Where does Sup Forums stand on the Israel v. Palestine issue?

Where does Sup Forums stand on the Israel v. Palestine issue?

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Fuck both

History of Israel:
>be jews
>invited to Palestine to till the soil
>see arabs oppressed under british rule
>poor guys
>legally buy land
>start growing crops and building roads
>work hard
>defeat the empire
>create a country for everyone to live in peace
>arabs love us
>give us more land
>we move in with them
>they explode with joy


>Supporting Sandniggers

Holy fuck Sup Forums is disgusting

Tell Trudeau to bend over.

t. Schlomo Shekelbergenstein

>implying that isn't his default position

Nobody cares

Palestine is weak easy to destroy, Israel is cancer to humanity.

Hating on muslims doesnt mean people love you Moshe
There is heavy evidences of your kind cucking every nation they crawl in throughout history.

hmm leafbantz


Thats ok i dont love you white flag cucks either.
Either you are so stupid that jews really control you or you are just stupid enough on your own to let muslims into your homes.
In both cases you deserve zero respect.

I will always stand with the nation and people of Israel. God bless that miraculous nation, and may they remove kebab from all corners of their Land!

You seem smug now, but if your government goes to war because of his perfidy you will be the first casualty
Do you think Bibi or Avigdor will fight ?
No, it will be common jews like you who will suffer once more from your elites greediness.

what would they be without the victim card?

I dunno. I think that the Palestinians need to stop acting like sand niggers and cooperate with Israel. At the same time, Israel has an irrational hatred for non jews and need to stop that too.

Israel is a non-White country.
Palestine is a non-White country.

The Jews are a non-White race.
The Arabs are a non-White race.

Judaism is a non-White religion.
Islam is a non-White religion.

Who do we stand with? We stand with neither because neither side is White.

i bet you shitpost from a jewish walled settlement in the west bank while watching out the window for palestinians waiting to jump the fence and cut your throat

Christianity comes from Israel too, and Christcucks literally worship a Jew.

Try again.

>Christianity comes from Israel too, and Christcucks literally worship a Jew.
Christianity is Not Jewish

>Neither side is white
Well simply side with neither and let them slaughter each other

After the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire, that part of the middle east was divided based on religious background into Israel (Jewish) and Palestine (Muslim).

Over the course of the next 80 years Palestine declared war on Israel four times citing a claim to their land. In each of these wars Israel retaliated by kicking the absolute shit out of the Palestinians and taking their land in return.

Israel has proved itsself to be militarilly, scientifically, economically and culturally superior to the Palestinian aggressor. I would have no problem if Israel were to annex Palestine, I regret to say however that it would likely be a very bloody process.

>Well simply side with neither and let them slaughter each other
Now you're getting it.

against muslims..
i don't even want to get into it,they could all live in peace in jordan but they won't because of bullshit islam reasons.
damn give the jews their country and let them live there in peace and then if israeli jews do some shit you can declare war like with every other country.

the pen (jews) and the sword (white people) will always work together but compete with each other but muslims are fucking savages who go on our nerves since they exist while they are jealous that we are better warriors and the jews are smarter than them and they can't live with that it goes against the whole concept of muhammed and their ideology and will always be..in their eyes we are weaker and dumber but they can't win..at this point it doesn't matter what we do because they want us dead or die will trying and they will push us into a corner until we have to defend us..which at this point only means how many more lives do we want to sacrifice for our concept of moral,which they give a big shit about..

i want a world were my childrens children can get a job at mars base 13 and not a world were sharia has taken over and everything is in the middle east.and that will only happen if we stop weakening the west, destroy islam give the jews their israel and..i don't know they can have the whole middle east who gives a fuck as long as i can travel there for vacation lol

crusade now..

don't worry froggy, le pen will sort you and the arabs out.

once and for all.

>oh your life is so dangerous
>literally killing themselves through suicidal birth rates and by letting savage immigrants into their countries.
Unlike your societies israeli society is not afraid of struggle and fighting.
Maybe its good that muslims are coming to Europe maybe you will be less of a weakling pussified cucks afraid of your own shadows.
You are the descendants of the most sissy men who survived WW2.

>implying America is a white country.

>>implying America is a white country.
The USA was founded by Whites, for Whites.
That fact makes the USA a White country, forever.

Vote for me goy

Remember, stupid goy
We're your greatest ally

God bless based Israel. Shalom

>german defending the jews

lmao Hans the holohoax was 70 years ago get over yourself

Israel is the only decent country in that massive cesspit of a region.

We could learn a thing or two from them regarding walls.

Fuck Islam.....so fuck all Muslim slime.

>muh jews
>muh sandniggers
People vote for memes.

