Man who yelled at Munich shooter charged with defamation.
Man who yelled at Munich shooter charged with defamation.
He should be forced to suck that muslim's cock. What a pos
This thread makes me feel all warm inside, thanks annon for not being a shill.
It's fake right? Can't be real.
fucking really?
When you have a roach infestation what do?
When you have a muslim infestation what do?
Ill leave it to Trump and Putin to do the right thing.
It's real and it's spectacular
Is this real life?
>that corvus
am i the only one who has passed from 'what is going on' to 'oh fucking hell'
our history is too beautiful and sacred for these mongoloids to lord over. When things really get past the point of no return we have to erase from the universe all evidence of human life
You have too much faith in germany
Thanks for allowing Germany to exist after WW2
Really did the world a solid there, fucking retards.
Do the man have a tame crow living on his balcony ?
this is bretty badass when you think about it
why don't we just conquer germany? they're already dead.
he hurt munich shooter feels ppl
he looks like a jew
That's what the muslims are doing already.
no, I've only seen the iceburg since Trump, was in denial before that.
mfw we really should have been screaming fucking hell a long time ago (like 1 or 2 generations ago)
I don't even get pleasure from the memes at this point.
Charges have been dropped already.
Also: This is the women who wanted to sue him:
In in the movie theater watching previews rn, can you tldr this for me?
>always a cunt
like pottery
What the fuck? Do germans not see what is wrong with this at all?
And why is Germany so damn cucked? I know sweden is bad but atleast we got like 25-30% for SD and other parties changing their policies. In Germany AfD has like 10% and mutti merkel shows no sing of stopping and will probably be reelected.
insanity these fucks will die before they get their shit together
Losing two wars and always being the loser and having your entire country gangraped by subhumans does that to you.
Kraut, could you please translate?
I don't speak bratwürst ein lederhosen
i dont like ferkel merkel
She was thinking he was responsible that the boy went crazy and started shooting. She did not realize that at this point 8 people where already dead.
Still it wasn´t really the boys fault. The kids that bullied him in school are to blame for this.
>muh mean bullies make people do bad things - what he did was horrible but he was also a victim.
Is the symbolism intentional?
I did here:
Did you see that millennial woes video? I think he makes a great point.
you can auto translate in youtube
you will understand most stuff
Nope haven't seen it.
His voice makes me wanna sleep. Link the video and maybe I can somehow be able to sit through it.
Really? He hypes me up better than a lot of other right wingers.
Germany is a nanny state. Watch out.
It´s real.
They also arrested 60+ people for online hate comments 2 weeks ago.
They shut the facebook group in wich the online hate crimes happened wich made it impossible for the accused to prove their innocence and they were sentenced guilty anyway.
This is germany what did you expect?
what the fuck, i would make that guy a national hero if i could, that guy got balls so big its a wonder the balcony didnt drop down under his weight. if he is actually getting fined we should start a revolution exactly at that moment, or even better last year
Charges have been dropped already. Here is the wome that wante to sue him.
What is that bitch crying about?
About this:
about the guy who yelled the munich shooter
oh shit is that Huginn or Muninn next to him in op pic?
odin has sent his messengers germanbros... time to wake others up
white women are Cat A traitors
My favorite is when they published the name and picture of randomly selected nazi germans who were a bit sceptical of unlimited third world immigration on fasebuk in our biggest "newspaper" slightly after the so-called refugee crisis even began for millions to see.
Needless to say, it completely destroyed their lifes. And they were never to be seen again. And no one talked of this incident ever again.
We are living in a fucking dystopia, there is no other way to put it. Our teachers warned us of exactly this kind of situation. And still everyone is just moving along like nothing happens. It's mind-bogglingly surreal.
Her Snapchat and tons of other profiles are listed in the description of the youtube vid
Her data has been spread all over right wing forums. I feel sorry for her daughter.
I promise when the USA RUSSIA alliance brings freedom back daeshland we will kill ethno germans quickly but make a torture video library of shitskins
This. They are nation wreckers.
