Ask a Polish Muslim Tatar anything.
>inb4 get out of my country
Here since the 14th century, ain't going anywhere.
Ask a Polish Muslim Tatar anything.
>inb4 get out of my country
Here since the 14th century, ain't going anywhere.
Other urls found in this thread:
is this real life
How do you feel knowing that your fellow muslims are currently destroying europe?
hum get out of my country blease
tatars are bro tier
They are not "our fellow muslims". We've lived in peace in Poland, Lithuania and Belarus since the 14th century, those Muslims flooding in from the middle east do not represent us.
You still share a religion though
you guys ain't serious muslims, not here atleast
Yeah, that's about the only thing we have in common.
Salam my brother, tatar are forever bro tier
Tatar is ok
>You still share a religion though
for the muslims destroying Europe ATM tatars are as bad or even worst offenders than christians
Convert to Catholicism and make Poland proud.
How do you feel about other "Tatar" groups?
Are you deeply religious? Do you pray or fast? What is your political view? Thoughts on non believers, gays etc?
You're from Kruszyniany?
Where do Tatars originally come from?
You're a bro. Don't listen to any retard telling you to go back.
What other Tatar groups? Like the ones from Belarus and Russia? They're more or less like us.
Your king brought us to Poland in the 1300s and gave us land. Too bad for you we're considered to be just as Polish as you are at this point.
Well I was raised a Muslim, but as I grew up I became less and less religious. I'd still consider myself a Muslim but I wouldn't die for my faith.
Yes, I live in Bohoniki which is like a 30 min drive from Kruszyniany.
You know Karaman Turkey? That's my mother's maiden name (karamanska) . I am polish Tatar too, but not more than 5%
Tatars originally lived more east in Russian lands, but as Genghis Khan expanded we were forced to move more west towards Poland.
Give your secret sauce recipe plox. Now!
Thoughts on this?
Are you related to Charles "don't call me Beaner" Bronson?
Its you that should go back faggot, polish tatars are bros. I dont give a shit if they are muslim or not, they did more than enough to earn their place in Poland
Most Polish people know to not put us in the same category as the Muslims from the middle east.
We've been here for ~700 years, we lived in peace and even fought Poland's wars, I don't think that Poles mind us.
Are Tatars European or Asian?
Or somewhere in between?
Who doesn't? He's like a Tatar hero around here.
Do you have slit eyes?
Do you have a cute little sister to post
Well do you look turkic? Or like a slav? Most tatars in eastern europe mixed with slavs.
Do tatars look different from a regular pole ?
But would you kill for it?
Hello Tatar buddy
You are bro tier
>get out of my country
This is your country m8, you do not need to go anywhere.
Multiculturalism motherfuckers, in Poland it works (if given 600 years)
What sorta Turkroach flag is that?
Do you speak the same language as kazan tatars? Do you consider them the same people as you?
This guy doesn't know know his own history. Lipka Tatars were basically brought from Crimea and resettled to Lithuania by Lithuanian Grand Duke at the end of 14th century and served as his bodyguards and later spread to Belarus/Poland which in party later became Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
No, but I know many that do.
I personally look pretty Slav-like, but the original Tatars will look more like Mongolians than anything else since that's where we originally came from. I guess we look Finnish but darker.
Tatars are the only exception for Muslims in Poland. They are respected citizens here and I consider them Bros.
If it ain't Giray, it's p much Nogay
>his prophet is literally from middle east
>they do not represent us
what is this?
Are you Sunni or shite?
Doesn't matter how long non Europeans have been here in Europe, you will be removed all the same.
Why dont you denounce your faith? You are only a moderate nominal believer anyway, just claim that youre an agnostic or atheist Tatar and keep it that way? From what I know some Tatars are non muslim?
Go back to Mongolia
I will make it simple for you:
We do not like you
But we like tatars
Well tatars even 600 years ago were already mixed. Turkics in general are half mongolian and half iranians.
This ape-like behavior does not represent us.
are you familiar with the concept of time?
You ever read the quran ?
If so, why are you still a muslim ?
To think, several hundred years from now European Pakis/nigros will become "our foreigners" too. I'm honestly quite disgusted by the thought
So that means that everyone will be removed? I always learned that human migrated from Africa.