I also find out curious how many people complain about immigrants yet they care about what happen in the Middle-East

Everybody is good compared to the jews, so I think First We hate to solve the biggest problem

>muh white Argentina

where did i defend them?

for me it is the best excuse so that the normies can sleep at night,together with the terror.
i don't care about the jews they don't run around with guns and bombs and kill random people.
and if you are not smart enough to get your shit together in this world that is your problem you can't blame them for usig their head..
it is not their faul that our "99%" are retarded for the most part..
and if we can stop all this left pc feminism bullshit illuminati stuff because they need their time to build their great israel then..good!

>get over yourself
dude,that is exactly what happened

Not even related to the post.

You suck at shitposting m8

Fucking kike why is there not a gas both of them option?

I prefer Israel.

because we decide on who get's gassed these days.

not you.

You are to blame, tbqh lad.


>because we decide on who get's gassed these days.
Indeed you do.

Israel Using Unfamiliar Toxic Gas Against Palestinians in Gaza

>south Africa

Are you a jigger?

> blame

Are you suggesting Israel is a mistake shalom?

Israel is populated mostly by Europeans, my friend

I suggest that if you when you Brits had your mandate over this piece of land
you should have chosen-
either us or them, not both.

You are to blame.

>Israel is populated mostly by Europeans, my friend
Ashkenazi Jews are a mixed race, they are not White.

Only Whites can be Europeans.

Ashkenazi Jews Are Not White

>You are to blame.


i told you.

you're always of relevance when you're an ashkenazi.

Israel should get it. They are the only ones who can use the land properly.

>Some shitty blogger posts something, including grammatical and spelling errors.
Pretty sure Jews prior to the roman jewish wars were not tribal in the sense of being born to jews.
Well, perhaps they were but everyone was back then.
Realities have changed drastically and romans surely were not "white" as whiteness is defined these days.

I stand with Western Judeo-Xtian culture, I stand with Israel

Is this even a question?

>>Some shitty blogger posts something
That's from the Times of Israel. One of Israel's greatest news sources.

Europe's Ashkenazi Jews are 50-54% Middle Eastern

Is mexico a white country then? (and the rest of american countries)

And I would gladly help them fuck you up.

It's fun to defend Israel using the arguments cucks use to push mass immigration. They hate it.

>i told you.
And we must never forget...

Israeli Settlers Poison Palestinians Water Well



>dead link
Oh well.

>>dead link
Oh my apologies

>a website with Arab flag as its logo
Nice source m8

the two links are of completely different claims.

based rabbi, nonetheless.

Israel Gave Birth Control to Ethiopian Jews Without Their Consent

>based rabbi, nonetheless.
Speaking of rabbis

IDF Colonel-Rabbi Implies: Rape is Permitted in War

Israeli Rabbis Warn Landlords Not to Rent or Sell to Non-Jews

Who is Funding the Rabbi Who Endorses Killing Gentile Babies?

Who on earth is voting for palestinian terrorists in that poll, are there mudslime goatfuckers in here?

Every other media is owned by you.

>fun fact:

they did a research into rapes by idf in lebanon during the war - as rape by soldiers on civillians occurs in most wars.

turns out the idf didn't rape a single woman.

so they then accused israelis of being racist for this.




Ayn Rand on the difference between Israel and the Arabs. If you had to deal with one or the other, Israel is far better to deal with and be an ally with

>"amidst a group of almost totally primitive savages who have not changed for years, and who are racist, and who resent israel because it's bringing industry and intelligence, modern technology, into their stagnation."



Basically this.
People around the world should take a good look in the mirror.

>joos own the media
>i'm gonna trust this completely trust worthy arab shit source, totaly trust worthy.
Mudslimes are like Jews-light when it comes to media, they lie, but really obviously.Goebbels would not approve

Kek'd, Greatest ally memes are the best


Free democracy in a sea of shitskin muslims, should be supported

>including all those random countries

I hate you both, but as long as you exist we can't exterminate the muslims

I hate both of them but Israel is the only civilizied side of the conflict. They made stupid isl*mist so angry which is awesome.

So many jidf voting for greater israel. Russia and Iran will nuke Israel before that happens.

Why did you let these Jews into positions of power? Or an even better question why do you let them actualy push for immigration? It's like goyim are really ment to serve Joo overlords, it seems (((we))) control everything, and you stupid goyim just realised how epic (((we))) are.

>Sup Forums confirmed for zionists

you do know that every rich person in russia is jewish,right ?..

Two state solution or final solution. Your choice.

Russia is our second greatest ally, and when our greatest ally elects Trump and Trump pushes for better relations with Russia the whole world will be ours.
also its current year and you still believe the meme that Iranians are white or are somehow relevant

>no destroy them both option
Trash thread/10
delete yourself op

>Sand niggers or kikes

none of them obviously but Israel is at least dedicated to kebab removal and most of the leftist Jews who try to ruin other countries seem to hate them.

>no neither option

I vote for the kingdom of Jerusalem