What will you do if he doesn't win, Sup Forums?

What will you do if he doesn't win, Sup Forums?

Shitpost on Sup Forums

Adopt the liberal fashion and demand a second election just to be sure

I don't know, life wouldn't actually change for me since I don't care about living in the US.
I'd feel bad for you though sice he seems to be the only candidate that is willing to stand for his people.

The same things I always do, except my taxes will be higher and there will probably be more niggers and spics.

lose all hope for western civilization and become maximum russophile

My family is descended Polish immigrants
If it all goes to shit, think I'll be welcome?
I'll learn the language and local customs of course

So you think the concept of the "white race" is real?

Surely, that's what you mean when you say "His people"

You have nothing to worry, Poles welcome all white westerners willing to live and work here

No you won't you fat fuck. You'll be masturbating to porn same as before.

Stop being delusional about your future and face reality--who knows you might be able to better yourself instead of fantasizing about slavic women

Prepare myself for being blown up

My brother.

Suffer huge hit to my testosterone levels that have only been rising in the past year from watching Trump win. Fall back into deep depression.

come bump my red pill thread senpaitachi.

Nothing really besides continue preparing for the eventual collapse of American society.

I'll be moving to Russia. I'm an Indian immigrant to the US. I admire Trump for mounting the case of nationalism, but the Jews have a firm grip on this country and nothing will stop them from turning this into Brazil and getting their Greater Israel.

The only hope for mankind against the infection of Jewry, is Russia, China and India. I'll be building in the Asian sphere as the Jews will come there next after they've devoured all of USA.


Kek, embarassing projecting there man. (((Freud))) would have a field day with you.
Yeah, I enjoy the feeling of putting in a day's work. Me & my wife are strong in our faith so I feel the cultural transition would be natural. It would be nice to connect back to my ancestral roots as well.

I will enjoy pure schadenfreude ecstasy by delivering a truckload of "I told you so's" to every online and real-world fucker who dared be ignorant or immoral enough to support Trump.

his people = american people

>Talking about morals after a Hillary win

Trump is our last shot of taking back the country from within the current political structure of the USA. After this, we will no longer ever be able to stem the tide of libcuckishness.

So the backup plan is secession. Civil war and the balkanization of america. For the immediate future, the plan would to stock up on guns and ammo and increase my LARPing by 200%

Check dat leaf. I'll be laughing my ass off of Clinton wins. You fuckers are in a lose/lose deal right now.

Giant Metor 2016 FTW!

But canada would also go the shitter and you are likely young enough to see it happen.

You'll all fail. You think you and some stormfronters can take America back from hoardes of your whites and other minorities? You have no chance. Trump was your best shot. He had the armor of Jewish daughter for anti-semitism too.

get a vasectomy
not raising a kid in a land with no rights and where he will be a minority
either that or kill myself
one of the two

Why kill yourself? At least take some globalists out before you do that. Or move to a non cucked country and fight for humanity from there.




Texas will finally secede.

I'm already prepared

It's if he wins what will /pol do

I`ll hack USA.

Go on with my life, just with the added knowledge that the end of the middle class is near.

Why plan on something that isn't going to happen, OP?

I'm already celebrating victory, because anyone other than the shills know that Hillary will fall over dead long before November comes, and if she somehow lives that long, she'll just be eaten alive in the debates. Fuck that cunt.

Laugh at all the white people.

Checked and WOW

>non-cucked country
non-existant countries you mean?
>take people with you
hello FBI