What would happen if the US purchased the southern bank of the St. Lawrence so the border looked like this?
What would happen if the US purchased the southern bank of the St. Lawrence so the border looked like this?
Then we'd have even more liberals who don't speak english
Your overall unemployment rate would go up.
The US would have even more Cucks living in the northeastern part.
Half retard.
My border autism would be appeased.
>economically desperate provinces vote for Liberal gibs me dats
It's has nothing to do with being cucks and all to do with this place being an unlivable shithole that is even more irrevelent within Canada than Canada is at the international level. We have our fair share of cucks but not for any reason other than they're just cucks.
>the guy who thinks Atlantic Canada is French isn't the retard
It's like Canadians and Mexicans don't know they are just our Un-United States
Weedmans guerilla campaign would be more devestating than 20 9/11s. Burgerclaps would know the meaning of fear
But then we win.
What if we annexed Alberta?
no it's sexier if the borders were like the OP and you know it.
Purchase? The US debt is Greece tier. Perhaps China.
>Ricky Julian and Bubbles face US law enforcement
Where do you think I'm denying this exactly? I would love for this to happen.
US becomes whiter and gains literally the most beautiful province/island in all of Canada.
frig off Hillary
hey you better watch it hillery clinten is the best
id say good riddance to the fucking commies
what in the FUCK
forgot pic
What if we annexed Alberta but left Calgary and the surrounding area as a Canadian exclave?
What about Montreal?
can we pay you to nuke it?
>nuking it
>not destroying it with conventional bombs and turning it into a beautiful lake or gassing it and repopulating it
why would you want to repopulate that shithole?
id turn it into a giant gulag though
I'm just suggesting better options than nuking it. I prefer the "turn it into a lake" option, personally.
Border goes between Montreal proper and the South Shore
Take it.
NNooooo, you can't take away Quebec's lip :(
but who wouldnt want a 2160p video of a nuclear explosion destroying a "city"?
Why stop there?
>Quebec city still in the red area
Thank god, we don't need more american rats, the dumb tourists are already too much.
You can watch videos of nuclear explosions on Youtube, but you can't watch videos of cities being completely obliterated by modern conventional bombs.
Another closeup.
Naheed Nenshi is an irreligious Red Tory that is nonetheless more conservative than absolutely any political figure from Quebec or eastward.
We don't want whiny Quebeckers.
Literally the most entitled people on the continent.
t. 63%
>cuckgarian making excuses
tell me why do you drive so close to the rear of others on the roads? is it because you all enjoy assfucking over there? or is because your low iq makes it necessary to follow someone elses driving?
NB is 33% Acadian French.
I'm currently in New Brunswick, I love it hear.
not sure.
Would we just ad it on to NH, VT, and ME? Or would we just make another state?
As per my map chunks of Quebec would get added on to New York and Vermont (New Hampshire gets cucked in this matter), New Brunswick and Nova Scotia would become states with existing borders, and the remaining piece of Quebec would become a new state.
Better him than a liberal white person.
There are 2.7 million people living in the portions of Quebec south of the Saint Lawrence River. The Maritimes have a combined population of 1.8 million. The newly annexed territories would, without a doubt, be predominantly Francophone.
I'm not a Calgarian. 'SK' means Saskatchewan.
meh id take 95% of liberals over any dumb faggot Calgaristan could shit out
Better than Mexiphone.
>only speak English
Please do. I'm tired of this shit country
Sorry i may have mistaken you as coming from that hole
you talking to me?
That MR Faggot to you
Biggest mistake you guys will make I'm from Nova Scotia, pretty soon 80% of our total expenditures will be for the elderly. Every one I know has fled to Alberta so they can actually have jobs and work.
I prefer decentralization tbqhfam
It's incredibly easy to pick out newfies/descendants of newfies
They either work a shit job or sit at home on neetbux
"Holy" "Roman" "Empire" style confederation in North America when?