What is wrong with me...

What is wrong with me? Things I used to be interested in like games and movies seem to be increasingly nothing but rehashed reboots of remakes and other stupid shit. It's all starting to blend together for me. Hollywood seems only interested in pushing their marxist agenda or otherwise selling out. Why is everything becoming more and more shit? Am I just becoming more cynical as I age? Maybe I'm just depressed? Or is Culture about to hit a brick wall? Surely I can't be the only one that feels this way.

welcome to life in a failed empire, kid. it's only going to get worse from here.

Pretty much what what I'm thinking, Nothing left to do but pray the Happening comes soon right?

Seems like you might have taken a redpill, you aren't alone OP. All that matters now is how you handle and deal with knowing everything is shit.

All we have to look forward to is the day of the rope. Start acquiring guns and ammo, and store some preserved food and some water. Once the shit starts, you can count on power going down on day 1, and food riots by the end of the first week. But, you can enjoy killing SJWs and niggers. Prepare for an incredibly awesome last few days of life. Take down as many of the fucks as possible, so that America has a chance to become great again.

>Am I just becoming more cynical as I age? Maybe I'm just depressed? Or is Culture about to hit a brick wall?

What comes around goes around . The more you get into this shit , the more you spend your time getting more interested , the more the subject is appealing the more you find out...etc and if this shit's depressing you'll just get more depressed...just take a break , you're not going to change the world on Sup Forums or by watching shit news about bad events . Take a break or go into politics one or two , otherwise you'll be stuck in a loop of depression . Ignorance is bliss and whether you are knowledgeable of the problem or not , the world's not going to change just with you. Look at all the dumb people there being happy , we strive for knowledge so we can better ourselves , but if said knowledge cannot change anything and at the same time does not better one's self but , on the opposite, makes him aware of things that just makes him feel like crap , what use does it have?

Take a break , stay away from Sup Forums , avoid people that talk about politics , find a new hobby , get a group of friends..not many , make a cinema marathon or something , or maybe do a bucket list of things you can do with them in the city and focus on said things/movies/etc (they don't necesarilly need to know , you can always aproach the subject like ,"hey I have a stupid ideea ..."

I feel the same way bro. What age are you?

Watch stranger things user. It's a cool new show on Netflix that has that golden 80's movie feel to it. That should cheer you up.

Yep, bored of pretty much every medium right now as well, just constant pandering to SJWs or other degenerate groups. Even anime is getting really annoying with the constant pandering to weaboos with their shitty stereotypes that every single anime follows.

Oh I did, big time. Voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012, now I'm full blown MAGA.
28, live at home taking care of an elderly grandparent.
I keep trying to but happenings and the election keep bringing me back. If I could I would go into hibernation until November just to skip all this shit.
I'd be fucked with all my health problems. I'm hoping Uncle Vlad just nukes us so it will be over quickly.
So am I right in thinking that we are heading towards a Cultural Brick Wall?

>Hollywood seems only interested in pushing their marxist agenda or otherwise selling out.
The Jew senses he is near victory, and so he tries to go for the jugular. Be glad you're one of the ones who notices it instead of clapping happily for your own enslavement.

No, its a general feeling as one ages.

Who says you need to like that garbage? Learn something, do something ,create something.

Men need to create in this world.

That's why a weekend out of every month I completely cut myself off from techcnology and especially this place. I love it here but if you say this place doesn't make you jaded you're wrong

I see, I voted for him in 08 and wised up before 2012. Romney was esentially a white Obama so I couldn't support him either. It's hard to make decisions when you are fed lies 24/7 by the media. Welcome to 1984 and Brave New world at the same time.

Life is hard, user. Life is just too hard.

Part of it is age, but part of it is also so few companies willing to take risks with what they develop. Big tent projects NEED to make money RIGHT NOW, so they cash in on nostalgia.

That's why TV has become a lot better, since shows don't cost as much to produce, and streaming services have more time to make money off what they develop.

Same thing with games, a proven formula will be run into the ground until it doesn't make money anymore. For example, so many western RPGs.

There were already seeds of doubt back then I think. I stopped watching Jon Stewart after 2012 when began to notice that every single night he was making the same jokes and same stupid faces to whatever Republicans said. I started to realize he was just repeating the same talking points as any other pundit or politician on his side. From what I hear it's even worse now that he is gone.
See everyone tries to get me to watch shit on TV and I will have none of it. My TV hasn't been turned on in months. I think Youtube and the Internet in general has spoiled me but feel like most TV is crap.

>TV is crap

I was using TV as a blanket term to include online streaming services like Netflix, HULU, Amazon, or whatever. Lots of good original content, I think, and classic stuff worth watching if you haven't seen it

You're not jaded. The present sucks. I thought I was bored of movies and games too but I have been revisiting the old classics and they are fucking great. Back from when people weren't ironically pretentious. The actually tried to talk about humanity. Now art is a rat race to see who can keep the highest status quo.

This is what I'm talking about! Old movies are great! Your pic related Dr Strangelove is one of my all time favorites. How in the world did it get this way? What happened to all the creative people coming up with GOOD ideas?

All I can see is hang in there for now bro. I was the same until a few months back when I FORCED myself back to the gym.

+Trump will win the presidency and you'll see the far right rise in Europe.

Youre not alone, Sup Forumslack

Top tier advice. Take a fuckin break

>the movie made in response to a very near global nuclear exchange is better than today

We spent 50 years under constant threat of armageddon. Now we have liberals complaining about being taken seriously and a few dozen europeans dying now and then to people they voluntarily took in.

If you genuinely think that the 60s were better than today, you're impossibly naive. This is literally the best its going to get before it gets real Malthusian around here.

No, because we're the minority.

We might be the one getting annoying at the constant pandering to gays in movies. But most aren't and will say "how progressive wow 10/10, I MUST see the eight sequel"

I might hate how anime studios put the same shit into every anime and that 95% of anime are just the same shit but most weeaboos (and even some fags on Sup Forums) will always be "OMG CUTE GIRL XD OMG TSUNDERE YANDERE LOLI EDGY SELF INSERT BETA MC 10/10" and then proceed to buy hundreds of figurines.

We don't have any power in this, the majority does.

start reading any book from the XIXth century or before. they'll appear incredibly fresh and redpilled

system is ready to collapse.
buy physical silver. There will be anarchy and everything will be with nature.

People I know who lived through the 60s sure do seem to look back on it with nostalgia. This same time 50 years ago we were preparing to land on the fucking Moon, now we are trying to make sure transexuals get equal bathroom treatment.

Maybe we are better off economically, technologically, or whatever. But we are increasing becoming morally bankrupt to the point where is inevitable.
Or maybe I'm wrong and just an angry white male bitching about how things are changing.

The 60's were just as degenerate, if not moreso. The teenagers who were growing up with no memory of the pre-war era were all inventing new and fun ways of getting high and fucking in public. Our political elite was beginning to realize how completely corrupt it could get without anyone caring.

Literally the only people in the 60's who were becoming less degenerate were the blacks, who were finally forming communities and trying to improve themselves. Everyone else was in a fast slide into the cesspool.

Anarchy is enevitable, it always wins in the end and nature prevails, it is uncontrollable, it always finds its way to freedom.

Anarchy isn't inevitable, feudalism is.

There might be contained anarchy within that feudal framework, but there's always someone extracting wealth from and dictating the behavior of masses.

until the masses rise against them and refuse to use their dictated system. that happens when their system becomes obsolete. they can not keep up with the market forever, regardless of how much they slow it down.

I must be uncunvincable