You can only post ITT if you live in the strongest, richest, and most freedom-loving nation on Earth that's been to the moon and has contributed the most to human civilization.
Third world niggers need not apply.
You can only post ITT if you live in the strongest, richest, and most freedom-loving nation on Earth that's been to the moon and has contributed the most to human civilization.
Third world niggers need not apply.
Reporting in
I don't think so pal.
My passport says otherwise
Hi son
Reporting. I just jumped back for some real tacos.
you dont count pablo
Burger reporting in
You need at least 10 teeth that are whiter than a cheeto to post ITT.
Posting from aerial view of greatest nation, a dog is eating at my frostbitten leg right now and we have a cuck leading us
Fuck it then have your own thread piece of shite.
Is 9 okay?
God it feels so good to be a citizen in modern day Rome. To be #1 by such a wide margin. Literally no other country even comes close.
>tfw my ancestors are the europeans that weren't too pussy to venture into a new frontier
>tfw a bunch of our farmers BTFO the entire british army and navy
reporting in
You know, just because cattle gets branded doesn't mean it gets to vote on what we eat for dinner at the ranch.
Master race reporting in.
>tfw 60%
Will Trump save us?
You can only reply to this post if your country is 90%+ white like a true master race country
Success breeds jealousy :D
>Western European
>NATO country
>Peaceful as fuck
>hot chicks everywhere
>Never in war, loved by everyone hated by no one
>quite homogenous
>totally irrelevant 3rd world shit hole
Master race here
>Vietnamese won!
No, we got those South China Sea drilling rights we had been going in for. Also, they have Levi's, Coke and McDonalds now.
We won. We didn't need to stick around to clean up after the party.
Your flag betrays you, Juan.
Nice dubs, son. Remember you can come home anytime, your room is just how you left it.
Fuck your rules
Y-yes! Does it matter if I'm low IQ?