content a week.

They quit while they were ahead.

first of all, they didn't quit
secondly, the compé era is objectively the worst, so it's hardly going out on top.

hmoestuck runner is an all right game but its no neko cosmos



the writers just did such a great jeorb.

please don't use the one with the coughs

RIP Frank

>He never gave me the five bucks...

So, who is your favorite character? Mine has to be pic related.


Fuck you man.

He's got the heart of a champion

He ran the best charities.

Trauncles was funny but that's it.

Jesus user

trauncles is only like the fourth funniest bit. hector and kovitch is the funniest. then you have joshow show, hot dipz, trauncles, and dooble.
the only ones that arent terribly funny, or get old quickly, are eggpo and cgi palz. the one-offs are all usually pretty good.. jamble bears, gankroar..

>these niggas don't know about Gankroar

>inb4 onion bubs
I saw Onion Bubs at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his invisible hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen SBLOUNSKCHED! bars without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


very creative.

... ladies...

That is actually my jam.

Was it rape?

not a sixth as shady as senor cardgage


Obviously, H*R was only popular because of all the sexy waifus it had over the years.

>All those nights crankin it and crankin it to Onion Bubs
It's a wonder my dick didn't fall off

>not getting off by exhibitioning yourself to original bubs
he could see me from there!

Oh I did, but soon enough my fucking yellow fever worked its way in and I wound up jerking to King Bubzgonzola....Supreme.

Forget Yellow Fever, I had Yello Dello Fever.

First of all, I think only posting a handful of videos a year pretty clearly counts as quitting.
Secondly, they got popular enough to make an actual video game, and then stopped actively making things. Whether you're a contrarian Sup Forums fag or not, that's how you quit while your ahead.

dem legs...
they'll never quit us, son. they're just spending a lot of time on other stuff. two more eggs is basically more homestar.

>I'm a song from the 60s

never liked it

dont forget my new albums drops this sursday yall biscuitheads

This. HR never tried to be topical, never tried to stir about shit about religion or political figures, and was free of the smarmy cynicism that most satire is dripping with. It was just poking fun at goofy things that the everyman can relate to.

Honestly two more eggs doesn't fill the void, but it comes really close

Speaking of, new episode

...And that's when I realized the DNA evidence had been tampered with.

This little weirdo
Also Señor Cartgage
I crack up thinking about them all the time

