What is it, lads?
The Perfect Iberia
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don't care about the rest
Braganza JE Leonija!
>Conquered by king Leovigildo
>B-but Spain has never conquered us!
Make up your minds, Portucucks
How very anachronistic of you
Don't be buttmad that portuguese is the best language, but I wouldn't have minded seeing a united Iberia post-roman empire
Regnum Visigothorum =/= Spain. Those same Visigoths that "conquered" Lusitania and Gallaecia were those that also "conquered" Baetica, Cartaginensis, and Tarraconensis. This is no more being conquered by Spain than the Moorish occupation is being conquered by Spain.
Stay buttmad, though.
It's not delusion. We have more in common with them than the south. Lusitania for example:
>Hispania Lusitana was an ancient Iberian Roman province including approximately all of modern Portugal south of the Douro river and part of modern Spain
The north of portugal was celtiberian
If you knew the euroregion North Portugal-Galicia you would know that it's very similar and very different from the south.
It is delusion because it's not going to happen. I'm not sitting here saying that there's no grounds for it to happen on, just that it won't. I know very well about the shared history and the ethnic relatedness of the Portuguese "north of the Mondego" and Galicians, but nobody takes this restoration of Gallaecia seriously except a few fringist weirdos with their Suebian flags hanging on their bedroom walls.
And by the way, speaking of "north of the Mondego," it is also a delusion to believe that you are somehow ethnically distinct from those south of the river. Hate lisboetas if you must but they are still your countrymen.
I don't hate anybody (believe it or not)
But when I go to galiza, and I go there a lot, I feel at home unlike when I go to the south. That's all.
Well, I'm an outsider to all of this nonsense. Not only because I'm Canadian but because my family is madeirense. I can only question your judgment about feeling more at home in Galicia than in, say, Coimbra. That sounds absurd to me.
Coimbra was included in my original map at
Leiria, then. Or take your pick.
Fucking retarded map. In no point in History we had any power over Marrocon. If anything It would be otherwise but that would be the entire Iberia.
>Regnum Visigothorum =/= Spain.
Top kek. Hispania = Spain, España is just the modern castillian translation. Isidoro of Seville wrote in his chronicles that the King Suintila was the king of "totius Spaniae", that is King of all Spain.
Also Spain or España was used before the current kingdom was established.
E.g 12th kingdoms called themselves kingdoms of Spain... Portugal included.
>Hablad de castellanos y de portugueses, porque Españoles somos todos.
Luis de Camoes.
Deal with it
You're that kind of fag that spouts "MORCÃO, MOURO" to everyone from South, even if said person is whiter than you, aren't you?
I've met so many of those retards in my life I lost count.
No, Hispania = Iberia. And Iberia is not synonymous with the Kingdom of the Visigoths simply because the latter occupied the former.
Rex/Imperator totius Hispaniae was a term bandied about by virtually every king, warlord, duke, and count who had aspirations. It was used by Alfonso VI, Afonso Henriques, Ferdinand I, and about 20 others. Just because these men claimed to be kings or emperors of all Iberia doesn't mean they actually were, just like me claiming to be the mayor of my town doesn't mean I actually hold that office or have any municipal authority.
And again, this is anachronism as someone already pointed out. "Spain," as in the modern state, your country, is not synonymous with Iberia or Hispania. The former grew out of the latter in precisely the same way that Portugal did (that country, by the way, being your elder brother).
Ultimately, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Portugal is sovereign. Spaniards have tried to assert their non-existent authority over the Portuguese countless times and they told you to fuck off on every occasion. And since the Portuguese have managed to back up their right to sovereignty time and again by booting you interlopers from their country, through patriotism and strength of arms, all Spanish claims to Portugal are worth precisely nothing.
So it's not me who has to deal with anything, but you.
>the perfect labia
Thought this was an anti-roastie thread
This, fuck Christians, long live our sultan.
best map tbqh
The caliphate answered directly to Damascus.
It was not your construct.
thank god for reconquista
you mean Baghdad and Almoravides weren't Arab so they didn't follow the caliphate
It's all irrelevant because your ilk was thrown on the rubbish heap where you belong.
>mouro lampião
Spain is one, Spain is unique and Spain is stronger together, fuck off with your communist propaganda and separatism
eat shit
Fuck off Alberto Barbarossa
two words:
Justin Trudeau
He doesn't bother me. I have Portuguese citizenship. When this ship sinks I move to my family's property on a little island in the middle of the Atlantic far from the degredation and insanity of Canada or the West.
How very Syrian of you
Not in the least. You could accuse my grandparents of that but I am more ethnically out of place in Canada than I would be in the very place where my ethnogenesis began and ended.
Sorry what was that? you kind of last me when you started shouting allahu akbar like the Syrian you are
Given up, I see.