Say something incorrect or ignorant in a thread

>say something incorrect or ignorant in a thread
>user corrects me and makes me feel stupid
>reply "thanks for the (You)"

>user tries to argue with me using logical reasoning with irrefutable evidence
>reply with memes and name calling
>end up winning due to sheer unwavering obnoxiousness

>see a thread with little posts like this one
>take part of the post and change it to reference 2011

Are you me?

>post Sup Forums-bait OP on Sup Forums
>switch to my phone and reply to my own post with a counter argument
>rack up (You)s with both posts
>300+ reply thread

>user posts frog

It was you,you fucking asshole!

>make a thread with an obvious set up for a punch line
>switch to phone to post a sick burn against my OP
>switch to other phone to type "fpbp op btfo"

It was him, indeed.

>2011 movie

And your third phone.

>See joke buried in thread
>Reply "kek" or "underrated" to drive traffic
>It was my joke

>Not that user.

>Am that user.

literally me

>used to be that user
>until I reset my router to escape the jannie scum

>post frogs exclusively
>get called dumb frogposter


>losing argument
>reply to person im arguing with saying "not that guy but he's right"
>am that guy

>don't lurk thread
>see that someone else already said this
>feel stupid and hide thread before anyone berates me

>getting btfo in argument
>greentext his comment with laughingdondraper.png

>mfw that is the best feel

>enter thread
>mass reply to random posts
>tell them to go back to r/the_donald
>hide thread

>greentext his comment
>post it with an accompanying fedora pic
>do this several times across lots of posts to make it look like the whole thread has turned on him
>he quotes all the posts and accuses me of being a samefag
>screenshot his post and edit out all the (You)s in paint
>post the edited pic with "umm no sweetie"

Dumb frogposters.

>call people dumb frogposters
>actually frogposted in the very thread minutes before

>no one replies to my post
>derail the thread out of spite

>baiting not going very well
>meagre results
>turn on my proxy and change my IP to a Canadian flag
>instant replies on the lowest-tier bait

Wait.... is this you?

Hey what movie or tv show are you guys talking about? This doesn't sound familiar at all.

>make off topic thread
>respond to thread on another IP with "this is off topic" for (you)s

>get baited the fuck out
>make a false flagging greentext meme thread because you can't get over it

Based rhetoricposter.

>it's a shitposter hints and tips episode

>disagree with user's view
>pretend to take his stance and attack anyone who opposes it with poor arguments

Uh we're discussing the very board itself. Hit the bricks back on over to /r/movies pinhead

desu doing this a lot on here has really opened the mind. Considering law school.

Literally me

I do that, except I don't quote him

>see an user hording (You)s from a joke he saw in another thread
>inform the entire thread he's a fraud


You're all fucking retarded. I hope you all get banned

"""Bans""" don't mean anything on Sup Forums now, thanks to mobile devices.

Hey Janny. Gotten a raise, yet? That $0.00 is probably really difficult to scrape a living off of.

>Enjoying thread
>looks like it's about to archive
>ask question in hopes of bumping and reviving thread
>no one answers
>answer my own question to bump again

>post something like this is why i hate trump voters as a response
>literally always get replies

> mfw I got some (you's)

>he doesn't get a 3-day ban daily

All these problems could be remedied by being better poster anons. I always get (you)'s or have a meaningful discussion about whatever topic because I put thought into my posts. This is how it was back in the days. If you had a frog next to your post, it damn well better be a good one.


> He thinks these are "problems"


Brett Gardner is better

Baseball is for fag trump supporters


t. Soccer fan


> another post I make another (you)

>tfw you put a lot of work into a big post with lots of good discussion points and then the thread dies and no one gets to see it
>tfw you have too much pride to make another post to keep the thread alive

dumb american

fellow frogposters
I have to get a job tomorrow
should I just kill myself nowe?

Thanks for the (You)s

> says thanks for the (you)s when he got (you)'d by you before

Give me some (You)s.

nice trips


>Make a grammar mistake.
>Close the thread and pase around the room.


stop frog post


>Derail the whole thread by getting dubs

>make gramar misteak
>clos thred, piss around te room n throw feces

>it's a car is behind the street sign captcha

what's the next step of your masterplan?

Those dubs will make a fine addition to my collection.

Impressive user. too bad American psycho is an awful movie


Sup Forums is my favorite board desu

>it's an "user doesn't know about legacy captcha and will proceed to ask me what legacy captcha is after I post this" episode

Literally who


>get dubs
>party rockers is the house starts playing



>Make a thread that's on-topic with the board, if a little bit meme-y
>Janitor deletes it for free despite it being a very popular thread

Can't get legacy captcha on mobile. Don't presume things about me.