>am I the only one
You can't get upboats here, touristfriend
It's like....Nazi Germany. Kek. At least the Nazi Germany we learned about in school. I feel bad for you Germanbro
It's exactly the same. And again everyone refuses to see it/do something about it.
Germans NEVER learn. This country should have been abolished after WW2.
that like/dislike bar
it should have never been established after WW1
>profiles are listed in the description of the youtube vid
At least give us a chance to rule the entire world, okay?
Don't you have the freedom to press charges to everyone, even if it's bollocks? That's basically what happened
If Donald Trump wins it proves we really are free
because pretty much all of the government hates him at this point
if we werent free he would have been shut down and removed from the race already
If Trump wins its proof our votes actually mater and its not just all preplanned by the elites
yeah its fucked. we can get arrested for resisting arrest even if thats the only charge.
fucking fucked up over here famalam
he was mediterenean
right wing dictators at least fight for their favorite demographic. hitler fought for the Aryan, the german race, christian values.
left wing dictators fight for nobody except themselves. they intentionally mix and destabilize the entire population and kill anyone from any demographic who could potentially usurp them. remove peoples religion, not because of atheism, but for it's strength in community, organization, and ability to mobilize. they fight the people and population.
Right, like Stalin could destroy even his half of it.
Wut? That sounds like a conundrum
reported to the cyberpolice
Germans please go completely batshit crazy in the streets anytime now.
>muslims shouting Allahu Akbar at the memorial for victims are let go with a warning
>based man who gunman fires at is jailed for bad language
germany takes lead from sweden
>They also arrested 60+ people for online hate comments 2 weeks ago.
where do they draw the line at """hate comments"""? Is anything criticizing the immigration policies of the elite class considered hate?
if that shit really happened then the only logical thing to do is rally up a few hundred Germans and get them to post anti-immigration posts all at the same time in libraries, public computers, on smartphones, and everywhere. To overwhelm the cocksucking law enforcement. It could work and send a message, but first you guys have to get angry.
ffs, charges have been droppen because obvious bullshit
Won't happen, jews emasculated them bigtime along with the leftists.
Why is it always a cunt ? Fucking country wreckers
the constitutional court had a ruling today that defends the freedom of speech on the internet, so we will see what's gonna happen to them.
>Americans in charge of calling anybody else cucks
the consequences will never be the same again
>We thought we killed fascism back in 1945
Oh the irony
What did he yell?
No. It would be illegal to press charges like these in the U.S.
this is why they attacked the church first, brainwashed them into atheism.... it prevents any method of fighting back. yet, you see your attackers revolving their live and community in their mosques.
Well Churchill was right the fascists of the future will be called anti-fascists
no it's not. you can go to the county sherrif's office and swear a warrant on anyone for any reason.
Please explain
>Still it wasn´t really the boys fault. The kids that bullied him in school are to blame for this.
>>muh mean bullies make people do bad things - what he did was horrible but he was also a victim
Is that the woman saying this or are you saying this?
Guys just go to the vid, dislike it and write a comment telling her traitor.
If she get like 20 traitors or more sure will be fun.
write: Verräterin
(female form of traitor)
You can't press charges for "hate speech" because such action is expressly forbidden by the 1st Amendment.
And in that case yes he was absolutely right. It still boggles my mind that people think fascism is the sole domain of the right and that it cannot be used by the left
Lets send Captain Sweden
she wanted to press charges for defamation though. There is no "hate speech" paragraph in a strict sense
Is this fag related to reviewbrah he looks just like him
Germany sometimes goes through periods of madness, this reminds me of all the witch burning. Their leaders sometimes seem to really, really hate their own people. Although the UK is hardly in a better position.
But they already did since the shooter was a german native
How can you hate on Nazi Germany, don't you realize it's the jews which are doing this to you?
Don't you realize if the nazis were still in power germany, and the whole world would be better off?
To me that sounds like Kraut speak for "hate speech". In any case, there is no analog here in the U.S. as far as charges go. That wouldn't classify as slander or libel.
>what is slander and defamation of character