Can a woman be the head of the household? Should fags be stoned?
>Should fags be stoned?
What does that have to do with islam? Of course they should.
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that dont like polish tatars
All of you should get out honestly
>Can a woman be the head of the household?
Yes, I can speak from personal experience, my grandmother would always do everything around her farm and I know many other women that do the same.
Why don't you kill infidels like quran says? No beheadings either? Wtf.
I only like races that have the humility and compassion to post pics of their little sister
If a Muslim leaves the faith what should happen to them?
Do tatar women wear headscarfs ?
Because he is Tatar, not a retard, duh...
Because Poles are generally nice to us. Besides Islam in Tatars is dying off with the new generations.
If you became Christian how would your family react?
Do you own a horse and a bow?
If not you are not a real tartar, and i assume your bloodline is so mixed you are basically a white
Well ethnically Tatar but as I said before, only a moderate believer, I honestly couldn't care if someone stop believing in Islam.
>Polish standards of whiteness: not a nomadic raider
Are you whiter than the guys playing in this Portugal v Argentina game?
No. There is a traditional dress that includes a sort of hat but it doesn't cover the hair.
I mean they would be all like "muh tradition" and shit but they wouldn't stone me for it.
My grandmother used to own horses but we sold her farm and moved into a more residential area after she died.
Eat shit. Tatars are well known from their skill in horse archery, this is a valid question.
Eastern European Tatars tend to be pretty cool.
pic related
shut it leaf, poland has bled 3 times for europe against the fucking roaches.
What is your stance on drinking alcohol: prohibited or not?
wew, bantz-free zone, highly flammable butts
stop with the kids mehmet
britain is the most hardcore surveillance state in the world, youa re not annonymous
Hey. In Sweden we have a slang word for steal, "tatta", which comes from "tattare" - our word for You. Basically the verb form of your name - "to tartar" means stealing (or sometimes having the intention to steal).
(link in swedish)
Why do you steal stuff from normal, decent people, to the extent that you get a word for it?
What do you think we should do with/to the tartars here?
You guys need to speak louder against Arabs. The media and leftist faggots love to use you as an example of succesful assimilation.
But Arabs are not Tatars and times have changed. With human rights and PC bullshit it's impossible to assimilate any new muslims, especially ones from ME.
Nothing illegal about c&a Micropolelings. I figure that if Big Brother hasn't vanned me for posting gas the kikes race war now everywhere for a decade than they won't van me for this
You have a Britbong minority, don't you? I mean an old one. Scots n stuff in Danzig.
Why the ignore OP??
Because he was too busy ignoring my request for little sister pics
>Scots n stuff in Danzig.
It's GdaĆsk you filthy troll
And no, we do not have some weird imaginary minorities. Only tourists and some dudes who think they can stay here but they break after 3rd litre of vodka.
you have a file idiot
the more you add the worse 4U, this would have been "fine" in 2007 but as a bong in 2016 you should not be this reckless
and no we don't have a bong minority, some of you d ocome though, lots m,ore projecte to come in the future but i hope that won't happen
Was going to call you new, but I saw the flag so I laughed a bit.
I can outdrink a Poleling and I'm a fucking manlet. Modern men are just poofs, expect the same from yours in another decade or two.
Tbh I have considered moving to your country. Your weather's shit, but every country south of you is infested with gypsies. Cept Croatia and Slovenia miraculously
Oh dear I guess I better not run for public office then lol. When did Sup Forums get so cucky
>i hope that won't happen
enjoy your millions of criminal hohols
the 2 questions to BTFO every mudslime
>outdrink a Pole
Haha, who's gonna believe that bullshit you faggot?
Only Russians and some Ukrainians can outdrink us, certainly not you, stupid island kike.
Whatever soothes that tender toosh, friend
You have a nigga pass but you should convert anyway or at least be atheist
I'm not your friend, pal
Also considering there are 2000 of you in Poland I guess you're lying
I am pretty sure he is not, areas around Kruszyniany are ripe with tatars.
If OP ever comes back I can travel there for screencap, I live in the area.