How did we go from this

How did we go from this

to this???

hahaha what the fuck

Lol 9mm


>people unironically pay for this

this is fuckin stupid because i suppressor doesnt cancel out all sound
ive never seen anything so goddamn manly in my life

movie was kino, but this part was hilarious.
the zombie klling that chris and leon did before that was operator kino.


to this???

Nobody in the station cares because that's Common

why does this scene annoy people so much? in the John Wick universe one out of every five people are assassins so they see shootouts every day

I had no idea what this was and assumed, based on the sheer idiocy of it, that it was something to do with Resident Evil.

That whole franchise is trash.

in a world where a large percentage of the population operates on gold coins and bullet proof suits, somehow this can't happen...

what the hell

I said it and I'll say it again. Source Film Maker

you should kill yourself

Who watches this crap?

oh my fuck

John Wick is shit

Clearly all of the world is either a super assassin, a mafioso or a contact for the super assassins. It's just professional courtesy to mind your own fucking business while they're having a duel.

I just have to point out that the grenade wouldn't just drop behind him when he threw it at that dog. It would follow him for quite a distance before hitting the ground or exploding. Yes, I know it's a video game.

>Hollywood noise-cancelling
John Wick I thought you were above that. You count the bullets in his magazine but can't get this shit right?

are they fucking drunk?

Just how I like my anime, stupid and over the top.

I feel like that's the exception rather than the rule.
Yeah he keeps a bullet count but he still has a fucking suit, A SUIT that makes it so getting hit with a bullet is like getting pegged with a beanbag.
Hell if they really wanted they could just say "this is a superduper silencer, Dinner Party joke, it cancels all sound. Wine allusion."

>"this is a superduper silencer, Dinner Party joke, it cancels all sound. Wine allusion."

>In the event that sir wishes to keep his palate clear, this should help give you a more... subtle flavour

You're pretty good

lol what the fuck is this

Why do those zombie dogs apparently weigh enough to crush a car roof, and why do cars immediately get launched into the air and explode when they run over them?

oh ok, leon just fucking murdered some peopple.

>not the full version



>glass railing behind Chris
>no bullet holes

Heh. Try hitting moving target some time, then try hitting one that close, it is pretty difficult even under ideal conditions. It is perfectly feasible for 2 exceptionally skilled individuals with enhanced abilities to pull off what you saw there. /k/ will confirm

post the webm of Leon and Chris in the hallway



/k/ here, you guys are ALL faggots.

That is all.


Hitting a moving target is one thing, grabbing a prick so you can put one through him close up is much different.

Literally the first time I went skeet shooting I had my buddy send out 3 pigeons at once. 3 shots, 3 exploding clay plates. Still have yet to miss a clay pigeon. Are you sure you and Chris Redfield aren't just trash shots?

>/k/ will confirm
No they won't


not even once